If you want to stop raider io

I don’t think M0 is going to teach people much unless they are full undergeared group. Most tactics aren’t see because you just zerg through it all.

Earlier in the expansion this was certain true.

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The obvious solution to all of this is to just make it work in a tier list you cant even join +5 unless you did +4 and cant do +10 unless you did +9, only for set intervals of 5 levels, adding the additional affix for each tier cleared and moreover, set it to individual dungeons, the max key you can roll for dungeons you haven’t done yet will be the end of your last tier reached

This paired with a slight reduction in key scaling so a current 20 would rather be a +30 or so and +20 the equivilent of a +15 key, there are solutions to M+ that will work to solve your rio needs without the need for a 3rd party and without the need to have a pointless timer crippling the fun of the dungeons.

Wrong. I’ve read these forums for years, and i’ve seen how much besides myself want those systems removed. You don’t speak for a majority, you speak for a minority.

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And you think the forums represent the greater community? You’ve read these forums for years and you’re still that naive? Oof.


5 mana
Play this card whenever Poor Arguments are used by you.
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RIO is just your best M+ run for each dungeon put into numbers. If it’s removed then i can bet all my gold that someone will make something else in its place. There will always be a way to judge someones progress, accept it.

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Indeed. :rofl:

Also the enchant “Majority” is widely used here.
*Enchant argument “Majority” - Inserts a word - majority in your forum argument which causes it to gain more strength among other opinions. *

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Dang it! I play then…
[Enchant: Elitist]
Transforms your opponent into Elitist changing his alignment to Skilled Evil.


That’s what happens in a game where addons are heavily relied upon and expectations are on the level of perfection.

I post here just to say that you, Tauren, are a genius.


I find it interesting how because we have no actual reliable data (anecdotal evidence of all your friends being either for or against rio isn’t reliable), both sides are claiming the opposite side is the “vocal minority”.
We can’t actually know that, if I really think about it. We’d only have some idea if Blizzard sent a survey to the entire playerbase, and counted non-responding players as “don’t care”.

Either way… history shows Blizzard is more likely to add raiderio to the game itself and remove the need for an external site+addon, than they are to remove it from the game. Gearscore, questing addons, coordinate pings, countdown timer in SL… they have a habit of adding the most widely used addons into the game if they can, so long as it’s a quality-of-life addon. Things that automate anything even a little like TSM, or pre-plan/optimize things for you/diminish player choice like MissionManagers/Routes/Sims, aren’t likely to be added. That’s just the way Blizzard seems to operate, for better or worse.

It kinda comes from the game itself: if key didn’t get downgraded at every fail, people will be much more relaxed.
Right now it’s too big of a punishment for the high risk of not bringing it home, and i don’t see the point.

[Uno Reverse Card]!!!
No, you are genius my elf friend <3

I would find that a horrible system personally. We take people’s alts through a key to gear them. We don’t really want to systematically work our way through.

Also you’d bar people from doing their own 2/3 chested keys as they’d be too high.

Its not simply that, its a general attitude from gamers in general that do any type of team/party based content.

not exactly, this system would ensure that if you can enter a key then you do at least have relevant xp within the difficulty range in question, if, for example you get a 15 siege key and complete it and get an underrot key, but your last underrot was only +2 then you would recieve a +5 key, if you complete that +5 the your next underrot would be +10 until you complete this and so on.

pair this with the ability to play lower level keys WITHOUT downgrading your key and its a win as you will now be to skip over “bad dungeons” through completing it on easy mode such as if, for example, you just hate siege on bolstering, which would normally just be a dead key.

Roleplayer IO is also a thing.

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Not gonna lie but this goes to show that shizz is getting out of hand and beyond a joke, I don’t like RIO but I don’t give 2 flying damns about it either.

That’s really awful. We push keys, we don’t want them to become low keys that are a waste of time. So personally I’d hate that system.

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Thats funny, because that is what raider io is doing anyway.