If you think Vault on Normal is hard:

Then maybe you are not as good at the game as you think. Cause normal Vault is not hard. In fact it is very easy even compared to things like CN.

I read this idea a few times now that “WoW raiding is to hard” and that Blizzard needs to “Stop cater to the top 1%”. I am also aware that this is a narrative strongly pushed by Asmongold every time he can’t clear a new raid Day 1 with a bunch of randomes on stream after abandoning his character for months, without looking up any guides or getting consumables ect or a real communication going.

So let’s look at what raiding fundamentally is and was meant to be. Raiding was supposed to be challanging group content tackled by a guild or group of friends, working together and overcome the challange as a team. It was meant to be a big thing that requires preperation, planning,coordination and teamwork. It was also meant to be content for a long time not to be done in one sitting first day it comes out. None of these things are present in Pugs. None of these things are present in Asmongold Day 1 raids. Using Pugs as an excuse to why Raiding is to hard while ignoring 90% of what actually is part of raiding just creates a wrong narrative when talking about difficulty.

Some might say “Yeah but what about those that don’t have the time to commit 2+ evening a week for raiding” well you already have been adressed. It’s called LFR. It might not yield the same level of gear a Normal or Heroic raid does, but it awards accordingly to the effort put in: Next to none. Yet it still allows you to experience the raid for story purposes. If you wish to aquire better gear there are other alternatives to aquire it now that also require less time then Raiding. Like Mythic + or PvP as well now in Dragonflight: Crafting.

For those that do wanna raid however i recommend checking out a guild or a Raid group that fits your expectations and goals. You can find raid groups for basicly every diffuclty on usually every realm. Some of them Hardcore Mythic raiders who spend all evenings trying to clear, and others fun casuals who just raid once or twice a week trying to get a normal kill and maybe dable a bit in heroic. WoW and raiding was meant to be a social experience and i can promise if you look enough you will find a group of friends to have fun with and achieve your goals. Having a static raid Team realy helps to increase the experience of raiding and also takes a lot of the difficulty out of it by having stable communication and usually preperation as well.

WoW has many things that can and should be complained about but Difficulty of Raiding especially Normal and Heroic is not one of them. You can’t put in next to no effort and expect gigantic results. It is important to set your goals and if you can’t achieve it by running your head against a wall then maybe a more strategic attempt can help you. Despite what Social media would like to make you believe there are a lot of casual raiders in wow who will not kick you from a group for missing out on a few raid nights or not beeing top DPS. There are people who see this as what it is: A game.


didnt read cause it would be waste of time.

normal raiding is indeed much easier then it has been in last expansion but its still way to hhard for like 90% of players.

last boss on normal is another sylvanas situation - way harder then first 5-6 bosses on HC because blizzard tuning is beyond horrible.

dont care what you think - both raiding and m+ with their current tuing do are not attractive to masses of players and wont be untill its nerfed to the ground.


“I don’t know what i’m commenting on but i’m right”

What about her is hard? Could it be that she requires communication? The specific part i adressed that makes raiding mutch easier in the post you didn’t read cause you could not care?

Commenting on your Lvl now: Get gut. No wait…good is not requried. Get decent.


The raid, is a literal cake walk. Even in HC it is a breeze. The only ones i feel bad about are the healers. If you ain’t playing healer, and you are complaining that the raid is hard, maybe it’s time to put your helmet on when you are around sharp corners. No cap


This has to be one of the dumbest openings to a reply I have seen here. And this place already isn’t known for its intelligent discourse. Well done sir, you truly are the sharpest of minds.




I wouldn’t say it’s hard.

But I can sympathise with those who think it is.

It’s the first raid in an expansion, there’s new people around again. Them’s the people who complain it’s too hard. I don’t see any veteran players complain.

Vault is laughable simple, except for the last boss. The last boss is like twice as hard to learn than all the previous fights combined (In that raid). There’s a lot to process.

But it’s still not hard. It’s just a step up. You’d have to want it to get it, and to get it, you need to practice. Put in the effort to get it and you will - even if you have to find new people to raid with.

The guild I’m in, that I’d prefer to do raids with, have 7/8 and we’ve only been there 2-3 times so far. It’s very much a casual guild and we’ve just raided once a week so far. I think we can do it, but to have everyone on the same page requires patience. From those who get it and from those who don’t, yet.


To be perfectly honest, i dont have any issues with raid dificulty, its not as hard as cn was at the begining…but not as easy to one shot all the bosses when progressing

And razageth even on normal was waaay more dificult than all the previous bosses combined…but even that could be overcommed by comunication and learning the fight

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Stopped there. No worries. I am a bad player and i know it :slight_smile:


Mythic raiding was always hard, wym? LFR and normal shouldnt even be called raiding. Heroic is for casual evenings. Mythic is slightly above that, some extra tactics can be blood draining

Overall, realy useless post, whats the point of posting this? “Normals arent hard”. Well no s*** sherlock.

I also am in a casual raid group and do to christmas i wasn’t able to attend all raids but i cleared the entire thing twice on normal now with them and we made a few bosses progress in Heroic. Since our goal is to clear Heroic and thats it i think thats pretty decent. And you will see razageth is only getting used to the movement and positioning after that she is doable.

I’d argue that the final boss beeing harder then the other bosses only makes sense. It’s the final boss after all.



Delete Vault LFR
Vault NM → LFR.
Vault HC → NM.
Add a new Heroic difficulty, the only “hard” boss is Rasz…
Vault Mythic is fine.

I don’t get it why would that be good?

Not hard but very complex and could be unforgiving if you make a mistake - potentially killing others with that mistake
Complexity is not necessarily means hard, but many feels that way
It is a personal thing, I think
What is easy for you, hard for me and vica versa
But lets settle with: Vault of the Incarnates is a very complex and unforgiving raid where mistakes are punished severly

This is nothing new thow…like in even back in the early days of wow single hick ups could wipe entire raid groups.

Soulbornes player: Are we a joke to you?

If they nerf normal and hc more, I am going to sleep during healing

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It would however be nice that for once Blizzard clearly shows what’s up in a bossfight, or even your own character for that matter… So you can actually see where you failed. And not rely so hard on 3rd party add-ons to provide you with all this information (the best they are allowed to anyway within the contraint of the WoW LUA)
Especially nice for the newer players who have not build up 10+ years of experience and muscle memory.


Should it be? There’s already a mode for people who don’t want to wipe, why have two?

Imo games that don’t have a chance of failure are worthless.


I think the issue alot of people have is the inability to organise and work as a team.

There are countless guides that explain the fights. There are tools in game that allow you to put up markers and external tools that allow people to communicate. Unfortunately, it’s just assumed people can walk in and stomp a boss with no coordination.

I only raid casually now. I’d rather wipe on silly things with people than play with complete a-holes. There is a place for everyone and it’s just about finding it. You’re absolutely correct - it’s just a game.

All the best in your raiding.


And that right there my friend, is the problem that plagues nearly all aspects of society right now. Not just raiding in wow! :smirk:

I think this 1% idea needs to calm down. There are so many guilds out there that clear heroic and attempt mythic that wouldn’t count as “1% hardcore player base”.

I don’t think we’ve got a specific definition of what those hardcore look like but here are somethings they do:

  • raid 3 times a week (or more).
  • only use max rank pots/flasks.
  • Genuinely attempt to take part in race to world first.
  • Extensively rehearse, practice strategies for bosses.
  • min max class / specs, expect players to have raid ready alts.
  • Punish / bench underperforming players.
  • Have a really strict set of rules on who can speak on coms and when.

Do you know people who do a number of the above? Because I sure don’t and I would say normal is pretty easy.

My guild cleared normal on day 2. We don’t do any of the above. Just like OP said, we’re friends who coordinate a little bit.

I genuinely don’t understand people who like engaging with raid content yet don’t have a guild or a solid group of friends to play with.