If you want to stop raider io

The concept is still the same, a res in ff14 requires an extreme mana investment so for weak healers, they simply won’t be able to sustain constant revives, and if swiftcast is not ready then that is another 8 second of stationary cast in order get them back up, it is extremely dedtrimental to the healer to do so and in some cases it will effectively wipe the group on certain dps checks that instantly wipe if not met.

But complaining about them doing stupid things does not solve anything, it does not heal them better and it does not make them play better, however, taking the time to ask what happened does, something you are simply not able to do reasonably in mythic+, thus why it devolves into toxicity most often than not.

… What.

I’ve played it. Did they change something recently? It was nigh impossible to run out of mana when I played it last time. Unless I spammed holy.

I can hardly reply to that when you didn’t provide time relevance…

needless to say 24% of a mana bar multiple times is not small by any means when mana regen is on cooldown.

In terms of wow, throwing a few more heals shouldn’t be too much issue, you can either heal something or you can’t, no point stressing over it.

I would heal in WoW if there was actually an appealing healer to play like the astrologian in ff14.

You do thin air + res. 0 mana cost.

100000 forum on raider.oi lets be real why keep complain it not going anyware going stay

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we are not talking about 1 or 2 revives tho, in an alliance raid you could need to revive about 20-30 times in some cases, particularly back when fights like hashmal and then the thunder god were released this could get quite taxing but you alone could save the entire group on your own with about 4/24 still alive if you did not simply ragequit and reset the whole thing. unlike in WoW you could often see your parties appreciation for doing this with up to 7/7 commends in one run.

WoW has nothing like this, it keeps pushing content that will make the playerbase toxic like M+ and allowing activities that will make them even more toxic like multibox farming, on top of more things like the ah changes, corruption system and others.

Everything the WoW developers are doing these days is just making people more and more toxic, rather than relaxed and paced content, they keep introducing rushed and pressured content that you are pretty much forced to do to have a decent power level.

Raider io comes into this because it simply pollutes an already polluted environment and this is why these things need to be dealt with, soon the only things left will be the boxers, boosters and the addicts but the boosters will leave once the remnants of the majority leave as there will be nobody to sell to and inevitably the addicts will leave when there is not enough to play with and then the boxers will leave because there won’t be any reason to multibox.


There you go again. What you’re saying comes off as “if you don’t accept everything people do wrong and ever complain about impossibly high avoidable damage that few people can outheal, you must be a new healer, bad healer, and not a true healer at all, I’m the authority on what makes a good healer”.

It’s absolutely 100% okay to “complain” as you call it, if your party continuously makes the same mistakes. It’s everyone’s job to assist others in learning how to be better if they don’t know they’re doing something wrong. It’s not the mark of a good healer to silently endure everything and then pass the party along to the next healer who might not be overgeared enough or the right class to carry the mistakes even though you could. In fact, you’re doing all other healers a disservice every time you do this. They’re going to be expected to perform exactly as you did, or they might get abused or kicked.

Also, are they really complaining though… or are they just kindly explaining what went wrong because they care about the party’s success, but you just count it all as complaining? “I think 10 stacks of Bursting is a bit too much for me, sorry” is not complaining, it’s informative and helps the party succeed next pull. I highly doubt most healers go around out there like “reeee papertank dumb dps sigh reeee -.- -.- -.-”

It might be convenient to claim “everyone knows this they just don’t say it”, but that doesn’t make it true. It’s still just your opinion, no matter what way you word it. Please don’t pretend you’re speaking for all the healers in the world as if they don’t have their own voice. If your argument needs some nonexistent silent “They agree with me They just won’t say so” healer choir behind you, it’s not a very good argument.

You repeat word “toxic” so often… Toxic people will always be toxic unless some big event will cause them to change. Without timer there would still be people calling everyone apes/monkeys/garbage/trash/hardstucks or w/e it is in their childish language after wipe.

If you let random people on the internet hurt you, then it is YOU who has to change. Accept that fact, live with it. If you don’t let their insults hit you, then you won’t feel unrelaxed.

And by the way, playing dungeons with friends removes any stresses pugging does ;p

“Toxic” is code for “honest feedback that points out uncomfortable truths about me” these days.
It’s not them that sucks, its that darn system or everyone else or the game design or an external website. Surely it can’t be them!

Usually I ask them, how they pick people for their keys but then they become strangely quiet…

yet if they did this in lets say 2005 they would be kicked within about 10 seconds and you would simply get a replacement and then repeat this process if needed, this forced people to be nice because if they were not, then they would not be in any group for very long, the current state of the game punishes you for trying to punish toxic players.

The current content they are pushing does not allow this, if you kick someone for being toxic then you have just screwwed your own key etc and that is if they haven’t already.

given the aforementioned toxic nature of the content, everyone has already left the game… its just me left trying to find some redeeming quality in the game and since it is now apparantly phasing in alot of people who don’t even speak the same language, that line is growing thinner by the day.

my point is, you can’t have the main repeatable content of the game punishing people for trying to punish toxicity within the community, that is just not good game design.

Lolwut? Everyone has already left the game?


It’s not rio fault xD Someone forgot that there were toxic people when there was no M+. It’s product of anonymity. That’s all. If you wanna fight this - you have to change whole world, good luck with that.

It’s not about the being toxic but about being to do something about them being toxic, if blizzard do not provide the tools and the content for this then it will simply continue to degrade.

This is why raids aren’t nearly complained about as much as M+, because you can simply remove disruptive people and get someone sensible whenever you want

Kick them. Ignore them. If they say something vulgar/offensive, report them in addition. + points if they log on to an alt to circumvent the ignore system and you report them for that too.

and thats a dead key so they already won, anything that happens after does not really matter at this point.

A key downgrading isn’t a dead key.

a dead key is a run that can’t be completed, even without the time limit.

if your healer or tank are gone then for many, you are just done, the key is dead.

No, a dead key is an instance nobody wants to do.

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such as the aforementioned uncompletable key, there are not many people who are going to continue onwards without a tank. It has a double meaning pretty much but not really.

SoB with bolstering for example is generally a pre-depleted key when pugging, not a dead key.

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