If you want to stop raider io

You’re just continuing to show you have no clue.

You’re just like the guy I played with in OW. “hurdihurr, you belong at this rating too” when I played with him and trying to tell me how to play the game when I complained about people being bad.

Meanwhile, after I started going at it solo:

But I belong in silver/gold according to him.

Cos overwatch is wow!

Complaining about bad people doesn’t mean you’re bad and belong with them. That’s the point. You completely missed it.

But you’ve done it for so long. At this point theres only 2 options.

  1. You’re bad, because you’ve had plenty of opportunity to climb out of that ‘bracket’ into one where people are less inclined to make basic errors so much that you feel compelled to make 5 screenshots a run.

  2. You’re a sadomasochist who enjoys the pain of bad groups.

Am I missing something? I generally see decent players group with decent ones. What is it about you that makes you “good” but perpetually incapable of joining a group of equally skilled people?

There are none that I’ve found.

Each group I’ve joined I’ve ended up leaving due to the lack of skill on behalf of other members in the team.

Ok, so “does not work well with others”.


And nobody befriended you either.

In the meantime players like growl and naesem are showing pug runs on youtube, where they time keys and show what pugs also do good. Often it is a small change people have to make to get higher. By your standards a 5k+ rio player is ‘trash’ because of not knowing freedom helps on the barrel on 2nd boss freehold.


This warrior I tried to play with, he kept dying and said the healer was bad. I did some keys with the healer as tank afterwards to find out what exactly was going wrong. Did the same pulls as the warrior. Couldn’t find anything out that was specific to the route that made it go wrong. “You’re way easier to heal, wtf is the warrior doing?”. User error with him not knowing how to play warrior.

Also had easier and faster routes than the warrior who insisted on his specific routes because “i have autism”.

Paladin healer I tried to play with early in the expansion “hurdihurr, this is unhealable!!” as we kept dying to unavoidable damage. Like, what. I lvled my priest to play with the rest of the group to find out what was going wrong. I did it on my priest with no problems, on higher keys.

They are.

It is only distubing that you are not seeing the problem here. But i rest my case. I would also not want to play with you. Not for 1 second.

The problem is them not having learned something that I learned during first week of normal mythics.

That is really a problem when they are 5k rio. :man_facepalming:

People mostly buy boost for all +15 becouse it gives a mount, everyone likes mount but not mythic+ :smiley:

It is. I won’t play with people who die to that stuff.

If by now you don’t know things I learnt in normal mythics first week, I don’t want to play with you.

Indeed. Your mindset is the worst of the worst toxics in this game.

Thats absolute rubbish. “Most people” have never had enough gold to buy one boost, let alone 12.

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It’s not toxic to not want to play with people who don’t learn.

Because someone with 5k rio has never learned something :man_facepalming:

You are asking +30 execution on your +15. Yes that is more than toxic.

If they die to stuff you should’ve learnt first week of mythics then I don’t know what to say except they’re bad.

They do everything else 100 times better than you. And 100% better personality. Which is skill too.

Not really. Having the fortitude to put up with other players not learning is a different matter.

Like, when I’ve done dungeons on the beta. I understood the mist maze in a matter of seconds BUT OTHER PEOPLE INSIST ON RUNNING AND TRIGGERING IT INSTEAD OF JUST LETTING ME SOLVE IT IN SECONDS. So we take ages to get through it. This is going to be an issue even when it goes live, people don’t learn and it took me a few seconds to learn what to do yet others don’t get it after several runs and still send us back to the start.

“can’t wait for a WA for this”. NO, YOU DON’T NEED A WA FOR IT. You just need to be able to think logically.