If you want more socializing join a RP server

Your point isn’t really even holding ground at the moment, but I’m going to let you die on your hill.

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Your own posts confirmed what I said. You yourself said that there was no RP in BFA zones, confirming my point to Brigante. You just gave reasons as to why. You also mentioned the overflow in Stormwind which led to sharding and said that it was flooded with OOCers. You didn’t notice that this also supported my point.

I get that you don’t want to admit that I am right for some reason, but, well, I am. Every time we look into something specific, we find out that I am, indeed, correct.

AD is by and large a completely ordinary server. It just also contains some RPers.

AD is an RP server I think.

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Nope, a lot of the RP in BfA zones gets sharded. I know for the fact that there is a rather large RP community in Boralus but they use raid groups. The overflow of OOCers is people logging on to try the new stuff for a while. You also need to account for the fact that when a lot of OOCers unsubscribe during Blizzards bi-annual content drought, it’s RPers who continue playing due to being able to produce content.

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At least have an interest in RP before you join an RP realm.
It’s the only place those guys have to do their thing.

I don’t RP and thus I won’t join an RP realm just to escape boost spammers or stuff like that.
Let the RP’rs have their own space, no need to flood their realms with hundreds or thousands of people who insist on jumping around the capitals on their mammoths, yaks or brutosaurs or other giant mounts.
Which I imagine gets a little disruptive if you try to RP.


This basically sums up the appropriate response to this thread

There’s absolutely no excuse in the world that anybody can conjure up that will justify someone without even 0.1% of interest in RP coming to a RP server. Following a brief trip to Google, it seems there’s 263 EU realms (including realms of a different language), and only 15 of them are roleplaying realms. I can’t speak for the non-English roleplaying realms, but there’s only ONE English-speaking RP realm left with a functioning roleplaying community - Argent Dawn.

Are people really telling me - people with no interest in roleplaying now or ever - that out of 263 realms, the ONE realm you absolutely HAVE to come to is Argent Dawn?

Good job convincing me of that one bros I will be waiting for that mythical post that makes me believe this to be true


There are plenty of valid reasons:

(1) Because friends already play there.
(2) Because you want to farm transmog and sell it to RP people on AH.
(3) Because you want to have a 30% war mode buff while being the dominating faction, reaping the benefits of a skew in the current system.

There are probably more.

Some cons:

(1) Toxic forums, too much drama overall, report wars.
(2) Player experience tends to be on the lower side, meh progress, etc.
(3) Stormwind can sometimes lag, login queues can sometimes appear as well.

Not inviting anyone to AD right now, just saying that yeah, there are plenty of valid reasons besides RP. Plus a lot of people who initially want to RP likely find out it isn’t to their liking. So.

Absolutely crazy how none of these concern roleplaying, that’s quite odd and - if I say so myself - a certified mad one

Prior post stands

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It was exactly my point that there are plenty of valid reasons to roll on an RP server besides the desire to RP. You wondered what they could be, I provided a couple of examples. /shrug

Cross realm exists for a reason

You’ll get about the same result selling transmog on any high population server

There are various other servers with an even greater favour towards the Alliance in regards to population

Literally none of your points have merit, so no, you haven’t given me a single valid reason whatsoever. As I said, initial post stands, apologies gamer



Cross realms are not a replacement for being on the same server. You cannot craft for each other, for example.

No, you don’t get “about the same result” selling transmog on any high population server. That’s your inexperience talking.

No, there are no various other servers with an “even greater favour” towards the Alliance. That’s again you not knowing how things work. There are some servers with the exact same benefit, and they are all RP.

Sorry, but you plain don’t know what you are talking about. Every single one of your objections comes from not understanding how the game works.

You’re trying to explain things to a brick wall.

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Imagine being so disrepsectful towards a part of a community you deliberately go to the last place active for their purpose, just to ruin it. I sincerely hope I never meet any of the likes of you irl because you must truly be horrendous people and I feel sorry for your families and colleagues that have to put up with your narcissistic behaviour.

Also, if you have a friend that RP and that’s why you joined a RP realm, then you don’t become a forum activist for ruining said RP realm, you silently try to blend in. Or get.out.


Nobody talked about that.

You have the most bizarre perception of posts I think I’ve ever experienced in any forum discourse with anybody I’ve ever talked to here I think

Example: the point about others servers having “greater favour” obviously refers to a greater imbalance in the factions, i.e. Alliance dominating server more than it does on Argent Dawn, therefore providing a greater benefit in turn because you experience less pushback from the opposite faction in PvP when making use of War Mode to begin with, and is NOT suggesting there is a greater experience bonus on other realms. The fact you’ve very obviously chosen to misinterpret this for the sake of your own argument (though I use the term loosely) goes to show how genuine your intent to actually discuss the topic is (hint: your intent is not genuine). You know the WM bonus works, I know how the WM bonus works - why would you ever interpret me stating otherwise if not deliberately? Very weird from you, Mellinora . . .

I’m sorry that my Facts And Logic have proven to cripple your ongoing argument, but sometimes you just need to take one on the chin my fellow gaming legend

As someone that undoubtedly roleplays vastly more than you given your stance on the server as a whole, I’m afraid I likely have a far better perspective of Argent Dawn than you yourself do given roleplay is the crux of the server’s existence, something that you are apparently very willing to turn a blind eye to and instead would rather further facilitate it for OOC uses because… why not, I guess? Still struggling to see any legitimate reasoning for your argument than “eh, why not!”

I continuously tell my fellow PCU legends that I will argue with just about anything if it can type on a keyboard regardless of intent

Allow me my afternoon pastime Kai


hmm yes perhaps I will do so, may your patience not run out cuz mine have :bowing_woman:

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I bid you a swift recovery … :pensive: :pray: :100:

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So basically your argument boils down to “I will roll on AD because me and my friends can’t choose any other server and we both want to sell mogs to RPers”.

Yeah, that ain’t a good enough reason to bring over behaviour that potentially disrupts and undermines RP (thus killing the market of people who buy said mogs).

Just remember, the benefit of the mog market is for you. RPers don’t need OOCers to sell them the mogs, several just go out and get it ourselves and if it wasn’t on the AH, we’d do that. It is in no way the “invaluable service” people make it out to me.

The bigbrain Rpers simply get the mog unlocked on a cheaper server anyway. So the idea that selling mogs to RPers on a high price server is for anyone’s benefit but yours is lol.

So yeah, to repeat, your argument is “I want to play on an RP server whilst ignoring RP so I can try and make more money off Rpers”. It’s a valid reason sure, but it’s an utterly crap one, particularly if you’re encouraging others with no interest in RP to do the same thing. Surely that makes no sense anyway. The way to benefit from the mog market is to corner it. Inviting people over to partake in it is killing the whole point.

So I ain’t buying it chief (nor your mogs). There are better and more sensible ways to make coin and plenty of other servers to do it on. So again, why do you and your buddies all have to land on AD? Why not any other alliance biased realm?

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As I say, you don’t know how the game works.

My point was this:

(3) Because you want to have a 30% war mode buff while being the dominating faction, reaping the benefits of a skew in the current system.

Individual server skews are irrelevant. All servers are joined together, then sharded. It doesn’t matter that the balance on server X is 99:1 and the balance on server Y is 1:80, what matters is the final overall balance.

RP servers are separated from all other servers. So there are two types of shards - RP ones and non-RP ones. Non-RP shards are dominated by the Horde. RP shards are dominated by the Alliance. The total is dominated by the Horde, that’s why the Alliance gets +30% and the Horde just +10%. On RP shards this creates a situation where you get both the benefit of dominating the shard as well as the big buff.

This is how it works. You did not know that and made an irrelevant reply. Same with the other two points.

wow the cringe of it all