If you want to stop raider io

Spending 4h in 1 dungeon isn’t healthy, that’s why there’s a timer.

So no, there’s no need to remove the timer as it promotes this type of gameplay, spending 4h to clear a +32 key, waiting for BL at every trash pack and boss.

If you do everything on a 10, you’ll then have enough rio to be invited to 11’s… do that again, climb the ladder.

You can even get invited to 12’s to speed up, nothing is also stopping you (generally speaking ofc) to apply to 13’s or higher as well.

Climb the rio ladder, it doesn’t go down, only up.

I don’t give a dung about my rio as long as i get invited, if i notice i don’t get invites, i stop applying to higher keys and try to round up my lowest dungeons to bring them closer to my highest dungeons so that i get higher rio.

If i apply lower, it also means there’s a chance of doing it +2 or +3 easier, after that guess what you say: Hey guys, wanna do this key too? 8 out of 10 it works, the group stays and does it.
This was especially good when i didn’t get invited to 15’s due to my rio being lower, think 1400-1500ish.
I’d apply to 13-14 and then bring the key to a 15 and do that, timed or not, everyone who started lower wanted it for weekly. ~golden rule right here

I’m at 2k or something now and i can get invited to 15’s pretty quick for a weekly. 5-10 mins applying and i’m into one no issue.

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Ilvl is pretty meaningless, it’s having the right corruptions. However not running over ticks is just people tunnelling and not doing the tactics.

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It’s actually a 5Head plan.
He knows how addicted people are to lootboxes, so he wants to become one himself and exploit their gambling weakness to get into groups.
Galaxy level brain.

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It’s called surprise mechanics, not loot boxes.

You’re also 11/12 mythic and 478 ilvl, both things that have their weight in a pick.
People will lower ilvl and less raid experience will have a much harder time.

And “the ladder” thing is that easy at low level. The higher you go, the longer will take you to climb the next step because people starting to be way more elitist than needed, want only meta class, people already experienced at that level etc etc etc.

I was talking about my general experience, i was 10/12 heroic(i think i got aotc a few weeks later, cause i was pretty lazy at start :smiley: ) when i started doing 15’s i think this season… so 2nd week maybe? I don’t remember if i missed the first week or not.

But yes, when looking at rio, one takes into account how many bosses they killed on mythic raids too.

I mean, it’s extra info that you can gather to see how apparently capable a player is.

I also have a dh alt that has no issues getting into 15’s(most likely at start due to main score), just takes some applying but generally i get in faster with it than on this ret pally, so class/spec matters too, even though i can blast a lot more on this.
Which reminds me… gotta find a grp today for it. xD

I like raider io tbh wish blizz would add a real leaderboard


Yeah, let’s encourage them to change one of the most successful features added to the game. They surely have a lot of reason to do so.

Your correct that M+ is a symptom of easy dungeons, but mythic raiding is not easy, it’s a hard challenge and fun.

So not everything is a walk in the park.

Also, TBC and Lich dungeons were also pretty easy, long and hard sure, but that was to our old selves who sucked, if they brought out TBC and Lich now, we would clear it all just as easy as we do BFA stuff.

You have no business being in an MMORPG if you have that thought about newbies to the game.

Your supposed to teach new people how to play, interact with them and help them improve, not rip on them for wiping a few times.

I imagine during this terrible run that you wiped 100x on, you didn’t once explain anything / acted like a toxic child / bummed everyone out.

Good thing I know your name, cause I can avoid ya :slight_smile:

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Honestly, this is what I wish my stupid brain would type the first time.

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I am guessing they died to tantrum then someone blamed the ticks. :joy:

Dead people can’t soak.

You go and drag your dead corpse over those ticks right now young lady :laughing: :joy: :rofl:

I love the existence of mythic raiding, and I think mythic dungeons, just straight up m+0 should be that difficult. I don’t do mythic raids, I just don’t have the time to dedicate to the game in order to be good for them. But I LIKE having that difficulty that is outside of my grasp. I think M+15 is a great difficulty level, I think mythic dungeons should start at that level of challenge. And heroic dungeons, while they too should be harder, should offer good enough gear to at least start tackling mythics.

Totally. We saw that with Classic. Difficulty should be designed around the population. I think m+ gets the job done, but it has huge problems, like the RNG access to dungeons. We had a solution, we could reroll our key, but Blizz took away that option from us.

:smile: those comics are nice to read.
Tip:Don’t do mythic+ if you don’t enjoy them.
+Raider.i is the best addon,it helps you get good people.

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It really doesn’t, all it does is make narcissists sign up to your keys… when i used my rogue with not a care in the world about invites with untimed runs, i often got better groups that actually timed the keys rather than actually using raider io to sift things and then people just leave instantly when someone dies to something random.

The funny thing being that the rogue was trying to keep his key at set intervals for example the 445/455 first and then the 460/470 to sync with the raid levels but inconsiderate people kept timing them so he ended up with 15 keys, this just attracted the worst attitude people to join them, it’s rather depressing to see people leave untimed runs because, and i quote “It’s going to take too long”.

The only real purpose to raider io is so people way up at +20 irrelevant keys can check status, it’s pretty much useless at +15 and below as the info will not be useful in the slightest yet is way overused, all you need at that lvl is to invite someone and check their cape then kick them if it is not high enough, that is the sad reality of M+ in 8.3, the rest of their gear is usually pretty much irrelevant to the power of the cape alone as this tells you on it’s own how much effort someone has put into their character right now.

Good luck with that do you realize that if you hide that if raider didn’t exist it would be the same as having 0 Rio score and group leaders would not invite you cause they don’t have information on how good you are


No, the tank literally died from them. Serrated fangs became unhealable.

You know, https://www.wowhead.com/spell=260455/serrated-fangs the stacking bleed they apply?

Newbies have no business being in a +15. Normal mythics exist to learn mechanics. We didn’t bring newbies to our ulduar raids in wotlk, because they had no clue about the game.

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