If you want to stop raider io

not the best, not perfect but its million of miles better than what we had before.

And you do your role. What is exactly wrong about my statement that the more experience you get the better you handle mechancis?

I really do not see the discussion here.

Two things, firstly all other endgame content is technically on a timer. Raid bosses have enrage mechanics to prevent you from just spending 6 hours autoattacking it while afk. Battlegrounds have timers. Last I checked, arenas still have dampening. Even world quests and emissaries expire.

Second, stopping your data from being shared with addon developers doesn’t stop raiderio. You should rather advocate for people to not troll so things like raiderio wouldn’t be necessary. Far too many people who play this game feel entitled to being carried, but don’t even see it as carrying, it’s a pretty widespread problem actually. I see it in people’s attitudes every time I try to do any type of content. Everyone thinks they’re better than everyone else just because they show up… even though everyone else shows up as well, but have actually done the prerequisite work on top of that.

Do your own key, be prepared to be patient if you’re playing the most common role, and when your key is something you can’t do on time, say so in the title so people know what to expect.
I got over the timer anxiety by looking at it in a different way. The timer serves an important purpose in M+ beyond the racing mentality - it helps to show people how high they should be aiming with their current skills and gear. It’s not actually a “failure meter” you should be stressing about, it’s a timer for when you should think the dungeon was a little bit too easy for you. Took 10 minutes doing a +5? Obviously not relevant content for you then. Timed a +9 but only by 20 seconds? Cool, that’s where your limit is. Perhaps you can do a +10 untimed to get better gear, but with your gear and skill level the system is telling you you probably shouldn’t be going higher than that.

Raiderio is just a boring logical tool to counter the problem the community has created with their attitudes. Time is precious, and the only truly valuable resource we have. It’s not right to ask people to risk wasting all of their game time on constant failed runs because Johnny and Jenny +2 feel like they “bel0ng” in a +13, and want to hide that fact to lie their way into those groups.

because M+ is essentially 30-40m of assigned tasks for the entire duration, i mean you don’t want a dps standing there just hitting things, you want him interrupting things etc.

And since by +15 the dungeon is, in effect, more difficult than the heroic raid, you are pretty much stuck when people don’t learn yet still manage to get through on pure luck.

Which is not comparable with xanesh football what you do not have to play at all for killing it. So when someone has a lot of experience on a dungeon and also timed runs, you can safely assume he has done the mechanics succesfuly. Mulitple times.

But what do we talk about. I timed temple 20 yesterday with 12 deaths on the board. Wednesday affix is a thing. But +15 harder than heroic raiding? Lol.

Thats funny because i have had streaks of not ever drawing the mechanics straw before.

Like imagine in underrot on the last boss and someone simply refuses to stand near your group with the cleanse circle because it is clearly dangerous, they may go 10 underrots and literally never even know what that does.

or like on last boss in motherlode, the tank just stands in the bombers path and lucks out 10 runs in a row where they leave a safe gap in their pattern.

Sure you can search for exceptions where someone with 5 successfull runs only and no other expereince is better than someone with 10 unsuccessful and 5 successful. But the later one has normal progression and has far more experience.

We all can find exceptions everywhere. That does not make the statement not true.

You better take someone with 0 rio for M+ and for raiding 0 pulls. They are probably the best choice. I apply the logic of experience. I ask no perfect execution on 15’s since nobody is perfect. There are no guarentees anyway.

I have noticed one huge thing about this forum in general, People come here with a complaint looking for solutions and all the self proclaimed elite players come out the woodwork and start giving them crap and telling they’re rubbish.

Want to know what is rubbish, The attitudes of these people on this forum I am done with these forums don’t drown in your own pools of toxicity /Peace.


Having a job and a family has nothing to do with this. I have a full time job and nearly 3 hours of combined commute, I make do with minimal playtime during the workweek and some of the weekend. If you think I spend all of it on pushing my score you’re delusional. This is such a lazy excuse. At least come up with something new. If people with kids and jobs can do it, anyone can.

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To target an item, you’d have to keep the key the same though - and all I’ve said is don’t reduce the level on it. If you complete the dungeon, it still randomises. If you failed the timer, the level stays the same. If you beat the timer, it goes up as usual.

There’s no more potential for farming items than at present, you just get to keep your key level even if you have a bad group.

If people want to make the “I don’t have time for failure” claim, then they should probably think about investing a bit of effort in finding a guild/community with whom they can progress. A regular team saves an awful lot of time in th elong run.

Kind of the same thought as above… If you don’t have time to pug, don’t pug. Run with people you trust.

Then you haven’t read the other 99 RIO thread. The first 5 comment always says: Find a guild, find a community, find friends, do your own keys. The next 10 will contain similarly usefull advices.

Excuse us for taking a piss on these posts after the maker ignores every solution time and time again.

Again this can be abused though. I personally hate Siege of Boralus. So if I get Siege of Boralus with your system, I will just not time the key and get a different one I like. When it comes to high keys everyone would just run Junkyard then and nothing else.

It’s just not as easy as it seems on first glance. I think the downgrading of keys is required. Maybe not optimal. But required.

Edit: Seems I missed a part of your original statement.

But then again this would lead to people worrying about who they invite. Because chances are you’re not even completing the key untimed with the wrong people and thus downgrading the key.

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Anyone else remember the days of link achieve before you got an invite? Raider is the better way to go TRUST me on this as an old player who has seen some horrific things in WoW’s raiding/high end dungeon lifespan the raider .io is the best of the worst.

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I do remember being invited to groups because I was in a guild going for realm firsts on my alts though.

Timer is important for m+


Aha, and I do?

With my few hours I spend playing this game every month? :woman_facepalming:

To this it is.


Its purpose is to just make it so that doing the dungeons and difficulty level you want and nothing lower or higher to be harder to do as well as to make getting the rank 4 iris more of a pain.

For one who is not competing with others the timer is just a nuisance.

The problem I see with “stopping” rio is that it is playermade, in other words many players want it. sure you can turn of the sharing of data but all that will lead to is a blank rio profile amidst a sea of players using it. try getting into a +15 key without any score and keep me informed as to how that went.

As far as the timer goes, that IS ultimately the challenge. I’ll gladly admit that it hasn’t worked out properly in BfA as the affixes have been designed with the Legion dungeons in mind, the BfA Dungeons however were not designed while thinking about the Legion affixes as can be felt for example in Tol Dagor during quaking or sanguine weeks. So the system as a whole needs reworking for Shadowlands but I don’t see the timer as one of the issues but rather an aspect of the challenge.

Anyone can complete a dungeon on +24 if they just bang their head against the wall long enough. Pulling grp by grp, killing one mob per pull. going in with 2 healers instead of one and just heal the bosses to death, so what would be the fail-state then, if not the timer?


If you want to think that’s how it works, then feel free but it’s not how it is in practice.

I wouldn’t take me for a +20 but I wouldn’t dream of applying for one either. However my score is taken into account to any +15 and above I apply to.

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I don’t know if it’s still on the table, but Blizzard themselves wanted add something similar to rio into game in Shadowlands.