If you want to stop raider io

They won’t, they have their hands full of renaming existing features and trying to convince the playerbase that these are entirely new.

Except majority actually wants to use rio, so if you want to exclude yourself, you will simply hinder yourself in terms of invites.

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But you have to finish to keep your level, so why not try it properly :smile:

Not saying it’s perfect, I just think it’s better than what we have now…

Basically ‘‘if you don’t want people to use Raider io, don’t pug in the first place’’


Then don’t pug and make your own groups!

The less vigilant leaders will not check your actual stuff, but it wouldn’t actually matter as if they search you via the website, it will reveal that you have a rank 15 cape with 6x 12% mastery corruptions, thus putting your effective power well over double that of the typical player, beyond this they need only check your key completion, and as you have significant mythic raid progress, they will simply take teh assumtion that you know what you are doing, all without even needing to look at your score at all.

however, i did not even need raider io to determine this acceptability, all the io website shows me is that you have failed a few runs which isn’t particularly helpful at all, for example people may look at your atal’dazar record and they are going to see a huge number of untimed runs and start asking questions as to why that is.

However looking at my profile is quite weird because obviously you will only see results for siffrah and not the other 3 characters i have juggled around, particularly my warrior alt has more higher runs than my dk main.

Now what is awkward about this is that alot of people will simply invite me based off my large item level, which is comparable to your own but what they don’t actually pay attention to is that my gear is actually pretty terrible, as frost dk is in such a bad state that i haven’t really felt like using it too much (i say that yet have the heroic nya key)

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I don’t think anyone has gone through someone else’s record to look what runs they have failed when they are queued up to their run. Nor is that information readily available. You have to actually go and trawl through the website. Not something the addon does for you.

I currently have something like 80+ timed runs in +15s. That is usually acceptable to most pugs.

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pugs also refuse people with excessive runs tho because people who are progressing are more likely to stay.

Yet you want to remove RIO, the only hope we have at filtering these people out in M+.
1/10 troll is what you are my friend.

So defending a system is the elitist being toxic… nice, very toxic of you saying that just because i like and support RIO in the game i am toxic…

Since you are allowed to paint evryone with the brush like that, its fine that i do the same right?

You forgot the part where in all these posts, the players who “beat” the system give real advice on how to do it, but often the OP (with very few exceptions) discards this advice and declared it impossible, despite many people telling the OP they’ve done it, so he can as well.

Most of these posts is not about finding a solution, or OPs wanting help, they just want bliz to change things so they dont have to learn the game at a level where they can just join any grp for what ever content they want.

Spoken like someone whos never done high keys.
Just because someone has the gear for 20’s and experince in 15’s does not make you ready for 20’s

As you progress higher and higher you will start noticing mobs have more mechanics, or rather the mechanics you ignored in 15s are now one shotting, that is why you build up experience in small increments.

I don’t share your opinion but we clearly just have different experiences :slight_smile:

I do not not struggle to get into groups, but I don’t pug over a +17, most things I pug are with a friend who needs gear and I’m the boost. I stay to the end whether it’s timed or not because I think it’s mean to screw others out of loot.

I play the bulk of my keys with my own team. We are like minded, don’t get mad when people screw up and generally like to have fun. The atmosphere and aim is to enjoy ourselves.

A lot of those Atal runs and probably many others were with a healer we were trialling who just couldn’t cope. Eventually we got another healer and we got back on track, but we wanted to give him a fair go first.

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Imagine how nice the world would be if enough people thought that way

I would had thought that in a social game like that it would be common sense that is detrimental to screw others in the long run.


Lots of replies here and I didn’t check them.

No score no invite. Disable it by all means, think people will blindly invite you? :rofl:


I think that they might even be more suspicious.

“An illusion?! What are you hiding?!”

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Thats what I said isnt it?

Anti-rio guys says: YES! TOTALY!

Having a 30-40min high paced run what makes it challenging and fun. 2-3h wipefest is not fun nor should it become a standard that even the least geared/skilled players force others to run them through +10 or +15 so they can get best weekly reward they did no earn.

No rio = no invite. If you want PUGs to invite you you need RIO. If you have friends or community you don’t need it.

I like how some people don’t understand how to read a full post or are you just trying to confuse other people by cutting out the most relevant parts, a bit like a political campaign ?

"The timer is why Mythic + is hard, you can’t remove it lol

If you remove that timer, anyone can do +20 - 30 without an issue … you just need gear, the skill cap will be gone. "

As I said, in the FULL post, you just need gear, if those people couldn’t kill cragmaw on a 15, they lack the gear or just don’t know how it works.

But if they have the gear, you would eventually kill it after learning the mechanic and still get a new key at the end of it, because you were allowed to spend 4 hours in 1 dungeon.

See my point now ?

Something like raiderio will always exist, I don’t love it, but it’s there.

I am going to dedicate my time in SL to joining a guild with my wife and friends and just generally trying to foster a good community. Things like raiderio will always have to exist in order for PuGs to have a way to operate without just throwing keys in the trash, but the community needs to get back to being more welcoming and willing to provide a place for people to learn the game and get better, and it will have to be a grassroots thing.

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There has always been addons and third party websites to measure players experience/progress. It won’t stop, and something else will prop up if they disable raiderio.

I’m not a huge fan of it either, but it’s a lot better than stuff like gearscore etc imo. At least if it gives pretty accurate data to see what kinda player you’re inviting with a quick scan.

Hiding your score / armory is just red flags telling me I do not want you near my group.

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This, I’ll never invite player with hidden score/armory to my group.

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