If you want to stop raider io

Why shouldn’t they be closer to the maximum potential?

because they are not robots…

You are seriously like that guy who totally flipped out and ragequit when i refused to take an “upgrade” that one time…

You don’t need to be a robot to be closer to your maximum potential.

You seem to be ignoring the fact that if you are doing 100% more damage then you are playing the game 50% less, that simply is not fun, but don’t worry, blizzard is also ignoring this too thus why they made the corruption system.

This is called efficiencey and is also why it is the polar opposite of fun.

But it is not simply the corruptions but the essences and azerite powers added to all the other nonesense, some of it is fun, other parts of it are efficient, and the more efficient you become, the less fun the game generally becomes.

I did a test with my rogue in this regard a while ago, the game was fun at 445 ilvl but the more items i obtained above this, the less fun the game became.

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I don’t even. What.

I don’t play boomkin because I don’t do any damage, because I don’t know how to play boomkin. It’s not fun not doing any damage.

Doing more damage doesn’t mean you play the game less.

You can of course just do higher keys and get to play the game even more since there are more deadly mechanics, and a mistake is just killing you.

(while 44k dps for a +!5 seems pretty low, and a holy paladin has to do the crap on ranged on 1st boss too when there is only 1 other ranged :wink: ).

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I don’t like raider io because it has a score and most people will only look at the score. If it removed the score and only showed how many timed runs you have done and the highest timed, I think the addon would be better.

not really, no.
this is a lame excuse.

there are no absurdly low performance in the current game, not months into the patch. unless you’re a casual alt, your main just by doing basic stuff should be geared and have bought correct corruption.

and with those, there is now “low”, at best there is “lower” than the usual suspect meta classes.

if you perform low now, either you haven’t played this patch, or you’re just plain bad.

I’ve already investigated this, if i use centre path talents for the frost dk i will lose almost 33% dps in comparison to using the full left path talents.

That is exactly what doing more damage does, for example, if you clear your daily quests in half the time, then you have effectively played the game half as much as you should be doing twice as much to clear them, if that is all you do for the day then that is the difference between playing lets say 15 minutes and 30 minutes, because you are doing enough damage to allow that.

The hell?

Those aren’t fun to do no matter what.

Which give time to do more stuff, so you can enjoy more parts of the game than just WQs.

but then there is the knock-on effect, you will only get half of that activity too.

Since this topic is about raiderio, M+ dungeons. I think you missed the moment where it is told that the timer of the dungeons do not change. The scaling is infinite. Do more damage. Get higher, keep spending exactly the same amount of time.

but there is not much to gain after +15 so once you get to that point, you’re essentially just playing to play less or otherwise to log high runs.

We play for fun. I can not understand people are going to play a video game and not want to have fun.

Suddenly it’s very clear why you want raider io gone.


It has been always clear why people want rio gone: because they’re bad and too poor to afford boosts :smiley:

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I have no clue why people even boost. There are so many communities that dont use raiderio. We just run any key in fail train. Yesterday runned a key from them up to even 17, 19, 21, 20, +22. Raiderio almost does not exist for me.


kinda knew this thread blowing up would be Elahri / Yannila going on about how bad others are while avoiding the fact that he very much belongs in those groups.

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My 475 warrior sims at 62k with a lvl 8 cape. My ele shaman sims even less. They are fully capable to do a +15 weekly in time, I’ve been doing them for a long time, but i invest nothing in them timewise, except for 1 key a week. I’m fully capable of outdpisng them on my tank. There are blood dks that do 110k dps in +20s with TD, I’ve seen it happen. There are blood dks that outdps mythic raiders on nzoth, while said mythic raiders parse in 90s. Depending on the group composition something like warlock, ele shaman, boomkin, surv hunter, arms warrior can be outdpsed by the tank because they don’t have enough on demand burst to dps packs that live for 8 seconds. Health of mobs is limited. If the tank procs 2m damage tds back to back your cds will get wasted. Now lets say a slow class is playing with crap gear like my warrior or shaman and they will get humiliated. I outdpsed a lot of people myself on my monk in 15s, while it’s the worst scaling tank from TD dps wise. Not to mention I can pull in a way that will just cause you to die.