If you want to stop raider io

A quick glance at PuG’s history through the years will tell you that players will always find a way to evaluate other players. Always.

Raider io is just the latest and most efficient way to do it. If you kill it, something else will serve the same purpose, because, as it happens in the real world, having information that helps make a choice between unkown individuals is not a bad thing.

Why? They have to learn somehow.

And no, the “the mechanics are all the same” is BS, especially on roles like the tank.
If i do rezan, I can take a nap on the dot on +5, go to the bathroom on a 10, pay attention on a 15, use cd properly on a 20.
Maybe they know mechanics but at the previous level they were going were trivial and ignorable.

There is no substitute to first hand experience.


That’s something you learn in normal mythic. We didn’t even have ilvl enough to queue heroics when we started doing the mythics, it took 1 try on cragmaw in mythic to understand that we had to stomp them before they spawn and then some another tries before we noticed that the charge is targeted and not just random and thus went to the wall to charge him into the wall instead of spreading them out. The tank had green 260~ gear from the AH. Yet, I run into people at +15 that doesn’t know this basic stuff that we learned the first week.

Normal mythic, into which you’re not going unless you have beaten +15 because your RIO has to be over 9000. And that’s only if you play something on top of current meta. Titans help you if you try to find a Mythic party on a Warlock. Seen a 475 ilvl mythic raider who just gave up after 3 hours and some 50 refusals.

Or get carried, for gold or by friends who don’t care about RIO anyway. See why it’s redundant?

Perhaps the solution would be sort of Proving Grounds scenario, only by say “completing X dungeon with NPC party where you do your role thing”. This way you don’t waste anyone’s time but your own if you screw up, and you can always try again. Higher challenge level, more mechanics you have to deal with, this sort of thing.

Who the hell checks rio for a mythic dungeon?

Everyone and their companion pet because they don’t want to waste time to teach someone new when they can get alt of experienced M+ speedrunner and steamroll it. And that’s IF they even do that, because no +15 rewards for them, so those who CAN have no reasonable incentive to do so, and those who have a reason to do so have… difficulties.

Could you contradict yourself more?

No, I’ve never encountered anyone that checks rio for a mythic dungeon. Ever. When I do mythic dungeons on newly dinged alts I just invite the first people who apply for the open roles, seems that’s what others do as well in my experience.

That will only lead “brute-forcing” and not serve any purpose for to get better in the game.

Perhaps it’s EU Horde problem. Wanted to start doing some Mythics on frost DK alt, around 450 ilvl. No luck for 40 minutes. Tried joining parties, the answers were kept in tone of “git gud or get lost”, “go unholy or g$@o”, “0 rio lol noob”. Got enough to determine this is what I’d get regardless of the sample size.

It’s not contradiction. It’s what in English language is called Catch-22: to get A, you need to have B, but to have B, you must have A. So if you have both, you’re set, but if you don’t, you have to sidestep the system somehow or you’re screwed. This is the exact situation not-endgame-geared-yet or not-meta-enough people get into when they want to play Mythic:

  • They want to get into M and M+ parties to get gear, achievements, RIO score etc.
  • But first they have to prove they know what to do by doing M and M+, having Mythic gear and getting RIO points, which they cannot do without getting into M/M+ parties…

Or by ignoring the system entirely by paid or friendly carries, making the whole thing useless in the process. So why was it made in the first place?

As opposed to brute-forcing hypermobile, AoE-heavy parties that pull tons of trash, nuke them down with azerite lazor beams, then proceed to repeat this again and again until they complete the instance because it’s faster & easier than ST caster turret parties? Explain to me how does this serve any purpose to get better in the game? “Play melee AOE char instead of caster” and “Reroll Havoc DH” isn’t getting better, it’s getting worse because it makes the game bleed players…

This is a pretty horrible idea. You think the people doing serious keys care if some sub 2k score people have their scores turned off? No, they don’t. Because they wouldn’t invite you anyway. All the serious players want everyone to see their raider io score because they’ve worked for it.

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By “serious keys” you mean ?

I play horde. I’ve never encountered that.

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Let’s go with above 20. But anything from +15 works, same idea. Only the people with low scores would want to turn their scores off: if your score is high enough for +15, I doubt you’d voluntarily hide it to reduce your chances of getting into a group to a near 0.

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Well im not using it, but i dont care about it much so i wont hide it either.

If others want to use it, then let them.

Or, they can simply embrace the social aspect of a mmropg, join a guild, start their own group etc.

To be a comma-22 you must have no real option, and it’s not the case.
There’s plenty of option, it’s just that none of those are shortcuts for the lazy that want the easy life without putting in the effort.

You mean… work TOGETHER??? Are u nuts!? This is illegal here!

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What ? they have, raid bosses have enrage timers, always have had.

Bosses. Not trash.

The obsession with rio score always irked me but ultimately getting rid of the system isn’t a solution, people will just use something else. It’s a player problem.

I mean, it’d be fine if it’s just people trying to push high keys, but when people start looking at the score just to do weekly runs or whatever it becomes absurd. Also in general people have way too high standards, you need higher ilvl than the drops to do content etc.

One of the runs I’m most proud of is my Siege 12 I did at the start of one of the previous seasons, we were undergeared but we just wanted to do a weekly and we spent almost 3 hours on it. But we got it done. The score was awful but it shows something that seems rather underrated and often lacking, namely patience.

Personally I’d rather have a system that tells people if you bail on keys but that might be harder to implement.

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