no patch can fix the broken promises and the underlaying problem with that game
we are divinding two in this topic.
people who like sl are more casuals or tryharder wf raiders because literally they dont need to farm anything.
people who dont like sl (yes me, bfa better) are kinda mid tier who aiming high and try to compete and not happy with their ranks. i am ok to farm if i can be strong and climb the ladders. but shadowlands completely empty, nothingto farm, all timegated, just wait your vault. in the end all people same ilvl.
and yes i will surely quit until 9.1 maybe they will change something i dont know
Your opinion.
if anything casuals are long gone.
atm its exackly mid-tier people who are on verge of quitting - a lot of people have atm simple goal - get AoTC with their guild and then take break till 9.1.
because there is nothing worth doing in game at this point unless you like playing 4-5 alts in endgame pushing all of them through hc raids/m+
I’m the opposite of burned out. I WANT to play and have to do stuff, but there’s almost nothing worthwhile to do. THAT is my big gripe with SL.
The expansion specific systems aren’t fun for me. And the content I DO like just offers much, much, much less than Legion and BfA did.
Same here
Written by Ion himself
Yes it’s sad that there isn’t a lot to do outside of raid/pvp/mythic+
In the other expacs I always had lots to do and I started in TBC
Also the devs thinking they know what is more fun for us than we do
Yep. Never before was I ‘done’ within 2 months of an expansion launch. Never.
It did.
This is wrong. The content is now being delivered as season. Once you’ve accomplished your goals for a given seaon, then you don’t have any reasons to keep playing.
BFA is the true BAD expansion.
Well, tell this to the people in my guild …I mean in the guild I was.
Oh wait, they almost all /quit.
Repeat after me : IS WoW problem, not us. The expansion sucks, not us. You can’t be burnt out on something you really like …like a new expansion!!! Am I right? But when the x-pac sucks, well … it sucks.
Yes, Shadowlands is… slightly better then BfA, but still very much bad.
It’s on TOP 3, I give you that …
…BfA → WoD → Shadowlands
exacly my dude i never killed any mythic boss only weekly vault and i am 225 ilvl now full 226.
why would i play 9.0.5 ? valor gives 220. why would i need that?
yeah exacly i mean we still can enjoy wow. we’re not bored from WoW, but shadowlands…
yeah whole blank, empty, i am sitting at bastion and gazing the sky. nothing to do.
TBH alot of the hate is justified. People are complaining about: Timegating. More crap from WOD (Mission table) borrowed power, Legendaries with random powers, Boost spamming, bot farming, Covenants being a massive grind to change (One buff or nerf to a covenant and people want to switch) and the communities general attitude of: if you cannot play perfectly 100% of the time 100% optimally, uninstall and “stop runing my game r*tard”
(Just to clarify: That people do that, is dumb. I wasn’t dissing your comment - but rather agreeing).
But can you be burnt out of a GAME ? Playing it for 8-10-12-15-16 years, can that cause a burnt out ? Cause tbh, I feel that is the case for most people that still compare TBC/WotLK numbers with actual numbers.
Most new players are OVERWHELMED about how much this game can BE, how much can it offer, they are prob more impressed then we were when we started playing in Vanilla, since they have ALL of WoW at start.
AGAIN: if you eat your favorite pizza every day for 100 days, will pizza still be a favorite food for you ?
It is ok to play in cicles, it is ok to take brakes. For me Shdaowlands was the first expansion in YEARS that let me play WoiW at my own pace without forcing me to do something specific for longer periods.
Shadowlands gaved me the possibility to be:
- Up-To-Date every week, without the power progression to be felt like a burden.
- Let me leveled 3 alts and even catchup with the ones I like better.
- Showed me that the real issue FOR ME and my playstyle, gameplay time, about WoW, is that it doesn’t have #SOLOQUEUE. I want to play this game in Arena 2s every day for like 1-2-3hours per day, but for that to happen I need to be in game 8-9hours per day, and that is not desireble for me. I have /played 30 days on MAIN since lvl 60,and it meant 8h/day, people belived I quit WoW cause of burnt out, but in fact I wished to PLAY the game, not act as a MATCHMAKING system for hours.
So, I love WoW, I especially LOVE SHADOWLANDS but still don’t play it anymore. Not because Shadowlands is bad, totally opposite, Shadowlands is good but I have changed and cannot be asked to play 6-8hours per day.
Some of you feel that “there’s nothing to do in SL” because you are not forced to grind that Artifact/Azerite Power, farm those essences, farm echoes of nyalotha, pray to the RNG god for a good corruption to drop, and if it didn’t, then go back to farm some more and so on.
Shadowlands lets you freely play what you like out of the CORE it has to offer (RAIDING/DUNGEONS/Arena/BGs/WQ/cosmetics). If you don’t like any of those, then that is not a WoW problem, it is a personal “TO-MUCH-WOW-OVERDOOSE” problem.
you people will never accept that its problem with game not with people
you have people here telling you that they want to play long hours in wow - but there is nothing to do in game - so they cannot play them
they cannot even farm legion legacy content because blizzard decided that its not fun for them .
those people are not burned out - the game is just garbage for anyone who doesnt raid atm.
its complete utter failure - and 9.0.5 is doing nothing to change this fact.
and yes - those peopel want to grind - long grind - why ? because grinding and having char progression is core part of mmorpg . without it its not longer mmorpg game
wow is now mmo-instance symulator. it no longer has right to call itself rpg game.
For me Shdaowlands was the first expansion in YEARS that let me play WoiW at my own pace without forcing me to do something specific for longer periods.
To me that is one of the things that MMORPGs are (or should be) about. Always having something to do; doing something specific for longer periods. Working towards a goal.
Some of you feel that “there’s nothing to do in SL” because you are not forced to grind that Artifact/Azerite Power, farm those essences, farm echoes of nyalotha, pray to the RNG god for a good corruption to drop, and if it didn’t, then go back to farm some more and so on.
Indeed. That is what I enjoy.
It’s almost a meditative thing for me.
Shadowlands lets you freely play what you like out of the CORE it has to offer (RAIDING/DUNGEONS/Arena/BGs/WQ/cosmetics). If you don’t like any of those, then that is not a WoW problem, it is a personal “TO-MUCH-WOW-OVERDOOSE” problem.
I DO like some of those; but they don’t provide me with a ‘goal’ to work towards that interests me.
and yes - those peopel want to grind - long grind - why ? because grinding and having char progression is core part of mmorpg . without it its not longer mmorpg game
But many people also complained about overwhelming mandatory grind during BFA, how unfun it was to grind everything again on every single alt ?
There should be grinding, but just don’t make it mandatory. That’s simple XD
Some of you feel that “there’s nothing to do in SL” because you are not forced to grind that Artifact/Azerite Power, farm those essences, farm echoes of nyalotha, pray to the RNG god for a good corruption to drop, and if it didn’t, then go back to farm some more and so on.
If there were mandatory content, then players would still complain about XD
I am starting to get a very WoD feeling from this expansion. Which isn’t good news.