If you want to stop raider io

SO anyway… the whole problem with raider io is that it is creating a rating system where there is not supposed to be a rating system and it is very aggressive at doing this, it will log you unless you specifically turn off your own setting to allow it to do that, however, it still keeps data apparantly even if you do turn it off to which you then would need to ask them to remove…

blizzard needs to also add another option to tell sites to remove this data the next time it attempts to harvest it too just to finish the full effect.

I have heard reports of people having their alts identified via the api which is why it is important to turn off this setting and remove the data, not just have it turn collection of it off.

Who cares?

Just tick that off.

So turn it off.

But if people hide their scores I assume they are baddies and don’t invite them. What other reason is their to hide your score?

The reason is to avoid certain people from signing to my groups, i usually make groups btw, i generally don’t join them often.

I don’t even. Why does it matter if they can see your rio score then?

because rio also tracks your raid progress, which can lead people to bothering you to join their guild without even any info…

Just ignore them then.

This whole thread.

Really makes you realize, what WoW has turned into when a major focus lies on actual failable content. Certainly not healthy for the game.

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In TBC if you did heroic dungeon and you wiped few times there was nothing wrong with that, you released, went back to dungeon and there was no punishment. Someone left dungeon? No prob, we’re at summ stone, just get someone else.
With timer, key depletion and not having possibility to replace leavers - you can’t avoid that.

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Is succeeding with no skill, preparation or knowledge healthy gameplay?

What a silly post.

Sometimes I feel like all those complainers make threads/posts to hate something, not to get solutions or explanations… -.-’

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yet people in tbc still did these things in heroic, without the limitations of the current dungeon system and they still often failed at the heroics because they simply could not get past the content, adding a low timer to that for no apparant reason would have just made people ultra toxic, certain classes were already on auto-refuse like retri paladins.

What are you even talking about? I played with any classes/specs that wanted to tag along to heroics when I tanked in TBC. Unlike a certain tank in my guild who refused to bring any class that didn’t have CC, as if you needed a group packed with CC to do the dungeons.

Retri paladins could not cc and they could not interrupt, and they were pretty much the weakest dpser, it is highly likely that their refusal rate was above 99.9% for heroic dungeon in tbc.

How is this relevant to the game as it currently stands?

Only by bad groups who thought you needed to bring CC by every player in the group.

I did not imply that anywere. But adding a timer to content just to bring an illusion of difficulty is not healthy gameplay either.

It is relevant because it shows that difficult content can be created without the need for a timer or rating system.

Heroic dungeons in TBC weren’t difficult though.

blood furnace first pack of the dungeon, you run in and die in 1 hit if you are not the tank, i saw a warrior ninja pull and he died without even getting a second chance, if that is not difficult i don’t know what is.

Tbc dungeon require awarness and cc made them significantly easier to do. This got even more rediculous with magisters terrace was released where the arena-like boss could absoloutely destroy groups if they did not care enough.