If you want Blizz to change something

This is a tricky one. Another post a short while ago slightly touched on this, but to give a quite short summary: we are in the incredibly beneficial situation of getting a lot of suggestions, we love them all, and there is every effort to do them justice if it can be done.

Talking to everyone now: for various reasons not everything that can be envisioned can also be implemented (at least not quickly or exactly as pictured), but there are very few things that would never at least be considered. Keep the ideas coming, please - but do said ideas the favor of presenting them in a way that puts them into the best light and makes them as easily understandable as they can be. Creating a ton of threads mostly just serves to fragment the discussion, and at least some of the potential of the suggestions is almost certainly going to be lost in translation somewhere along the way.

To give a (somewhat shaky) analogy: think of this entire thing as a puzzle we all have come together to assemble as a cooperative effort. It really helps to know where all the pieces are to succeed in forming a cohesive picture in the end. :slight_smile: