If you want to stop raider io

This is the dumbest statement you can make in the most broken patch in wow’s history.

Some people stack up absurd corruption damage which does the dps of a dpser on its own, while others simply haven’t gotten corruption yet due to complete RNG and huge costs to purchase.

It would take you 60 M+ runs or so at +15 just to get rank 3 in some corruptions so you can’t really complain when people cant do enough damage when they have to have done enough of it to be so sick of the content that they can’t be bothered to do it anymore in order to do the damage you want for them to do during it…

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You don’t need corruption to do more than 60k dps. My paladin does more damage than that without even stacking corruption for DPS as retri. It’s stacked on corruptions for holy. My shaman, who has 1 piece of mindflay corruption and 1x 6% haste, would do like 70k dps if I played with myself as the tank and that’s at 460.

If you are stacking IT you are like 10k behind mastery stacking, it’s just that but outdpsing a tank going with pure dps corruptions might not be easy on a suboptimal char. Outdpsing a blood dk with lvl 12 td in a 15 can go both ways. You can do more than 100k on a vengence/dk tank. A sub optimal dps char with low corruption will never reach it.

I’m a guardian druid. Not blood dk.

My shaman would be at like 70k dps with my pulls with only 1x mindflay and 1x 6% haste and that’s at 460.

It’s the same deal…

You need to remember by stacking up your damage, you are reducing the damage of the rest of the party as they cannot dps if th target is dead.

Their DPS should go up, not down, if the stuff dies faster and they actually know how to do damage. If a tank pulls huge when I’m on my mage and he does a lot of damage, I will be doing at least 4-5 times his damage when I have several orbs out and it doesn’t even have any proper corruptions and is like 460 but depending on how the tank pulls, can easily do 100k over a dungeon.

I’m also confused at what you are linking because 44k is fine for dpers in m+, i mean at +15 you would only need about 170k dps across the party… any more and you are expecting a ++ or +++ out of them.

You also didnt show the other classes except the warrior

I did more than that last season.

good for you.

Now how about you stop epeening and actually be constructive?

Currently the game is in a broken state, as a result the dps range is higher than it has ever been, this is because of a mix of azerite armor, essences, corruptions, item effects, trinkets, zero talent balancing/implementation, massive class and spec imbalances, dull uninteresting gameplay for many among other things like item scaling.

The simple fact is the average player is not going to go out of the game to look up 100% perormance guides because as a wise man once said, “If you need to go outside of a game to have fun, then it may be better to stay outside of it”

As a result, they should be doing far more damage than 44k. It’s not even hard. That’s in the damage range my paladin can achieve as a healer if people are good enough at avoiding damage. I average 30k dps on my paladin, someone doing 14k more dps than the healer when they have the gear to do 100k is a joke.

no… a broken state works both ways, when the game as a whole is broken, both absurdly low performance and absurdly high performance are possible within a single spec.

You are mistaking it for overtuned and undertuned states, if its overtuned then it will be almost impossible for the average person to do anything in the game, we are closer to this side, and when it is undertuned then it is so easy to do absurd performance that the game becomes unplayable and easy at the same time, for example, you instantly kill any enemy player without any investment into your character because they didnt bother tuning it. (we’re looking at you demon hunters)

In a broken state, you basically have no choice but abuse the most broken actions, rotations and builds which may also take huge amounts of investment to obtain or you will not even be to play the game because if you do not, then your performance can drop by even 80-90%, if it was simply overtuned then everyone would do around 50k dps but actually need to do 70k dps and that would also be crazy difficult to achieve.

My shaman is 460. It has 1x mindflay corruption and 1x haste corruption. It does far more damage than 44k. My mage is 461, it has 1x 9% crit, 1x 9% mastery and 1x mindflay and does far more damage than 44k.

I do more damage as boomkin and I have no damned clue how to play boomkin.

So because you have one of the more broken corruptions and do that damage, everything is fine the mindflay does stupidly high dps.

Mindflay is a single target corruption. It does like no damage over a run compared to your AOE.

And no, it doesn’t do stupidly high dps.

I’ve just done both assaults on my mage, the mindflay corruption did 1.3% of my damage. Oh so broken. Stupidly high dps indeed. My AD trinket did more damage than the corruption did.

You do realise mage is pretty much the most powerful dps in the game right?

A proc of 2.9k damage every second for 10 sec isn’t what makes me do the damage I do on my mage.

And now you edited your post, lmao. So what if they’re “the most powerful dps in the game”? I’m not playing a fire mage stacked on mastery corruptions. I’m playing frost mage with like no corruptions.

yeah, and frost mage has a high baseline but lowish scaling so of course you are going to do high damage without needing much. This was likely intentional because of the frost mages history of being way too powerful.

I guess anything to excuse people not doing the damage they should be doing, eh. They’re not even anywhere close to their maximum potential at 44k dps with their gear. I do more than that as boomkin and I have no clue how to play boomkin, like at all.

And why would they need to be? maximum potential generally means draining all the fun out of the game… why do you think almost every frost dk hates breath of sindragosa, it is the highest potential but the worst gameplay.