If you don’t like SL, it’s time to quit WoW

While I do agree on that, I am also happy it is that way. And I have a feeling that the majority >50% feel that way. It is shown by were today’s interest in MMORPG sits.
There hasn’t been a new MMO in the works for a long time, and it will not happen in the near future since that market is kind of gone.
As I always say, from my POV, MMORPG has become a niche-near-obsolete market and that is why WoW is switching to this “mmo-instance symulator”.
We have changed our lifes, grown, with years passing time has more and more meaning and value and loosing time to NOT PLAY and just PREPARE TO PLAY, for me at least it doesn’t cut it.

How would it feel to waste 1-2-3-4 hours per day, just so you can actually start playing rated CSGO, OVERWATCH, DOTA, FORTNITE, WAZRONE, ETC. ?
People want to log in their computer and START PLAYING.

Oh, if I would have no kids, or if I would have retired, then by all means, I am sure I would be pleased to live in WoW Classic once more. But for the moment, all I need is a good GAMEPLAY, some good MECHANICS, and a way to actually PLAY.

The only reason I’m still in WoW, it is I love the game, the gameplay, the mechanics, there is not even a single game in the world that can let you do all the mechanics that you do in WoW.

As I always give this example: jump out of your flying mount, dot someone/bleed someone, hot yourself, use glider and then vanish or just stealth while riding on that glider. That is unbelivable that you can do that in a game. Other MMOs don’t let you fk JUMP, don’t let you trow a stun while jumping etc. This is the reason I love WoW so much.

Well, in that case, I just need to pray to God there are more of my kind then your kind.

Meaning I pray there are more that love to play and decide what to play for themselfs, then those that like to be “controlled”, put on the threadmill for something.

Looking back to TBC and WotLK, for me, both let you play whatever you wanted. And that is why, for me, Shadowlands feels so much like TBC/MoP, then any other xpac.

Another bad thing is that people tend to compare WHOLE past expansions with the start of a new expansion, and that is just …

BFA lost me after the first 2 months just because it forced me to grind azerite power to be able to unlock an azerite trait, just so it can give me a new epic item that had ALL TRAITS locked once again. That for me showed pure broken design. Add the fact that War Campaign was so gated but without any reward for each week of doing that, and on top of that add the fact that WoW story in general is mediocre, that is a recipe for disaster.

At least in SL, even though the story is again, as always, mediocre at best, we got 1 renown for every chapter completed, and that felt more rewarding. But I still hate GATED story telling.

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Well apparently it’s not that simple for Blizzard.

Because right now; the only ‘grind’ is getting Renown (it’s not a real grind anyway because its sources are so limited). And that is a currency that loses its value after you got what you wanted. It offers nothing else of interest.

This is wonderfully ironic! You realize that your ‘praying to your god’ is EXACTLY that; to be controlled?! Open your mind, man!

As for your claims: I don’t want to be controlled. I want to have the CHOICE to grind for something; to set a goal and work towards it. Right now I CAN’T DO THAT. I am being controlled right now, because I can’t play the way I enjoy it (which I COULD do in BfA, despite it’s bad systems, there was at least that for me).

Legendary items are also quite boring out of all of them only thing i find interesting is the warrior +2 heroic leaps everything else is just painfully meh. In fact when i did a WQ and got the trinket that spawns green blobs that attack your enemy i find that one far more interesting than every “legendary” item combined.

Timegating and lack of flying coupled with WQ’s that take ages to complete and almost always are in the middle of mob army eat out my motivation to play the current expansion. I don’t understand why can’t we have even the flying whistle even that would be better.

This weeks weekly quest is complete 20 WQ’s for crap reward and by this point at the week i have managed to force my self to do 1/20 of it meanwhile i have been mostly spent time in legion and wod areas fishing, mining and questing.

SL areas are just too full on pointless crap and without whistle/flying doing WQ’s feel worse than escorting gnome in TB.

Wod atleast had garrison that with multiple characters was goldmine as it was extremely easy and fast to set up SL covenant table might have same kind of possibility but it takes way too long and work to set it up.

Also in WoD leveling you to level cap was enough then you just needed gear and you were all set up for playing i only had the ring on my mage and my other characters were perfectly playable without it no other BS borrowed crap to do.

You clearly interpreted just to fit your “needs”. You want to be controlled. I said I hope we are more of our kind vs your kind that wants to be PUSHED, FORCED, CONTROLLED.

Tell me please, what did you do during TBC that you can’t do in SL. We will start from there :slight_smile:

No. Religion was FACTUALLY created to control people.

I just told you, you’re wrong about that:

Read my posts next time before you respond please.
That’s the decent thing to do.

TBC? You come up with THE worst example of them all.
I hated TBC. TBC is THE worst expansion in WoW’s history imo.

I think you miss-understand the definition of WoW X-PACS!

With every X-Pac, there is no longer the same WoW as with the last X-Pac. Yes, they keep the settings and stuff, but the idea of a new X-Pac is mostly NEW things to do, andso … you can call it a “new-game”, not the same old game you’ve been playing it for the last…8-10-12-15-16 years.

Heck, today you can call WoW not 2.0 , but … WoW 5.0 vs … say TBC.

To sum it up, again, the problem is THE game and where it goes and not the people playing it.


Exactly. Games are made for people to enjoy. And in WoW’s case; as many people as possible because it allows many different playstyles.
When most of those playstyles, or the majority of players overal, dislike something: It’s the game that is at fault.


Oh, Jesus - pun intended, that was said just to point out how much I wish it would be my way, not that I actually pray to God for a damn game.

Then that’s that, I loved TBC, it gaved me the same freedom as Shadolands does. Just that the timing, the content quantity released in TBC was awful, making people feel FOMO, rushed, pushed.

If you consider you had more freedom in BFA, then you probably are the kind of player that loves unlimited grinding power, and from that thing only we will never come even close to the same conclusion.

I would agree with you m8, but only if WoW Classic would have skyrocketed and had like 5-6-7milions subs. But it doesn’t. Thas means that people are not looking for the OLD, SLOW, TIMESINKING gameplay. And that most changes happend in fact to actually not dip the sub numbers even more.

That with the fact that MMORPGs are kind of obsollete, make me feel kind of right. Maybe I’m not, but this is how I feel it at least.

Why would it not be possible for the majority of players to change, just as their lifes change, work, kids, irl problems, time value, etc. Can’t people enjoy the xpac for 1-2-3 months, then take a brake until the next major patch ? Isn’t that a viable way to play the game, cause SWTOR and FF sure are working that way, and even the DEVS said it is a good way to play the game.

I dunno, I love this xpac, but I hate not being able to play it. Not becasue of WoW as a whole, just becasue my life changed so much and it need LFG to change aswel.

Words matter.
And the fact that you ‘only want it your way’, shows you are egocentric in your wants for a game. You are not the only person playing this game.
Wouldn’t it be best if ALL of us could be happy (yes, that will never happen, but at least ‘the majority’ being happy)?

DIfferent tastes for different people. And that’s fine.
But it’s Blizzard’s job to make all of (or at least most of) those different people happy. They failed at that with SL.

Well; as per my reply above:

DIfferent tastes for different people. And that’s fine.
But it’s Blizzard’s job to make all of (or at least most of) those different people happy. They failed at that with SL.

The fact that YOU are happy, does not mean they succeeded when so many people are NOT happy. We can agree on that, I take it?

I agree with that.
That’s why I never said YOU ARE WRONG, or any on this forum. And I stated I hope/wish there are more like me. That leaves you hoping there are more like you. Majority builds the game tbh.

No; because I want EVERYONE to be able to play the game the way they enjoy it.
Not JUST me, but of course including me.

Sadly this is not true for SL.
Hence the subsciptions dropped by 40% since SL launch.


I am a selfish basterd, and as years pass the selfishness grows stronger.

Why would I care what happens in FF, SWTOR, ESO, if the majority in those games are negatives for me ?

Same applies for WoW. What good does it for me in wishing for the greater good(that is a naive thinking just as the religion one:) ), if I don’t get to be pleased with the game.

Well, at a utopian level, yeah, I wish all people are happy, there would be no murderers, thiefs and bad stuff. But that doesn’t change anything, does it ? I just do my part as best and well and correct as I can and that is it.

And, do you think we can have infinite grind for POWER PROGRESSION in game, and at the same time not having it ? :slight_smile:
I’m for “NO” to the “infinite azerite/artifact power farming”.

No, I think we can have infinite grind for power progression and it being totally optional.

How would that work ? Since, psychologically speaking, we seen how artifact power and azerite power affected enough people.

Stupid question: If you would be in a room full of money, when would you stop collecting money from it ?

Wait what?

Anyway, yes, people ARE looking for TIMESINKING gameplay in a MMORPG. The successful launch of WoW Classic proves that.

Now, after a while of course people are going to /quit Classic too, because…well, guess what? There is no more TIMESINKING content for them to complete, because of the way Classic “works”, aka…no more New Updates!

But you knew that already, right? Right? …

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dont ask him, trust me.


Well, imo the best solution for WoW is to seperate the different activities.
Each activity should have its own progression. Which means; you do the content you enjoy to get progression for that content you enjoy.

Makes sense, right?

I’d stop when I would reach a number with which I could achieve my goals in life (or if you want to be more ‘realistic’ about it; probably when I can’t carry any more).

it didnt though .

it only affected mythic raiders and streamers.

i was playing whole Legion and BfA without farming AP even for 1 minute.

it never affected my casual gameplay .

but it gave a reason to grind if i wanted to be more powerfull.

only people who cannot control themselves had problem with that.

but i agree that AP wasnt the best system .

imo MoP/WoD had the best gear upgrade systems so far.

only thing it was missing was weekly catch up similiar to CP catch up pvp has atm

if it had that it would have been pure perfection.

not only raiders and streamers but all the achiever player tipe in game.

Due of the achiever being a tipe that wants to gather more resource as possible in game.