If you want to stop raider io

No it doesn’t. I am not prohibited from getting a key and pushing it from 2-15. I can freely do the key no matter where it is. I am not going to get random downgrades unlike your system which will see a +15 drop to a +2 for no reason.

Raider IO is merely a reflection of a person’s experience in mythic plus. Your system gates everyone from being able to push keys.


I believe it’s what we call Mythic 0 :thinking: no timer, slow pace.
I actually like challenge contents, try to see how far I can push, and cheer when I complete it in time. And if that would be SOTS or SOB tyrannical I will also enjoy a beer to celebrate my well deserved success.
One thing I wish if they perhaps increment the timer of some dungeons like AD that is unforgivable after one wipe :neutral_face: 30 minutes is too low, there are far more instances much easier and quicker than that with a long timer as well.
But hey, we have to deal with it.

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Raider io is not the problem, time is the problem.

sure, if you make mythic 0 rewards and difficulty the same as the highest mythic+ then this would make sense…

However, it would appear that the new weekly chest system will mean that we won’t have to do mythic+ ever again in favor of getting it from the raid.

well thats dps fault, because no soaks. You want to have 0 ticks after tauntrum, because they are super deadly not only for tank, but for the group because they explode if they die.

If I remember its like 40-50k for dead tick on +15 tyra, but not sure now.

depends on what you want, you are even not doing hc raid, so you will never get same ilvl as someone who complete +15, because +15 is mythic raid ilvl reward, you have to be mythic raider to ignore mythic plus weekly

LFG tool is full of rio neckbeards these days and I constantly get refused spots for keys on dungeons I have done runs on, simply because of the dungeons I have not done.

The addon is flawed, because the scrublords with worse gear than yours and who just want to be carried by overgeared and overscored players will only ever judge you on your overall score, which penalises those who only run specific content because of the drops they want. The addon aggregrates your score across all Mythic+ content and if you don’t force yourself to do ALL that content, you will be put in the wastebasket as being bad, regardless of your experience in the content you apply for a spot for.

It needs banning asap, because we’re on a slippery slope downhill where 3rd party websites/addons are the judge and jury of your fitness to play this game, empowered by lazy elitist incels.

heroic? you mean mythic right? coz i am in the full heroic set, even visible in my profile pic.
The only reason i don’t do a few mythic bosses at this point in time is because there is little point, I don’t doubt that i could easily move up to the first few mythics if i wanted but I believe none of the bosses at the start actually give me anything i’d actually want. (would only need the first 3 for a mega item in SL)

Either way, what i have learned about shadowlands is raising alot of alarm bells for me, still undecided wether to continue onwards. It just looks like they are going to repeat all the mistakes of the previous 2 expansions combined into one.

So salty, its working as intended mr entitled.

Entitled neckbeard living in mom’s basement detected. You have to work for something, I know it’s awful :frowning:

actually, you “don’t” have to work for anything, people just dowload raider io and only take overgeared ppl who also have high io and the dungeon done…

So this ends up with the problem causing the problem, people essentially get their own +15 boosts by using io to pretty much eliminate the challenge. As such, any real concept of challenge simply evaporates.

Now if the gear and classes weren’t so absurdly imbalanced, this may not be the case, the reason the timer and key downgrading is bad is because people just circumvent them by doing this exact action, defeating what many here say is the point in the content through the addon which they themselves defend.

Nobody gets boosted when high raiderio’s are grouping up together.

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I will keep saying this because some want to blame an addon that is only reflecting your experience in mythic plus. This is raider io:-

This is the armory:-

The only difference is that one can be seen in game and has all your runs translated into a convenient score system, and the other requires looking someone up. Much like in the old days we would look people up on wowprogress. If anything there is more info given on both the raider io in game addon and website than you get from the armory.

If you are applying to someone else’s key, and especially if you are dps you are up against a whole load of other people applying. It is the leader’s prerogative who they take and it’s not unreasonable for that person to want to take the best of the applicants available to ensure success.

If you are struggling to do keys join a community, do them with friends, do them with guildies or push your own key. When you are lead you a free to pick as many experienced or inexperienced players are you see fit.


You completely failed to address the main body of my gripe with rio. What other dungeons you have done have very little relevance to the dungeon you’re looking to run a key on. Mobs and boss mechanics are different, differnt mobs needs interrupting.stunning etc. I could have timed KR 50 times on 15+ and get refused a spot there because my score is low due to not having run all the other dungeons on high keys too.

Rio forces you to do content you don’t want to, in my case because of the loot tables, to do content that you do. Folks disregard the context and only see the whole (your overall score), because rio is making players lazy and elitist.

You didn’t really mention a gripe with rio coherently. You just butted in here like a child and called people neckbeards.

The problem you now described has nothing to do with rio, it does actually show your highest timed dungeons and people can see on the website how many times you’ve timed that dungeon.

It’s just people don’t look, is that the tools faul or the tool using the tool?

You are neckbeards. Most of you are proud of it too.

When you’re done being butthurt because someone pointed out the obvious, it has everthing to do with rio. Do you honestly think 99% of the folk actually look at what you’ve done, when you’ve done it, did you beat the timer? No, all they see is a number and hit the decline button.

The addon is making it easy for the self-appointed gatekeeping neckbeards to be…well, elitist, self-appointed neckbeard gatekeepers.

Rio doesn’t force you to do anything. Whether it’s the armory or the addon a leader is more likely to choose an experienced player in a dungeon over someone who has never even done a +2 in it. People don’t want their keys to fail and you are not entitled to be invited to everything automatically in PuG content.

Using your example, if you are applying to a KR key the addon shows the leader what runs you have done in the dungeon you are applying to. So again an advantage over the armory which will just show your highest timed run. It would not show that you’d done it many times. It would actually make you even less desirable to take.

I did have to smile how according to you rio is both making people lazy and forcing them to do all the dungeons. Rio is just a tool that reflects the person’s experience so that people can have the greatest chance of succeeding when putting together a team. It has been invaluable particularly in 8.3 where ilvl has been fairly meaningless.


You still fail to grasp the reality of the situation. How are you an mvp again? You keep coming back with the same points. Folks are lazy, because in the lfg tool all you are is a number, solely because of rio. That number is an aggregate of EVERYTHING you have done and can only be raised to high numbers by doing all 12 dungeons in BFA. If you haven’t run EVERYTHING, on high keys and timed them, then that number is low, regardless of how well you do in a couple of other dungeons and the “decline” button gets hit. Doesn’t matter if they’re running a 16 key in Siege and you happen to have run that dungeon 20 times well below the timer and on high keys, know the bosses and trash like the back of your hand, you are sent to the dustheap regardless.

It’s like saying you want a decathlete on your Olympic 100m sprint team instead of Usain Bolt, because they do nine other events so that means they must be better than the guy that only does one, right? #neckbeardlogic

You just don’t get it and I’m done trying to debate.

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Yep. My dungeons also improved when I stopped using the addon. But I do mostly 12-13s. It’s never someone who ignores rio complaining on the forums about some demon hunter leaving in the middle of the run. Always it’s someone using the addon and getting the players with the best rio and of course they’ll drop the run if it doesn’t go the way they wanted. They can get an invite immediately somewhere else.

You’re the only one around here with butthurt. You complain about people wrongly using tool.

Maybe for +15, but at higher keys (+20) I always look at highest level of the given dungeon done. If someone wants to jump from +16 to +20 then I instantly ignore them.