If you were in charge of WoW's story

I’d just declare WoW and supporting material non-canon spin-offs and call it a day, honestly.

Canon story will be resumed in Warcraft 4. And WoW writers can go full Hearthstone levels of wild.


Probably the best way to move forward with the Warcraft-story, tbf!

One thing I would do is knock the Adventurer down a peg or two. Make him back into an important adventurer-hero, but at the end still a cog in the great machine of Alliance/Horde, instead of the Chosen One that has mad Dragon Aspects for breakfast, crazed Titans for lunch and Old Gods for dinner.

Jaina I’d let her find redemption like in BfA, but she would -not- become Lord Admiral like that, that role would still belong to Kathryn… untill she is murdered by a Derek Proudmoore who, despite being rescued by Baine, still was conditioned that much by Sylvanas into attempting to murder his family. After which Kul Tiras would be ruled by Tandred Proudmoore with Jaina perhaps staying in the role of advisor, since Tandred seems more the type of guy that likes to go out adventuring and would have trouble actually leading a nation. Yet he’d be the only option they have, because to Jaina still clings the doubt and distrust of her having been complicit in murdering her own father.

Lightforged undead can go straight into the trashbin, Alonsus and Calia would be regular ( if perhaps well-conserved) Forsaken.

Taelia Fordragon would get to play a role in the Siege of Dazar’Alor and the rest of the war and become a renowned hero in her own right, like her father used to be, and perhaps serve as potential love-interest to Anduin who can then help him by teaching him that sometimes you have to get down and dirty to win a war, instead of holy tingling bones and believing the best of everybody.

The conclusion of the Warfonts I would make visible ingame through quests.

The Battle of Dazar’Alor would still end up with the Zandalari fleet getting smashed, but Rastakhan would survive it and swear grim revenge against the Alliance for the assault on his city, and remain King of the Zandalari. Such a waste to kill him off so soon…

There’s honestly alot more I would probably change, but this is what I can come up with from the top of my head.

This I could live with too!

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Capture micky neilson and the other o.g writers and chain them to a desk, forcing them to work on WoW in perpetuity.


That’s some weird kinks going on.

Draenei are all Broken because they have lost their Naaru. More emphasis on a connection between the Naaru and their immortality. Last remaining Draenei as we know them are nowhere to be seen, as of yet. Blood Elves were a radicalised faction of High Elves that went mad with Fel energy. When Kael’thas is killed, the High Elves come out on top during a civil war between them and the radicalised Blood Elves. No Cataclysm. Mogu are main race of Mogaria and Pandaren have a different name and live in secret bamboo villages, hiding from the Mogus forces.

This would actually be pretty cool with the factions and classes.

Also I would add Emperor Edelgard to WoW.

Smash the church.

Kill the game after Wrath.

If not that just kill Pandaria and #GarroshDidNothingWrong

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I’d have more characters that enjoy war or would like to see the opposing faction crushed. Simply evil minded people, some just for the sake of being so and others obviously having some sort of deep hatred.

Think that would help push the story forward with an endless conflict that actually makes sense instead of this “no no no! we must have peace! Killing our enemies is not honorable… there is no honor!!! We must negotiate peace even though the enemy just butchered one of our leaders!!!”

Having characters that is so fixated on peace is okay and cool, but at least when they make a stupid move have them be punished properly for it. It sure is nice to see characters boast about how they are so peacefull and how we have to be honorable go and slaughter their own factions soldiers and its not questioned at all if they are the bad guys for doing such.


More NPC interactions and cultural mingling between races within the factions. You will be surprised of how much story this can add if we focus more on the races and their cultures

I wanna see Nightborne who have never held an axe learning to fight from orcs and nightborne trying to teach the orcs how to write or even dress in nice clothing. Would be hilarious to watch.
More Mag’har and goblin interaction as they work on new technology for the Horde.

Conflicts between the void elves and the Light-forged draenei. And even some rare cases where both sides have to agree on certain topics, despite being polar opposites of what they are.

Show more of this to open up new interactions and new interesting developments in the world as you see the various races take on new roles and open new ways to tell stories.


Honestly I think the biggest issue is with pacing. Because really we only get 2-3 pages of a story every 3/4 months before everything comes to a standstill for another 3/4 months.

I think a big improvement, even if it is only fluff and world building (which is sorely needed atm) is if there were somewhat frequent update to the world. Even if it is just a movement of NPCs and chatter text.

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Make all of Azeroth belong to trolls, just as it should be.

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I’d refit the Un’goru Crater with cutting edge Goblin technology, then hire the bare minimum amount of people to keep the place running. Next I’d populate this fenced off zone with the most exotic and dangerous beasts from all over the world and make a killing by charging visitors an entry fee.

But clouds would gather. Reckless workers would die in totally preventable and fairly staged kinds of accidents, and there would be an investigation. The board isn’t happy and the stocks are showing. What is an enterprising Warlock to do?

I fly in some credible fools to greenlight my disaster.

Dr. Alan Rant, long time turdposter on the realm forum. Embittered and deathly fearful of child RPers, he is never the less marketable as a voice of reason.

Dr. Sellout Rattler. The unlikely love interest of Rant and curiously optimistic about child RP. She will change her mind once she visit the Goldshire Pen of my facilities.

Finally Dr. Iam Handsom. He’s really just there to show his perspirating chest and validate my entire venture in doing so.

Together they will face every horror ever conceived on this server. They will live, laugh and love before the tour is through.

Welcome to my vision of the future. Welcome to the Classic Park.

  1. Forsaken and Night Elves remain factions within the factions, largely independant. Same happens with the Blood Elves and the Horde once Kael’thas reclaims Silvermoon.

  2. Blood Elves remain a “means to an end” race. Blood Knights keep draining their powers from caged Naaru (And really, not by a secret conscent).

  3. The “War council” idea is formed way earlier, once the war between Alliance and Horde is reignited after the Wrathgate. Newly appointed Warchief Garrosh has direct administrational control over the tribal horde, but not their allies in the Eastern Kingdoms.

fast forward to BFA

  1. Prophet Zul is the main antagonist of Zandalar story. His motivation remains entirely political. G’hunn is replaced with Hakkar and confined into Nazmir storyline.

Canonize many of the things in the headcanon thread here.

Decide on a canonical size for Azeroth and rough estimates for the time it takes to get from one place to another, and also add some locations that aren’t in-game, simply to establish that Azeroth is much bigger than portrayed in-game.

Retcon away the claim that there’s only one Burning Legion across all alternate universes and the claim that Turalyon and Alleria were fighting the Legion for one thousand years, because of all the lore developments they’ve come up with, these are the ones that I consider both the dumbest and the most inconsequential. You could easily change them without really affecting the rest of the lore.

I would change some things about TBC that very may well change everything after it. Firstly I would not kill Kargath Bladefist in HFC. Instead he would be a secondary antagonist for Illidan, becoming a rising second hand to the Lord of Outland.

As for his actual second in Command, Kael’thas Sunstrider will see through the lies of stormrage, seeing that there no cure for his peoples addiction he would help the forces of Azeroth to overthrow his former friend.

Illidan wouldn’t return in Legion and remain dead. Also I would imagine that a lot more demon hunters act throughout Outland as Illidan eyes and ears.

As for Kael’thas he would return to Quel’thalas, focused on regaining his lands. It would be interesting to see how the Prince would interact with the other horde leaders, particularly Slyvanas.

The end of BfA. How it should have happened:

Alliance ends up with all of the Eastern Kingdoms except Quel’thalas, Horde ends up with all of Kalimdor except Azuremyst/Bloodmyst Isles (both of which would get updated). The Forsaken occupy the blighted ruins of Darkshore whilst humanity and the elven refugees resettle and revitalise Lordaeron, with the aid of the latter.

Feralas remains a stronghold for the Night Elves whilst the Horde maintains smaller pockets of defensible locations around the Eastern Kingdoms (Badlands, Hinterlands, STV etc.).

Effectively having no major borders between the Alliance and the Horde, the armistice becomes much more enforceable. The Draenei and the Blood Elves don’t do an awful lot to provoke their opposing factions from where they are.


For me it would be (SPOILER WARNING):

  • Heritage and Recruitment Questlines Improved - Vulpera recruitment questline would have something to do with Vulpera rather than being focused on every allied race except them. Goblin heritage would see the effort Gazlowe goes to in order to become Trade Prince of the Bilgewater Cartel and shake off the Steamwheedles who’d likely be after him for abandoning their Cartel and taking Ratchet with him. Worgen heritage would see the push into Gilneas rather than being a redo of part of the Gilnean start zone quests.
  • Without the full support of the Alliance, Tyrande fails to take back Darkshore which solidifies overall Horde control of Kalimdor. War continues in the forests of Kalimdor where Northwatch remnants/Night Elves continue to play out guerrilla warfare.
  • The Alliance manage to push through into Lordaeron and create the highway required to take back Gilneas from the Banshee Queen’s loyalists. Quel’thalas and most non-Forsaken Horde settlements are spared the Alliances assaults but many settlements designed to be part of the Forsaken war machine would be under constant assault. Hillsbrad would be retaken by the Alliance bar Alterac which becomes a Forsaken base of operations. Western Plaguelands and Silverpine become main battlefronts, whilst Tirisfal is in an uneasy peace as the Forsaken who no longer serve their Queen try to cleanse Lordaeron City.
  • Ultimately Nazjatar wouldn’t happen in BfA, nor would N’zoths return. 8.2 would focus on Mechagon, the Alliances offensives as they press the attack into regions like Vol’dun and of course Sylvanas plotting her big comeback as the rebellion gains forces and holds out in Thunder Bluff. 8.3 Would see Sylvanas assault and devastate Stormwind, the assault being fended off but leaving areas of Stormwind in ruins and costing countless Alliance lives. Then in 8.3.5, the Alliance and rebels band together to assault Orgrimmar. Sylvanas allows most of the city to be devastated by the assault as she keeps throwing forces to full squash the resistance in Darkshore. Then upon her return to Orgrimmar Sylvanas and Saurfang have their showdown as he wishes for there to be no more wasted lives, and she flies off, triggering the truce and shifting power in the Horde.
  • Azshara and N’zoth would be saved for a Black Empire expansion. Pre-patch would be Azshara assaulting coastal regions across Azeroth just to distract the forces of Azeroth as she takes the tide stone. Then she’d lead the Horde and Alliance into the trap herself, and it would prompt an expansion focused on giving plentiful amounts of time to the last patches of this expansion which are to be honest, rushed. It would also see a full world revamp to resemble an Azeroth which has had time to rebuild as its heroes fought in another plane of existence and have enjoyed a time of relative peace.