It seems Blizzard are banning not only the gold buyers but those who receive that gold on GDKP runs and other things.
I mean I kinda think its funny that these gdkp people get banned, but I would rather see it by blizzard banning gdkp directly.
This “be extraordinarily sure where gold is coming from” is the most bs thing I have ever read. You cant be sure, ever. So its basically saying that if you dont want to take risk in getting banned dont do GDKP. Might as well be direct in the first place.
Probably untrue, but if true - it’s definitely a bad move on Blizz part.
Waiting on the GDKP support network to come along and say, but how are we supposed to know if the gold has been bought from a gold seller? (insert dumb face). Like it’s pretty obvious that 90% of the gold thats thrown about in GDKP has at one point been farmed & sold by a bot.
If they can’t stop the bots then they should hit players where it hurts and throw out 14 day bans that are directly involved in washing gold via GDKP. I guarantee you will not only see a massive reduction in GDKP raids, but also a huge reduction in bots due to the fact that GDKP probably accounts for like 80% of why there’s so many bots in the first place.
I do apologise for the sensationalist title but if it is happening people need to know about it.
Eh id argue a good move.
I think gkdp actively damages the servers economy more then any good it realistically brings.
Is rolling for dropped loot that awful in your eyes? Lol
Last month a gdkp leader i know bought a bmw z series, I doubt they ban them
What good move?
You join a gDKP run, a perfectly valid activity and then you get slammed with a ban because gold used by someone there who was not related in any fashion to you was tainted?
It’s really simple - either ban gDKP and notify players of this or… don’t and don’t do this sneaky BS.
Of course, provided this whole story is even true.
GKDP running is as bad as gold selling. They go hand in hand, your supporting the bots presence, and reaping them income which supports them staying in the game.
Ever heard the saying.
Cut off the supply, and the leaders will scatter?
Yes, cutting the supply means banning the bots lol. GDKP’s will remain.
Might as well ban the people unknowingly selling auctions to gold buyers.
It is not an actionable activity by the ToS.
That’s the end of story. There are a lot of things that are “bad” in WoW, does not mean you should go after the people who do it and ban them if what they did was legal.
But it does strike fear, whjch will reduce the amount of playwrs willing to test their luck in a gkdp.
Its a game, and EULA says theyre free to delete your account unfortunately. So no we cannot really stand on that ground.
Just dont gkdp and your free.
good, hope the ban is perma!
There is no argue that GDKPs promote gold buying. How can one expect for people to have that much gold to burn for an item? The “how should I know” never works. Neither IRL by the way. You should either have a cap for the bids (and in case of a draw have them roll) or be very suspicious when you see some outrageous (for a level 25 guy) bids and stop the bidding. Don’t cry if you get banned. You always know…
Ban anything that has to do with it! GDKP, bots, buyers!! Great job!!
that’s bullsh*it you can’t ban people doing ordinary gdkps who are NOT breaking the TOS btw. Ban the botters and buyers but not the participants ffs.
rip those dudes
The buyers are also the participants
The participants are buyers lol