If you want more socializing join a RP server

It is expected that things said in /s or through emotes is generally RP material. It’s what it says on the tin; it’s a role-playing realm.

By the same token, names such as ‘Mégãdeath’ or ‘Nööbpwn’ will probably end up getting reported at some point. Maybe it’ll take a year, maybe it’ll take a week - it tends to come down to whether you keep a low profile or not. ‘Draknalor’ would be perfectly fine for a character name however. :+1:

No one in their right mind expect RP in the General or Trade chat though, and most people turn off the latter to avoid boost spammers. (Not sure how OP got the impression we don’t suffer from those as well tbh.)

Server community is made by the people on the server, so if you do nothing and just expect others to fix it, you are part of the problem.

Yeah but please don’t come to AD if you have no intention of roleplaying.
The server is already packed to heck making it a pain in the butt for actual Roleplayers due to lag.


That’s the theory, yes. In practice, a lot of the chat is non-RP and I frequently see people with non-RP names as well.

In general, AD is 99% like all other realms. There is regular RP in Stormwind, a little in Duskwood. There’re also many people in Goldshire. On a rare occasion you might also see a group of people in similar outfits standing in a circle or slowly walking somewhere in the world, they are most likely RPing. That’s about it. If you are playing ‘normally’ - just doing world quests, instances and whatnot, not looking for RP specifically - the server is 99% like all others.

You don’t need a RP server to socialize. You just need a good guild.

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Oh heck no. People on RP Realms do Questing, Raiding, PvPing just like everybody else! When I’m out levelling Brigante here I’m not necessarily ‘In Character’ 24/7, and I’d say I am pretty standard in that way.

What you tend to find is that RP’ers will get their dailies and questing stuff done early in the day (Those of us with the luxury of not being in ‘essential work’ these days :frowning: ) and then in the evening’s will be ‘In Character’.

I think people have a misconception that we constantly walk around talking like extra’s from ‘Shakespeare in the Park’ which just ain’t the case. People are OOC (Out of Character) whilst doing stuff, and then later go IC ‘In Character’. Most of the RP Add-ons actually have a thing you can tick to show if you are IC or OOC at that time.

Its also why Transmogs are important for RP’ers. Chances are high if you see someone running around in the world questing in clownsuit type mismatching stuff they are not there for RP, but if they are in a Transmog that looks pretty groovy, they are In Character…

You don’t -have- to have MRP or TRP but it is a useful ‘flag’ to let people know you are an RP’er. I certainly wouldn’t refuse to RP with someone who doesn’t have an Add on. Same is true of Levels. I’d rather RP with a Level 1 character who really was making an effort, than a level 60 who was just messing about.

That’s another thing.

We don’t really talk like that… It’s more like normal conversation, just that you don’t sit around discussing RL stuff. For a start, put away the ‘Thee’ and ‘Thou’ stuff. Nobody spoke that way. No, not even in Shakespearian times, he used that language in his plays for effect, not because it was how people actually spoke. They didn’t even speak that way in Biblical times, it was for effect. I mean, do the In Game racial leaders and NPC’s talk that way? Nah…

Assuming that conversation was to happen it would go more like.

Person A: These things are pretty grim!
Person B: Damned right, hang on, look at the buckle on it, that’s the symbol of Ragnaros, but he was beaten wasn’t he? Surely his cult aren’t trying to reawaken him, damn, we better tell someone"

Because thats the other thing. You don’t RP as the Champion of Azeroth, that’s bad form. You can RP as a Hero, sure, but you don’t go “I better warn THE WORLD” Because you’re a cog in your faction’s machine, not the supreme champion. Like, Brigante is a Ranger Captain. He’s not going to ‘Warn Azeroth’. He’s going to tell his boss, so a Ranger Lord. That Ranger Lord is then going to tell Halduron Brightwing, who will counsel Lor’themar Theron on the matter, who would convene the Horde Council to address it.

Some things are just above our characters ‘Pay Grade’ so to speak.

Yeah, I mean if you’re blatantly talking about Celebrity Love Island, or last night’s football match in /Say when there is RP going on then that is taking the mickey and will annoy people, and stupid names should always be avoided (But personally I’ve always found stupid names a bit gauche and childish even on ‘normal’ realms.)

Like, to pick two examples here, ‘Yorda’ is a perfectly appropriate name, and ‘Draknalor’ is also a perfectly appropriate name. “PvpGodxxlol” Is however, not, and likely would get flagged and a forced renaming.

Sure. On Non-RP servers. Oh, and if you consider RP freakish I guess you must not watch any Television or movies then? You know that is what the actors are doing, right? Playing a role that is not themselves?

Yeah, General and Trade chat are not used for RP…Because what, are all our characters Telepaths who can communicate with people they can’t see? Heck no. Those are OOC channels, and used that way.

Ehhh, Not so true. It really isn’t. You just like to keep repeating that ‘fact’ because you don’t like RP’ers. You have form for it.

Stormwind, yes, Duskwood, yes, Goldshire? That ain’t RP. That’s mostly Off-realmers coming to do some ‘Cyber’ tourism, like jaded rock n’ rollers going to south east Asia for things they don’t want to be seen doing…

It is, as ever, more common than you make out. It is not ‘A Rare Occasion’ in the slightest, you just try to give the impression it is, because you dislike the RP community on AD and want to encourage RP to be extinguished by making the realm into a ‘Normal’ realm. We know this. You have been at it for a long time now.

Do not listen to this person. Their motives are not good.


Bears repeating.


Just remember that it is and always has been a Rp server before anything else… It wouldn’t be so social and liviely without the Roleplayers there making it so.
I personally don’t mind people coming to our server, As long as they don’t ruin roleplay for others or disrupt rp intentionally and so on.

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Mate, seriously. Stop living in your imaginary world where AD is chock full of RP. Get out into the real zones. You can go weeks on end without meeting any RP. In BFA, I nearly never saw RP in Boralus / Zuldazar, and simply never saw it in BFA zones themselves. Stormwind is the only place where you can see it reliably.

I don’t dislike the RP community on AD at all. I only dislike a couple of forum toxics who pretend to speak for that community. They obviously don’t speak for it.

I don’t have any agenda regarding AD being converted to a regular realm. LOL. You are having some delusions of grandeur, you aren’t nearly that important. At most I only want the big war mode buff for the dominating faction to continue. Even that is merely a minor wish. Apart from that, I simply don’t care. It might be news to you, but no, the world doesn’t revolve around you and your precious RP, which, as I already said, I nearly never see. Your RP doesn’t affect me at all, I have no problems with it and am certainly not on any mission regarding it. I plain don’t care. Do whatever.

I have no “motives” here, I am just telling people what they can reasonably expect. AD is 99% like all other realms. With most of the differences being in Stormwind. That’s it.

BfA zones were sharded for one causing random RP to be nearly impossible. However there are communities who tried to organise groups for it to beat sharding.

Sure, whatever. My point is simply that I never saw any. You explain why it wasn’t happening, OK. Maybe Brigante and whoever else who insist that I must be lying about not seeing much in the way of RP can read what you wrote and take note.

As Steamsmith said in her Goblin costume that isn’t fooling anyone, the reason a lot of OOC players didn’t see much RP in BfA zones was because sharding made RP nigh impossible. We planned to do some RP conflict at Fizzsprings Resort between Goblins and Gnomes and both of our groups just got completely sharded so we couldn’t see each other. Of course you should still offer RPers respect if you find a few braving the new content zones, but you won’t find many there.

AD has never minded OOC players who adhere to the rules and don’t run around Stormwind riding yaks on their character pwnnoobz whilst shouting obscenities in /y. It’s those who do fly low on mounts, spam toys and fill up the chat with OOC speak that annoy the average AD RPer. We’ll always suggest that people who want to do OOC content avoid an RP server because as we saw in pre-patch before they turned on sharding for the pre-launch event, capital cities like Stormwind became intensely laggy due to the high number of OOCers returning to the game and that’s where a lot of people RP. Thanks to Blizzard seeing the need for sharding in capital cities once more due to the intense number of OOCers who logged on during pre-patch, sharding is now back in Stormwind and Orgrimmar, making it impossible to RP there without a raid group to keep people in the same shard.


Thanks for confirming as well that there was no or nearly no RP in BFA zones, for whatever reason. I will add that there was no or nearly no RP in Legion / WoD / MoP / Cata / etc zones either. Again, there existed reasons for that - the content was no longer even current, hard to expect too many people playing there. Whatever the reasons might be, all that plays directly into what I say - a player who plays normally, eg, does world quests, instances, etc, without specifically looking for RP in a couple of known places - that player will see AD the way I see it = 99% like all other realms.

I have no idea why this is suddenly somehow controversial. This is simply the reality.

BTW, the influx of OOCers that you mentioned, which made Blizzard shard Stormwind, is actually one more illustration that the number of OOCers is vastly bigger than the number of RPers. What was the mix of RPers + OOCers in Stormwind when it was not overflowing? Let’s say it was 50% RP - 50% OOC. That’s likely awfully daring, it might easily be 30% RP - 70% OOC, but fine, let’s pretend it was 50-50. Next we had Stormwind overflowing. According to your own words, the extra people were predominantly OOCers (I agree completely, saw it with my own eyes). And there was enough of them to overwhelm the servers to the point where Blizzard had to add sharding. That must have been a big amount - on the level of +100% more people, quite possibly +200% or higher. With most of these being OOCers.

Are there any more questions as to which faction on the server is more numerous - RPers or OOCers? It’s OOCers. By a high margin. It’s just that the RPers are vastly over-represented on the forums. They have this bizarre idea that AD is their server and OOCers just live there, while the reality is completely the reverse - AD is by and large a completely ordinary server, it just also contains a bunch of RPers.

RPing and socializing is NOT the same thing.
roleplaying is making up a character and going along with it. socializing is playing the game together and relying on eachother to achieve goals in the game.
roleplaying is not for everyone and also gaming-socializing is not for everyone. some people, like myself, enjoy being a solo-player and not constantly rely on others.

in my opinion, socializing is for real life. video games is just to play a game.

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Incorrect. You’ve twisted my point, my point didn’t play into yours. The extra OOCers tipped things over the edge because Stormwind is already often filled to bursting with people RPing in all of the districts of the city. If you’ve ever flown over Stormwind in prime time you’d know that RPers vastly outnumber the amount of people afk or OOCing in Trade District. The pre-patch causing RP to become even more popular due to the new hairstyles/story content to interact contributed greatly to the capital cities being sharded, but it was a number of OOCers coming over that tipped things over the edge. RP server, it mostly consists of people who RP or at least offer basic respect to it being an RP server, so get your view that the server should cater to the people flying in the face of its actual classification out of here.


You are assuming the numbers were like this:

Server overflows at 100.
Pre-overflow: 80 RP, 10 OOC.
After-overflow: 80 RP, 10 OOC + say, 20 more people, enough to tip the server.
RPers are the majority.

In reality:

(1) We couldn’t have been this close to overflowing simply because the balancing is dynamic and BFA held for a long time. We were at most at 70%. Source: business sense / math.

(2) The number of new people coming couldn’t have been small. It just never happens like that. With big events like the release of the prepatch, the new incoming numbers are either so small they are inconsequential (since we had an overflow, this didn’t happen), or they are big, the probability of them being just big enough to trigger the overflow is tiny.

(3) I disagree completely that the initial split was in favor of the RPers, but whatever, this isn’t even important.

So, in reality, it was at best something like this:

Server overflows at 100.
Pre-overflow: 50 RP, 20 OOC - I disagree, but let’s pretend.
After-overflow: 50 RP, 20 OOC + 100 more people, coming and going (so, like 5000 more people, just coming in portions), predominantly OOCers.

OOCers are absolutely the majority.

Stormwind is far more populated than your estimates and you know it. I’ve ran two RP campaigns that surpassed two hundred RPers in a single zone each time so your point of the server overflowing at one hundred is moot. Fifty RPers is slightly above the number you’ll find in a single DISTRICT of Stormwind at prime time let alone the full RPer population of Stormwind. Take a walk outside the Trade District sometime when the sharding’s come undone, it will be refreshing.

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The numbers 100, 50, 20, etc, in my post above, aren’t plain character counts, it’s all normed to 100 = the server overflow threshold.

A lot of people who could be considered to be ‘OOCers’ are also just RPers who aren’t RPing at a certain time. You’ll find a lot of people in Trade District have TRP profiles and are just RPers taking a day off from doing RP and are chilling in Trade District due to the lack of auction houses without engineering in current content zones.

You just need to face the facts, you’re very much on an RP server.

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OK, no problem with that. According to this definition I also might be counted as “RPer”, because, who knows, maybe I am going to RP a year or two from now. I doubt it, but there are no guarantees, right?

My claim that AD is 99% like all other realms stands. OK, people who don’t RP visibly might just not be RPing in this moment, they will RP later or whatever. But the proportion is as I say - 99% of no RP at any given moment.

That’s all.