If you were in charge of WoW's story

Really simple: we leave Azeroth and go to a planet which isn’t attacked every 5 mins. Horde take one spaceship and Alliance takes another n go their merry way. Boom. Cue John Williams.

  • All crucial story has to be in-game, don’t explain the entire cause of an expansion like WoD in a book.
  • Stretch the timeline in general, the fact only 8 years has passed in-game is ridiculous. How much depends on the specific expansions, but don’t be afraid to have long timegaps and reintroduce some characters as older.
  • Keep the Blood Elves as more evil: make them drain Fel crystals and Naaru for their power. That was their whole thing, now they’re just generic Elves who are still Horde for some reason.
  • Generally less races, and more firm faction identity: keep elves and Forsaken out of the Horde, keep the Night Elves separate, etc. You could still have some kind of system where there are more than 2 factions, but some of them are allied, allowing them to do each other’s quests and such.
  • Remove Draenei, at least in their current form: their space tech doesn’t really fit the world and causes a lot of issues when trying to integrate it. It also caused the Burning Legion to be aliens in spaceships in Legion, which I don’t really approve of.
  • Stop adding weird stuff to the cosmology: we already had a solid setup with the creator Titans, demons trying to destroy it, and the Light/Void as more neutral forces. We don’t need bleeding world souls, or a whole afterlife dimension on top of all that.
  • Honestly they should have just made World of Starcraft in the first place.

Lots of changes.

  • erase all lore after the end of MoP, rewrite everything from there
  • boost dragons’ powers, they should be foes that can obliterate towns

Also minor changes like: Aegwynn never ressed Medivh, he just came back from death; and Malygos is still alive or something like that (you have a quest where you speak with its spirit). Possibly have a quest trying to give a meaningful explanation of Kael’s descent into madness

The Night Elves would not, should not have survived against the Horde. A lot of people overestimate the power of the Night Elves after Warcraft 3. They lost their immortality and a lot of them died since the Legion invaded their main lands.

That’s fine, they don’t need to be hostile in vanilla. Or at least not at war. They never bothered giving a concrete reason why Thrall would wage conflict on the Night Elves when he’s a totally chill Brochief and they were all smiles and rainbows with each other after Battle for Mount Hyjal.

NElves and Forsaken being independent of A+H with…not hostile relations but “uneasy” is what I would hope for.

The orcs breed very fast, and the conditions in Durotar are poor. They need Ashenvale for wood and game. Until early Cata ( when the real war starts ) the Horde had a trade agreement with the Night Elves, copper from Durotar in return for wood, but without the Night Elves being in the Alliance the Horde doesn’t really have a reason to solve it peacefully, so they could just TAKE the wood instead.

And we already know Night Elves go ballistic when someone takes their wood. Thrall was a bro yes but in the Cata pre-book you can see that he puts the needs of his people above international incidents. When it is alleged the Horde flayed Night Elves in revenge for them breaking the pact, Thrall refuses to speak out against it.

If the Forsaken lacked Horde support Lordaeron would’ve been long reclaimed. The Forsaken NEEDED the Horde, and the Night elves NEEDED the Alliance.

The Horde didn’t offer any support to the Forsaken in their lands aside from a nebulous Champion. Plus this presupposes that the Forsaken are not being actively antagonised by the Alliance like we had in the actual game. Sylv sent emissaries for a reason.

or they could make friends with the nelves idk.

It’s not like NElves never cut down trees themselves - a great many of their buildings are made out of wood. Clearly there’s a way they do it “right”.

He refuses to condemn people for a crime they may not be guilty of. And indeed they’re not guilty, it turns out. Wise beyond his years, that one.

Hammerfall and by extension Arathi has Horde ( non Forsaken ) troops there, as does Alterac through the Frostwolves, Kargath, Stonard. And simply the Forsaken being in the Horde already makes them harder to touch since they are now protected by a global power.

After Cenarius’ death? Can’t really see it happen.

No, that’s not why. He says it’s because he can’t blame his people for being mad and lashing out at what they perceive as injustice.

They were chill at Hyjal. Plus Cenarius got over it, why can’t they?

Whiny tossers. Maybe they should be wiped out after all.

Yeah, which was team up or die.

That was in Cata, after the Horde proved itself countless times. In Warcraft 3 he wanted to genocide them.

Maybe they should be wiped out after all.

The Night Elves are just fantasy Eldar. It’s a story of an immortal people that became too proud, too stuck in their old ways and failed to evolve, losing their place as the Apex race.

Honestly, if I was rebooting the setting, the “10,000 years” thing would be the first thing I’d shrink. To 3,000 years or something. As it stands, we have an unfortunate lore decision made back during WC3 development that has left the timeline with long stretches of absolutely nothing happening. Kaldorei civilization would have existed for longer, maybe starting with 10,000 years ago, and the Sundering would be moved to 3,000 years ago.

(150,000 years is ridiculously long, I wouldn’t have a single civilization exist that long in any sane cosmology.)


And eventually they form into two new powers: The Galactic Alliance and the Horde Empire.

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I only stretched it up because elves were immortal, and if they aren’t they can apparently live up to 6000+years as per A Good War…

So to have an Empire exists for only one generation top would be madness imho

If I had to change WoW but not deviate too far away from what it is today:

  • The Draenei stay Broken, they were a tribal people.
  • Instead of the Draenei being the sophisticated race, it would be the Arakkoa. I feel they fit the theme more. This would make good history for why the Orcs attack them given their backstory, but also plays into Gul’dans treachery well.
  • There are no spaceships. People travel through complicated realm gates through rituals and powerful artefacts.
  • Alliance get corrupted Arakkoa as a result, an ugly race for the Alliance.
  • Velen is still a prophet but he’s a lone wandering Eredar that fled from the Burning Legion and he goes around trying to warn other races. The demons found Velen in the same way on Draenor
  • Blood Elves don’t find redemption, they get worse; becoming the Dark Elves style faction for the Horde.

TBC is essentially the key moment WoW’s lore began to die, the introduction of Sci-Fi elements and retconning key moments like Sargeras’s downfall.


Called it:

God, give me playable Scourge instead of that Forsaken :crab:

Stratholme based with Kel’thuzad as the faction leader, and a cool storyline revolving around subjugating traitorous Forsaken and taking back Lordaeron.

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Probably one of the worst things to happen to the fantasy element of the game. Dragons nowadays are kind of kicked around by basically anything with a functioning limb.

Although Blizzard did admit that they don’t like it in an interview a while back, and that overtime we may see subtle retcons that herald the return of the dragons (I guess the HoA essence quests regarding the dragonflights have started establishing the new leaders/their reformation already).


Blizzards original idea for the Forsaken, leper humans akin to the warcraft 3 acolytes, could have been really interesting.

Wait, that was there original idea for the Forsaken? Just green Humans? D:

IIRC, the “right” way doesn’t involve felling the tree. The Night Elves use the wisps, which are able either to shape trees into living homes for the elves, or to coax trees into growing new limbs which are then shed for timber.