If you want to stop raider io

Turning that setting off (in the OP) will also prevent you being able to use any external website to improve your character such as simming.

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When I mentioned pvp I was referring to the team you make. Not the opponents you fight. Also anything above m15 serves no other purpose than competing with other players to see who can push the highest key. I mean sure, you get more azerite residium but no one pushes high keys for that.

^^ I think this is an important point ^^

Or you can just find other people with your mindset, and ignore the timers? M+ is m+ mainly because its a timed challange.

Then again people who turn it of probably have no intention of improving if they rather hide their progress.

its difficult to gauge it any other way. You could gauge this by death count, but then people would disband the moment they cross that thereshold.

With a timer you can still make a comeback by e.g. skipping 1 obelisk and killing it with a boss (doing this will NOT spawn the adds, just 1 big mob)

And M+ timer is nothing like Challenge Mode Gold timer. That one was very tough and mandated a speedrun mentality from start to finish. M+ timer isn’t like this, all you need to do is to play the dungeon correctly and do enough DPS for a given key level.

actually, no, you can’t do this because your key will not get to the appropriate difficulty level unless you play on that pointless timer.

The obvious solution would be to remove the timer until the gear stops improving then maybe add it in after as the timer serves no relevance until much higher.

So basically you want to make keys below 15 even easier?

Basically what you say here is for Blizzard to cancel their M+ eSports events. That’s not gonna happen for sure.

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They had the gear. They were 475+. We got overrun by ticks. Every try. Then I left.

if you can’t time the key then appropriate level is lower than current, and game helps you with finding it.

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I yesterday ran boralus+16 on my hunter (with a tank), we pugged 3 people (healer and 2 bm hunt… ehm dps’ers).
As expected tons of people signed up, but the ones I invited had RIO score visible (and high enough to be somewhat decent, ~1600+). Plenty of 480ilvl+ healers was joining without a score, I ended up inviting 468 hpala with 2000 score/20+ completed 15+ keys and he did amazingly good, so rio helped me here. After inviting 2 more hunters (again prefering rio than ilvl) we easily completed that boralus +2’ing it.
So ya, rio helps a lot, though I agree it brings some frustration, since it encourages people to leave bad keys.

Then they don’t know mechanics.
Instead of leaving why not explain it to them, help them learn.
You want IO gone, but unless your willing to teach people, it’ll only get worse.

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Then they have no business being in a +15.

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Don’t try to reason with them. They refuse to communicate and if you check their rio they almost never complete keys as high as 15 because its always “the others” fault. He even goes as far as to keep documentary evidence of others perceived failings. “Exhibit one your honour! Ticks spawned on cragmaw!”

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So your plan was that you would hide your data, have no rio to show and then people would start inviting you from left and right all of a sudden?


Bruh, dungeons in TBC and WoTLK were a fun challenge without a timer. M+ is a symptom, that the game without it has become too easy. Blizz has allowed players to modulate the difficulty of 10% of the game (m+) so they can keep the rest of the game about the same difficulty as a mobile MMO. M+ is an admission that the rest of the game is too easy, it’s boring and Blizz needs to do something about it. M+ is a solution to a problem that shouldn’t even exist. Just make the game fun without relying on infinitely scaleable difficulty. Right now, WoW is in the sad place where it takes it too long to become fun. First you have to level to 120, then get some decent gear, then work your rio and key up to +10 at least. That’s a good 2 weeks of playing before the game even asks you to turn your brain on.

I think I’m at the stage where I believe m+ needs to be removed. Not because it’s bad, it’s not, but I believe it is causing the rest of the game to suffer from being too easy.

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Except I’m doing 15s every week.




Sure you are.

Yeah, I am.