If you were in charge of WoW's story

What would you change?

I know we had similar threads in the past but instead of solely focusing on one single event or an expansion. What would you change across the entire franchise and still have a consistent story at the end of the day?

Delete TBC and make it so NElves+Forsaken were independent instead of A and H respectively.


Delete humans.


Make the scourge a faction and with each xpac introduce new heros based on the tavern in warcraft 3.

Vulpera pitlord, you got it.
Gnome fire lorde, Here you go!

Also make half of our lil OCs canon… with half i only mean dudflex… as a loa.
With World Quests and a Rep grind that makes no sense.


Something something… Arthas and Lich King alive… something something… Scourge faction…


you are also removed from WoW’s story btw

That is mean.

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The High Elves and Blood Elves go extinct, leaving only Void Elves.


Sylvanas kills Jaina then raises her.

She tortures Jaina till she develops a stockholm syndrome sorta deal and they become a power couple.

Sylvanas and Jaina overtake the northern half of the eastern kingdoms, taking Silvermoon and transforming it into a gothic city.

And finally they form the new 3rd faction made up of undead versions of all current races that make sense lore wise.

Worldbulding. That’s it. I don’t really mind all these threats floating around and 4d chesses of whoever is who. But WoW needs even larger worldbuilding in its story. I would personally stretch the years between each expansions to like a five years and decade per expansion.

Why? Because Blizz, I am sorry. But pulling out armies out of thin air without explaination on how many more you can pull out from your NPC Well of Eternity does really make me doubt on how Azeroth people survived.

But on the other side. If we went with story of Azeroth people facing threat every year or so then I would like to see it being depicted. I would like to see that your current average Azerothian can slay demons with ease, even if he or she are peasant or low-life. Because it is just so harsh world to live in. And as we know from Warhammer, Dune, etc. People who live in harsh climates become harsh themselves.

Otherwise why don’t Blizz add just a simple explaination of endless NPC stream. Such as warlocks being allowed in both factions only for age accelerating young orphans of war into NPC soldiers, thus also explaining how they can be so weak. Remember Gul’dan life-stealing orcish teenagers into adults along with his warlock underlings? It would add an interesting perspective to reality of both Alliance and Horde. On how would they have to spare no resources on getting more people capable of fighting.

So I swear. If I were in charge of lore. I would try my best to make these statistics of population crystal clear. Going in time stretch direction or else. All it takes are few simple lines to fix most of these problems. Fel, even if Blizz told that lorewise always 1 or 2% of population fight in the war it would make sense!

In regard to other parts of the worldbuilding I would like to see more history, more groups of various interests, more wars, more politics, more ideologies to fill these 10k years of history. I honestly doubt that none in 10k years of elven history or in 25k years of Draenai history didn’t think of overthrowing their ancient and powerful leader in favour of new ideas?

So yeah, more ideological diversity which can bring out very organic and easy conflict and make it WARcraft. No need to stack all races under one nation. Rememer Rotbrains of Redpatch? They were great display of diverse ideological approach in Forsaken. Remember Lilian Voss? Yeah, she was as well.


Bye-bye faction war. I’d have dedicated an expansion (maybe even two) to knock that sucker out of the park - no Old Gods, troll raids or other unrelated diversions.

That’d be it. At the end of the day, there’d be peace and cross-faction PvE.

Edit: TBC would have played out differently as well.


Puts on the infinity gauntlet

Get ready for a lot of snaps.

  • All non-pandaren monks are removed and retconned from game/lore. Players who have non pandaren monks have their characters turned to pandaren and given free appearance, name, and faction change.
  • Demon hunters are removed from the game and sent back into the jails they belong into. No compensation is offered to the players.
  • Jaina dies at the end of Siege of Dazar’alor.
  • While the night elves succeed in retaing darkshore, the Horde uses the destruction of the Kul-tiran fleet in Nazjatar to launch a surprise attack on Stormwind. Sylvanas defeats Anduin, but before she can seize Stormwind, Thrall, Rexxar, & co intervene, with Saurfang managing to bait Sylvanas into revealing that she never cared for the Horde in the first place (or the forsaken). A mak’gora plays out in Stormwind keep (replacer cinematic), with Saurfang ultimately dying, but Sylvanas having to retreat.
  • As a result, the Horde and Alliance tie a tenuous armistice, but Anduin’s gotten PTSD from seeing his very city razed and the death around him and has a mental breakdown, causing a lift of radical elements form the likes of Genn, Umbric and Moira re-surface in the Alliance. Additionally, a schism is driven between the Night Elves and Alliance from the inaction and lack of co-operation.
  • Horde “wins” the war but at a great cost as Horde in turn has to deal with it’s own schism of sylvanas loyalists vs horde loyalists. Talanji unites the rest of the trolls in the world under her rule and offers Zuldazar as a safe haven for all troll people’s of the Azeroth.

I wouldn’t have made WoW last for 15 years and would’ve instead bothered to make Warcraft 4… At best I think it’d end at the Mists of Pandaria era or some time around that because every single expansion since has been a copy of something that’s already been done before.

Also, while in my rant mode, BfA writing has been exceptionally retarded. The thing that drives me mad most is the fact that Blizzard says that there’s peace now and that the war as a theme in the Warcraft universe is concluded and ain’t coming back… they say that as battlegrounds apparently continue on in the canon (see, Alterac Valley being embroiled in conflict). So you’re stuck in this very dumb scenario where you’re told that this time is different & peace will last but what you’re shown speaks the diametrically opposite (i.e. nothing has changed since before the expansion happened, much like in a very low brain power sitcom episode).

Also think I’d have focused more on small self-contained stories like you see in Mechagon. Sure, it’s another world threat (as it turns out) but it works unlike thE oLD gOdS aRe COmINg!

The titans would have invaded Azeroth (as they still believe they need to purge Azeroth’s “corruption”) after we defeated Sargeras and we would have had to team up with the Old Gods to fight them off.

I only really would like the other races besides humans get more of a focus in the story. Have the dwarves lead a campaign! The gnomes could be doing their own thing! Anything but just seeing footmen everywhere.

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I would start with stretching Azeroth’s history; Elves started 15,000 BDP and then their Empire fell in year 10,000 BDP…

Like that puts Azshara is the only Queen ever known to Elves(What with their lifespans, it would put at most 1 generation before likes of Tyrande, Illidan, Malfurion and Azshara, etc?)? She raised the Empire and made it fall to ruin? Make their history start from 150.000 BDP to 10.000 BDP.

Remove Mages from the Kaldorei. Let the Shen’dralar stay in Dire Maul. All Druids get removed except Kaldorei and Tauren. Worgen becomes a Druidform akin to Catform. Playable race is removed. Sunwell is never restored. Blood Knights keep draining from a Naaru.

I would change way to much :frowning:

Stop explaining everything, especially poorly and in other sources.

Stop the story focus on the few NPCs.

And stop killing off Horde Heroes, its just not funny anymore.

Stop making the horde the bad guy for these filler expansions.


I’d make the hard R (reboot) and start over with a reinvisioned Vanilla WoW.

A few changes, I’d make:
4 factions instead of 2:

  • Horde (Orc, Tauren, Troll)
  • Alliance (Human, Dwarf, Gnome)
  • Sentinels (Night Elves, Blood Elves, Naga)
  • Scourge (Undead Human, Undead Dwarf, Undead Elves)

Each faction would have access to the General Classes (Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Mage, Warlock), with each faction also having a Hero Class:

  • Horde - Shaman
  • Alliance - Paladin
  • Sentinels - Druid
  • Scourge - Death Knight

Furthermore, I’d introduce Mercenary Races that can join any faction and ensure equal availability of General Classes to each faction. At launch there’d only be one, but more would be added in future expansions.

  • Goblins

Futhermore, the endgame would be focused on World PvP based in major World PvP zones, rather than PvE. At launch there would be two zones.

  • Mount Hyjal
  • Dalaran

Finally, major story events would likewise no longer be contained in raids, but rather be told through world events.


Recton Sylvanas, so that she died in wc3 and was never ressurected, thus removing a blight of a character.


I would remove the faction restrictions for Forsaken and Blood elves, giving the option for the Forsaken to join the Alliance through Calia and the Blood elves to join the Alliance through Alleria and the Void elves.

After next expansion I would do the forbidden. I would end the game, and make a World of Warcraft 2, with new good graphics and more visually show the dark stories and events, and put an age restriction of 16 to the game.

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