If you want to stop raider io

You are insanely delusional if you think we will ever get to this point.

The only way ever that would be something the community starts doing alot more again. Is if the anti-social BS features from the past (LFD, LFR) is either completely changed or removed entirely.

And you’re the same if you think removing LFR / LFD will change that.


A few things:

  • Removing the timer will remove said challenge. A lvl 28 freehold of 100 minutes is than deemed as good as a 30 minute freehold.
  • Timer = the challenge
  • Remember Gearscore back in Wotlk? When we did get Cataclysm, Blizzard added their “own variant” by updating the playerinterface and showing ilvl in the character ui.
  • I do expect the above to happen to M+ and its interface, they already started to show M+ runs on Armory.

Why is everyone so hellbent to remove the m+ timer?
And why does everyone that wants it removed have such an big issue with the timer and rio?

Timer is the challenge.
And rio is merely a tool to find people with similar experience. And like all tools, some people use them in the wrong way.

People who ask for 2.5k score for a lvl 12 or 13 run, are mostly left searching a long time for people which will send them a message of: okay, this is asking to much (ive seen many of these groups in LFG)

Overall, people make such a big issue of rio and it wont be for too long and Blizzard will implement its own variant. Like they did with gearscore / ilvl / groupfinder (Openraid was a sort of groupfinder aswell. But it got completely shutdown because the groupfinder took its place)

Its because they are not good enough to do them in said time or its the fear of failure.
But you can only improve by practice and pushing yourself.
Removing timers would remove the fun for alot of players .
Its selfish for people to ask for its removal.

They could always add difficult 5-man content which will be as difficult as mythic raids instead for people who aren’t happy with a timer. Don’t beat the boss? No loot. Just like raids.

Or they could reintroduce 10-man raiding again.

I think it’s disgusting and bang out of order that Championship League soccer clubs insist on only recruiting people that can play football well.

This is highly unfair and no ones previous experience or achievements relating to football should be made public to give everyone a chance to earn 10’s of thousands of £ a week.

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Uninstall raiderio… profit?

People that don’t want a timer would end up constantly called out in such content - for doing mechanics poorly, for doing fraction of expected DPS and more. And so for people to successfully do such content a new RIO would be born to grade people and invite only those capable…


There’s a demand for some way to tell if someone is going to be capable of doing the content. If it wasn’t RIO then there would be something else. If RIO disappears then something else will quickly replace it.

There’s also the possibility that Blizzard could incorporate a RIO type ranking system within the game. If they did it wouldn’t be the first time that something like this has happened.

In Wrath people used Gearscore. Blizzard then introduced a character Ilvl that effectively did the same thing but negated the use of a third party app and included it in the game.

Yes and wasting time in pet battle lolz

Because some player feel entitled to be boosted through a M+15 and get their “free” mythic-raid-item because they pay their sub.
With raider. io they’re always declined from a M+5 because of the evil r. io-users and that’s why they never get their high-item-lvl-reward, which is the one and only reason, they aren’t able to reach higher keys. :wink:

I guess that’s an exaggeration, but people should start to see M+15 as content equivalent to the first mythic raid boss and not as free item grap. Eventually Blizzard need to increase the completed dungeon level for mythic-rewards to M+18 or higher to reflect these fact.

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Yeah and then they’ll complain that is too difficult and they can’t get loot, and without loot they can’t complete it.

There’s always a sizeable % of the no good players that prefers to cry about everything rather than learn and do better.

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I don’t understand all that hate against raider io. Only people who want to be carried hate the addon. People who actually carry their own weight like the addon because it increases their chances of getting grouped with people of equal experience. If I am only doing a +15 for my weekly cache why would I ever want to take in my group someone who has never done a +5 on their char?

big no from timer has to be , bcs +15 will be posible by everyone without any skill or any effort just after few hours everyone will be able to take it

To teach something?
Not with a +5 / +15 gap obviously but at some point people have to realize that if you use rio just to group people with your same experience you split the playerbase into very close groups that will never change. A broken social ladder with the issue it brings.

As an example, yesterday i did Junk +20: me, a 3 man premade of alts of people with around 5k rio mains and a 3,5k rogue. Despite more than 10 deaths, we timed it. I learned more in that single run than in doing 10 +19 with people of my lvl despite marginal difficulty increase, because they were playing way way differently (better) than the average pug group at my rio score.

If you take away those runs because you always want experienced people, you can’t later complain about noobs, lack of tanks, lack of healers, etc etc etc.

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well still if someone who have +10 best key wants to +15 right after , that is why addon exist or just bcs they have gear from raid they want instantly to +15 without even doing any key before , same geared ppl from m+ they want sign up for last 2 on hc without doing any boss before , and not doing normal raid

I agree that it somehow splits the community. But that isn’t neccessarily that bad. Think of it sort of like rating in pvp. If you are looking to team up with players in arena or bgs wouldn’t you want your teammates to be of equal skill or above? Wouldn’t you ask for players with high xp/cr. Mythic plus is pretty much that. The competitive pve aspect of wow. You don’t neccessarily need to group up with high end players to learn. If you watch their streams and read their guides you can learn just as much about the game.

or u can just find them and whisper them for guiding and lot of them probably will help and will give you tips

No it’s not the same.
Pvp is pvp, you compete against someone, you want an even fight. You don’t want a 2400 team against you at your first arena.

In M+ you compete with someone, you want their help and support. And you don’t want an even group, you want a group of experienced people that are at least as good as you, or better. If you’re 3k and a 5k request to join, you’re passing on him because it’s too good? Don’t think so.

Despite all the guides and the tips and the stream, first hand experience can’t be beaten, especially because if you watch a streamer, is likely doing things totally different than the average real group.

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‘this is why here in england you arent actually allowed to say bad things about someones previous employment.’

Where have you got this from exactly? Its illegal to say inaccurate things on job references - there is nothing to stop an old employer giving you a bad reference tho.