If you don’t like SL, it’s time to quit WoW

huh ? it was a HUGE success.

it just could never live up to the immense hype it had.

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This is probably true. I have played Baldur’s Gate recently and the story telling was absolutely a blast. However it had the graphics and effects and interface of a tamagochi.

It’s like a trade: you give in some of the story aspect to receive a better looking/better performing game.

To answer to your other reply: yeah they could then jump on classic and live the magic again, that’s why Blizz made the classic part I guess. I hope they stop at WotLK honestly, going beyond would be quite awkward since there would be one game running behind another identical to it.

trust me i’ve played and it was nothing like they showed from the trailer it was a freaking train wreck of lies cd red has been doing damage control ever since among a wave of refunds … they should call it Cyberpunk: refunded

“flop” refers to sales.

good/bad has nothing to do with it.

Going beyond Wrath would be pointless unless they make it so that people can get on their retail account transmogs etc that are no longer obtainable on retail.
That would give a lot of use some second chances.

But other than that. “Classic” WoW ends with Artha’s death.

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if most of it gets refunded it don’t matter how good the initial sale was :stuck_out_tongue:

in one swift stroke Project Cd Red destroyed their reputation

Nah, raid gear works through tokens and Ion will leave it as it is.
Time gates… he might risk, but probably won’t.

That we might see. More Maw zones, yay.

This happens because people value what others think instead of what they like.

I have played the Witcher and it has been great, same goes for Cyberpunk. You boys really miss good games which are enjoyable, just because you let the crowd hype you more than needed instead of making your own idea. #Dummies<3

Going out for walking/training is not prohibited here in Italy (e.g.), also you can hang out with people at various restaurants at lunch, given that you respect social distancing and general safety measures.

And again, there’s more than WoW in this world. You know: reading, drawing, playing with your cat/dog/whatever pet you got. Plenty of ways to not get burnt out in 2 weeks crying there’s not enough content for a person that almost doesn’t go bio to play. Jeeeez.

This is what happens when a studio changes from being controlled by artists to be controlled by beancounters who happily jump between industries because their job is the same on all of them.

TLDR of OP :

listen the game is good and if you think otherwise you should just quit because you’re wrong

one i’m not a boy and second the game is universality trashed :stuck_out_tongue:
maybe you have no taste … Boi

Yeah but even making it possible to get stuff that’s not in the game anymore, wouldn’t be a punch to those who managed to collect it?

CD Projekt Ded more like lol they deserve everything they get.

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Then why don’t you just quit?

It would be easier than just come here to the forums and cry. :rofl:

why don’t you quite troll mongrel :stuck_out_tongue: i’ve been here for over a decade and half and i’ll be here long after you have quit :stuck_out_tongue:

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It depends on who you ask. In any case this is a problem that the devs created. Not the players. If they had not initially created that artificial scarcity then nobody would be there to feel bad about restoring the availability

There is a difference between having special things that are given to people who do things like realm firsts and things that everyone who was playing enough at a certain period could get.
One is awarding players who deserve admiration. The others tries to frustrate and bait completionists.

I will also steal a quote from a certain video I watched recently about MMOs. Limited availability items in MMOs make a few people happy and an ever increasing number of people displeased.

Ok then :slight_smile:

Everyone is free to waste his time the best way possible I guess.

I’ll check in some years to see if you still haunt these forums like a crying banshee you are :slight_smile:

imagine complaining about people complaining, how do you feel ?

I’m not complaining, I just got to the point where there’s no need to keep having a conversation with the girl above.

She kept saying game is trash, while I asked her why she doesn’t quit it, she ended insulting, like everyone else who has no replies available :slight_smile:

Imagine missing the point by a solar system.

You’re missing the point, I would rather have someone complaining about the game and trying to make it better than someone who thinks everything is fine and doesnt care about the future of the game