If you want to stop raider io

yes we know you have 200 IQ. but unfortunately -200 EQ.

Look at what has happened to this thread now, maybe you now understand how it is a toxic addon.

Chance of being stuck under 1,5k score for so long cause you meet only bad groups is incredibly low. You just lie and you can’t play. That’s all. Typical bad apple “why u bad?” - “IT’S BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE”.

I’m not under 1.5k score though.

You keep editing and adding stuff with more and more ranting. And everyone is trash but you. But when that is the case, you should start looking at yourself and start evaluating.

I go do dungeons now with my friends. Have fun yourself too.

You sound just like the internship I had where they did everything wrong. Then they go all “hurr, you’re part of it too”. Yeah, because you don’t let me do things the right way. Assign me to a task they said would take hours to complete and I was done in under an hour.

Why? Because they were bad and didn’t even know the program they had been using for years and I found out how to utilize the program in a more efficient manner in less than 5 minutes after I got to sit and fiddle around with it. Meanwhile, they sit there putting everything in manually hundreds of times when you only had to do it once and then you just pressed 3 buttons and you were done with the next batch. Inefficient as hell to put everything in manually.

Bad groups happen to everyone, but ALL you do is blame others over and over and OVER again and yet you still achieved nothing. You have issues with yourself if you need to constantly screenshot everything on the party “to prove” you weren’t the bad one.

You’re a part of the problem too.

Nope. I do that because of people like you and others who claim the error lies with me when others are playing bad. As if I can control their characters.

You’re just like that guy I played with in OW.

And again “OTHERS ARE BAD!!!1111”. Get over yourself already. There is no chance you’re not making any mistakes.

This is exactly why druids are boycotted from M+

I’m not the one bolstering bosses and going “WTF BOSS BOLSTERED???”, dying to cannons on last boss in TD and whining at the healer not being able to outheal a 1-shot and so forth.

If I do something bad, I say that I did something bad. I don’t try to blame others in the group for me playing bad or act as if something is bugged(Like boss getting bolstered).

First thing I said when I wiped us in sots in season 3 by playing bad, “I shouldn’t have pulled that mob”. Not try to blame the healer for not outhealing a bad pull by me.

I don’t insist on my own route if someone tells me of another easier and faster route because “i have autism”, like the warrior I tried to play with who wanted us to do a needlessly difficult route.

I’m not this guy:

Who tries to blame the tank after ninjapulling and wiping us, because the tank ran in to try and grab aggro when he saw he ninjapulled.

If I had done that, I’d say “I pulled”. Not try to divert blame to the tank.

OMG. NO ONE CARES WHO AND WHAT HAS BEEN SAID IN YOUR DUNGEONS. Put it in your diary geez. Just read your posts, 99% of them is complaining about others while you said NOTHING bad about yourself. There is NO WAY you keep having bad people in your groups for so long.

E: You edited your post 3 times just to post more “OTHERS BAD, ME GOOD”.

Yes, there is. Far less often on horde but on alliance it was very common.

Just accept that you’ll get no self reflection from him. It’s always others, never him.

I already said if I play bad, I will say so. I can’t control other people. I stopped playing boomkin because I’m not pulling the dps I should be doing. I don’t insist on staying boomkin and doing subpar dps. That’s not fun for me, nor the groups I join. “Oh hey, just take me out of pity, my dps sucks”. No.

I don’t say you don’t meet bad people, but if you constantly show screenshots and quotes to prove that it’s not your fault then something is really wrong with you. Most people just say to themselfes “ok, bad run, next”. You seem to stick to past runs instead just letting it go. Bad runs DO HAPPEN and you won’t avoid randomness from strangers.

I had warrior tank at AD20 yesterday who didn’t know proper route for fortified. BEFORE dungeon I ASKED him if we go left first and lust on priestess trash, he said he wanted to do Rezan first, then hunter second my idea then warrior agreed to do our way. He made later one mistake of tanking Rezan on the other side of area (los doesn’t work here, you have to hide behind stairs), still we timed it.

Put yourself in other people shoes. To one problem can be more than one proper solution, while you can’t control others’ chars you still can prevent some tactical mistakes and wipes.


Nope. It’s people who insist that I’m the bad one that makes me take these screenshots. I’m done with the gaslighting by people in general.

Heh, hopeless. Have it your way. I’m done.

Hopeless for not letting people gaslight me? Yeah, ok.

Remembers me of a druid healer who joined my +10. I was with my 420 ilvl mage and 2 other low geared friends doing it for gear. At first boss this druid started complaining about low damage even if we were going to still time it. He started ninjapulling everything and wiping us several times before we kicked him and finished the key without a healer.

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