If you want to stop raider io

That’s the warrior being stupid if he gets himself killed. DPS dying when ninjapulling doesn’t mean it’s difficult.

What exactly did you imply? That content shouldn’t be failable?

except it does, as there are dps who ninja pull today and do not even lose any health when doing so, that is more than an indicator of the difficulty difference.

No, it isn’t.

Your stance on this implies that you believe lfr and mythic raids are the same difficulty.

and? every class has bad talents, and this has nothing to do with the patch.
i got talent as a ret i’ve never used in the whole xpac.
if you know how to play, you pick the right talent.

44k dps is not fine if you’re doing 15s this season lol.


It is fine if you are making up for the extra yourself, so 44k IS fine.

It is if you are playing with friends and they don’t mind carrying you.

In a pug I would say 60k is the minimum, to make it up to the lack of communication.

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The average successful pug is all 50k’s

If you are capabale of more than that they you will not reasonably have a problem with people who have lower dps, i have had plenty of people in the 40k region and not complained about it, because it does not matter, any damage they do not do, i will do.

Yeah, as long as i’m pulling 100k+ i can have 2 speds doing 20k that’s fine, doesn’t mean 44k is acceptable dps to do in a 15 lol


actually, 44k is still a successful dps score for a decent party, i only said the average and not the true requirement which is lower…

No. I was going to do AD on my priest earlier. We wiped several times because I ran out of mana due to it taking so long for them to kill stuff. The people who do that low damage usually doesn’t avoid damage too nor interrupt. 70k hps overall in a damned +14… Having to do up towards 140k on some packs and then they take ages to kill them too.

I had higher hps on vol’kaal than I do in tyrannical weeks. Like, wtf.

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There is an unwritten rule for healers:

“If you are complaining about your allies taking damage, then you are not a very good healer.”

Who made this rule, you? Blizzard? Some lazy dps? I call nonsense on that one, there are countless exceptions and lack of DPS is absolutely one of them. It’s absolutely not the healer’s job to outheal dps standing still in volcanic, for example. Plenty of mechanics aren’t meant to be outhealed but avoided, and can only really be outhealed by an overgeared healer.

…unless of course, healers aren’t allowed to do content relevant to their gear? :thinking: You think all 3 dps in a +15 doing 40k dps is enough, but a healer can never let out a single peep if people are getting killed by 8 stacks of Bursting? :thinking: Low dps is absolutely one possible reason parties die, always has been. No healer is meant to be able to fight over 15 minutes straight without a manabreak, they’re just not tuned that way. In raids, berserk and healer mana is a thing, in M+ healer mana is a thing.

I’m sorry but making up your own sayings and then quoting yourself is just so ridiculous that I had to respond even though I’m pretty sure you’re baiting. :smiley:

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Stop taking those pills, you start to post crap.

There is no rule lol. If someone took avoidable damage I heal it. They shouldn’t, but they did. The definitely shouldn’t complain about healing when they died to avoidable mechanic.

No. That’s not an unwritten rule, that’s something you just made up on the spot, lmao.

A healer shouldn’t have to do 70k hps over a +14. That’s the other people who are awful at avoiding damage and eating everything to the face. Even in higher keys than that you don’t see 70k hps over a run, if people actually know how to play.

If I had just about enough gear to do it, they never would have made it through the instance. I could only do it because I have more gear than needed for a +14. You wouldn’t see someone with just about enough gear pushing 140k hps on a pack to make sure you can get through it, it would be a wipe instead. I burned all my mana to do it but we did it. A less geared healer? Nope, they wouldn’t be able to outheal it. I doubt they would even have been able to finish it if they had gone with a healer who has just about enough gear to do +14 with how much damage they were taking and how much HPS I had to do to keep them alive, draining my mana. Vol’kaal would have put an effective stop with how they were playing if I didn’t outgear it.

Many of the old and good healers know this rule even if they will not outright state it, as a healer you are accepting that bad things are going to happen wether you like it or not and as such you must also understand that it is your duty to make up for the weakness in your party.

This is pretty much the same in any MMO, in ff14 for example it seems to baffle people that i will still take the time and effort to revive people even if they die 10+ times in the same fight, yet i do not complain about it, because as a healer, I understand that it is part of my duty to them and that is what seperates the true healers from the rest.

Hah. Hah. No. If I didn’t really want to do a key at 12 or over just to have a dungeon done for my priest this week I would have bailed after we died first time due to bursting. On my paladin I would have bailed instantly. 2 bursting. Almost runs out. 3 bursting. Almost runs out. 4 bursting. Almost runs out. 5 bursting. Almost runs out. 6 bursting. I’m reaching really high hps. 7 bursting. We all die.

A healer around the ilvl where you can start doing +14 rather than one that outgears it and they likely wouldn’t have been able to even finish the run.

FF14 isn’t WoW. It plays entirely different than WoW. If I’d res someone that’s just going to die again in WoW I just wasted my battle res. In FF14 you can just keep ressing people.

Elahri look, DLC released comic about you! :smiley:
You’re famous xD