As Steamsmith said in her Goblin costume that isn’t fooling anyone, the reason a lot of OOC players didn’t see much RP in BfA zones was because sharding made RP nigh impossible. We planned to do some RP conflict at Fizzsprings Resort between Goblins and Gnomes and both of our groups just got completely sharded so we couldn’t see each other. Of course you should still offer RPers respect if you find a few braving the new content zones, but you won’t find many there.
AD has never minded OOC players who adhere to the rules and don’t run around Stormwind riding yaks on their character pwnnoobz whilst shouting obscenities in /y. It’s those who do fly low on mounts, spam toys and fill up the chat with OOC speak that annoy the average AD RPer. We’ll always suggest that people who want to do OOC content avoid an RP server because as we saw in pre-patch before they turned on sharding for the pre-launch event, capital cities like Stormwind became intensely laggy due to the high number of OOCers returning to the game and that’s where a lot of people RP. Thanks to Blizzard seeing the need for sharding in capital cities once more due to the intense number of OOCers who logged on during pre-patch, sharding is now back in Stormwind and Orgrimmar, making it impossible to RP there without a raid group to keep people in the same shard.