Find me in my instance, and the first Upgrade is free!
This character would be selling mounts just outside Silvermoon. She would have her own mount, a purple hawkstrider, by her side
Haralast is devoted follower of the old god N’Zoth. In case old god expansion will come to Azeroth, Haralast would be one of final bosses of raid in middle of expansion. Also she would drop rare cosmetic item “Xal’atath, Blade of the Black Empire” which would have diffrent model than shadow’s legion artifacts.
In her fight you can expect swarm of faceless ones, tentacles, and sanity bar.
Steamedhams would be a travelling NPC on the road between Goldshire and Stormwind, giving people bad directions and false rumours, through no fault of his own of course - he’s just clueless. Steamedhams actually believes he is part of the Horde and will randomly attack royal guards he comes across, which then makes him unfriendly and able to be attacked. Defeating him in battle has a 1.7% chance of dropping “Steamedham’s Pantaloons of Bewilderment”. When wearing them you become an enemy of the faction you once served.
Depending on what time period we are speaking.
In MoP my rogue would probably be an elite rogue operative for the horde doing high level missions.
In BFA she’s a retired veteran dotting and spoiling her friend warrior that spends gold recklessly…
Since I’m always broke on my warrior because I go on tmog buying sprees and keep sending gold from my rogue
Miraja would be a neutral blood troll vendor NPC and normally she would only sell useless junk (Rusty mechagnome limbs, Zandalari heel toe, Twitching tentacle hair, Forsaken lower jaw, “Orc’s lost honor”). But with a few special items (acquired from out of the way places) you can unlock the rare Cooking recipe: Perfect alpaca stew and a toy called “The Warmother’s Favorite”. This toy turns you into a cauldron filled with delicious food which also gives well fed bonus to your allies. Yummy
I would be a NPC in some random town, and when you talk to me I’d just keep making pawful animal puns.
Shammoz would be found in random bars around Azeroth crying into an empty wine bottle because Wrathion refuses her advances. It’s best not to approach her if there is more than one empty bottle on the table (note: 90% chance) or you will become her shoulder to cry on and you will miss your raid spot.
Does she become hostile if you select the “Yeah, I think Wrathion’s hot too” chat option? Because if so, yikes! I’d best avoid her!
Disclaimer. Wall of text. Enjoy!! Or don’t… Your choice…
Patch (current expac).2 Love and Sadness.
New Zone. Sorrowful Paradise. A land split forever by the whims of she who discovered it. Filled with both the emotions of love and hate, hope and despair, light and dark. It is a constant struggle to maintain a balance, whether to fall in love with it’s Queen, or allow the hatred of knowing what she has done to Azeroth’s children envelope you forever.
Synopsis. Souldefiler, a former Death Knight of the Ebon Blade has become jaded over the years over what she has come to think of as being unrewarded and unrecognized for her efforts since the events of Light’s Hope. While wandering between the islands of Zandalar and Pandaria she lands on an isolated island. Landing her craft she explores this strange new land. Her two companions Emily Bolsin and Deverra accompanny her. They find a temple hidden by the undergrowth. Souldefiler tells her companions to make camp for the night while she explores the temple. She returns, silent but thoughtful.
“Is there something wrong Soul?” asked Deverra. “No… No… Actually, I think I have found what i was looking for. This.” Souldefiler held up a large red stone which seemed to beat gently. “It filled me with such a feeling of power… and something else… I don’t know…” Emily peered at it. “It looks like a heart…” Souldefiler whispered “yes… doesn’t it…” Emily and Deverra exchanged glances and Emily leaned over gently. “Maybe I should look after this…”
That night they slept fitfully under the stars. Only the crackle of the slowly dying fire could be heard over the soft sounds of sleep coming from the party. Except for Souldefiler, her mind was racing, like the icy cold that ran through her undead limbs. “Enough!” she screamed, and ripped the stone from under Emily’s head. “I know what this is! It’s my heart, finally I can feel love like I once did!” She took up her sword, opened up her chest and placed the rock inside. Immediately a change overcame her. Crying in pain she rolled to and fro on the beach, her companions now fully awakened.
“Hold her down!” screamed Deverra Hold her!!" I can’t. grunted Emily as she struggled to hold Souldefiler down. “She’s too stron…”
Souldefiler rose in the air despite all the efforts of her two friends. Rising like an angel she hovered above them and slowly lowered herself to the sand.
Now I understand she said. “Oh how blind I was to my glory. I should have seen this while I was being used by lesser people back on Azeroth. I freed the world from the grip of Arthas. I fought and killed dragons! I fought for the Pandaren against the very darkness they kept hidden for centuries. I destroyed the Burning legion! AND FOR WHAT! FOR WHAT! NOTHING! NO STATUES IN STORMWIND HONORING ME NO GARDEN IN STORMWIND NAMED FOR ME, NO MONUMENT IN ORGRIMMAR FOR MY HONOR! So be it. I will make them remember. I will make them love me. All who refuse can burn. BURN! And to you my two faithful, I GIVE YOU POWER UNKNOWN TO THIS WORLD!” She turned to them and drew her sword. they stood trembling, not knowing what would come next. "Do not fear. I will not raise you as one of my feeble undead. No. you will be more than them. You will be more than any living thing on this world. You will be my Avatars of Emotion. Plunging her sowrd into Emily Souldefiler yelled "Now be reborn as Love! Go and spread the Love of Souldefiler through this world. Go to each city, each hamlet, every corner of this world, and spread my glory. Love rose from Emily’s corpse and shot over the sea.
Deverra cowered in fear. “Souldefiler… what have you done… You have stepped down a path not even Arthas dared” Souldefiler kneeled down to bring her face to hers. “Oh my sweet child, for that is what you are now. Do not fear. You will be just as powerful as Love, just in a new form. There will be no pain… I assure you…” “I am unarmed Soul… please… let me go home to my husband and children…”
Souldefiler then gave in to her hatred of every injustice she felt had been given to her. her rage and anger fell upon Deverra like a storm, her mutilated body scattered all around Souldefiler. Standing over the remains Souldefiler raised her hand and screamed “Now rise… RISE AND GO FORTH AS MY AVATAR OF DESPAIR! Bring despair to those who deny me their devotion. Slaughter anyone who would not worship me. Start. with YOUR family to prove to yourself that you can be my despair.”
“I will gladly do so in your name” Despair whispered coldly as she herself shot off over the sea.
And so it began. A whirlwind of Love and despair swept through the lands. The Devoted made their way to the Island where Souldefiler now reigned supreme, with absolute life and death authority. Everyone loved her despite all the horrors she would inflict upon them. Plagues, massacres, it mattered none to her. All she cared for was that they were devoted.
As for Despair, she too did her work well. like a sickly virus she swept through the lands, leaving her influence everywhere. As commanded, she went first to her family. She made the children watch as she brutally tortured her husband, then one by one she slaughtered her children. Tales of the Right Hand of Souldefiler who would cause strife and hatred of loved ones who refused the summons of Love, the Left hand of Souldefiler, to bend their knee and promise undying love to her. Soon Souldefiler’s island became a haven for those who came to love her, and a torture chamber and final resting place for those who chose to defy her.
New 5 man mythic instance. Clarity Pools.
Players will enter the Pools of Clarity, where they will attempt to discover the true power of the island’s Queen, and why she has chosen her path.
Love. Players must steel their hearts and resist the overwhelming urge to devote their lives and more to Souldefiler. Love periodically showers the party in “Devoted Essence” which if allowed to gather power will turn the player’s mind to complete devotion and force them to stare raptuorously at the surrounding Statues. Once enraptured, players can not be killed or removed from their trance.
Love So. You have come. Just as my mistress said you would. Tell me… Why did you come here? What did you hope to achieve? If you came here for any other reason than to fall to your knees and worship our Mistress you have come to the wrong place.
At 80%
hah. You dare attack ME? I should break you in pieces and leave you strewn over the world as testament to the power of Love but no. Not yet. I shall allow you to see the errors of your ways. gaze upon the Statues of our Mistress and be… LOVED!
Souldefiler’s voice gently whispers through the sound of battle
Oh you dear dear thing, how fickle you are. Do you expect me to save someone as pathetic as you? Begone from my sight.
On defeat Love falls to her knees. I was the first. She told me she loved me. I loved her. I still do, and i will stand by her no matter what she feels for me now. For I… am… LOVE! Go now and see what hatred has in store for you. I go to my Mistress
Hatred. Players must now find it in their hearts to care for loved ones, still alive or gone. Hatred periodically grants a player a vision of a Loved One which the player must either kill or allow to live depending on what the Loved One is doing. Only the player can see a vision of a Loved One at any one time. While under the vision, hatred will attempt to bombard the player’s mind with Gathering Hatred. Team mates must interrupt Gathering Hatred and attack the player affected by the Vision to break the trance.
You have done well to get this far. Did you see all the people on your way here? Sundered from love and hope? They denied the Mistress’s splendour, now they are devoid of any love. All they feel now is hatred. They empower me. They feed me. They have become… Me… Allow me to send you to them!
75% ENOUGH!! i WILL SHOW YOU WHAT YOUR LOVE HAS ACHIEVED! Behold now the folly of your love for others!
30% So. You resist. Very well. Allow me to cleanse your mind of doubt, and show you the undeniable truth!
1% (Hatred stuns the party and slowly walks to her chair and sits on it) Oh you really are full of love aren’t you…? very well. Do as you will. Fulfill my destiny and prove your worth. Will you kill me here? Or spare me as a final act of defiance to hate? I care not. Clearly my Mistress has abandoned me.
Souldefiler’s voice echoes through the hall Indeed i did. You failed. Now pay the price to these heroes. Maybe they will serve me better than you did
A Swirling of Emotion.
Players must attack a Vision of Loveliness as it attempts to corrupt (depending on faction players are in) Stormwind or Orgrimmar. Players will fight their way through each area of their city, fighting enemies such as Love Crazed Guards and Hateful Citizens who stand in their way to impede their pursuit of the Vision. At the end of each area players will attack the Vision directly until it is weakened and runs to a new area of the city.
100% Oh no… no no no NO!! My mistress!! they come!
Souldefiler’s voice whispers softly. *Run my dear, run and spread your vision through the city"
80% Oh no no no… Not good Not good…
Souldefiler’s voice echoes again Be calm…
60% Oh no no no no!! NO!! THEY COME AGAIN!!
Souldefiler’s voice grows more annoyed You are becoming tiresome to me now
20% My mistress has forsaken me… So be it. I will destroy you and finish my task and regain her love.
Last Boss. Visage of Splendour.
Players have finally come to the very heart of the Pools of Clarity. The waters bubble violently and explode. Water droplets coalesce and attack the players. Coalesced droplets upon defeat leave a puddle of Forlorn Longing, a stacking debuff which slows the player. At 20 stacks the player loses all hope and resigns themselves to their doom.
After all the coalesced droplets have been defeated they gather into a gigantic elemental that cannot be destroyed by any powers the players possess. They can only flee the area. As they flee the Elemental periodically roots in place and scream in Love’s Lost Echoes which will summon various undead creatures. They will attempt to run to the Elemental. Any undead who reaches the elemental will increase the speed and damage of the Elemental by 2%. When the Elemental has exhausted it’s substance it will dissipate fully allowing players to attack the Vision of Souldefiler inside. Once the vision is broken, the Elemental dissipates never to rise again.
Souldefiler’s voice booms through the room I have had enough of you miserable wretches. Now drown in the waters of Devotion! The pool bubbles violently and explodes
All droplets defeated CONGRATULATIONS YOU MANAGED TO CLEAN UP SOME WATER. ENJOY YOUR REWARD! Souldefiler’s vision gathers up the waters and forms into an Elemental. Now you will regret ever coming here!
Elemental summons ghouls. I remember well what Arthas did to me… I am simply showing YOU!
Elemental dissipates for the final time Oh you are clever I will give you that. But do not think this is over. Not all heroes, rescue the damsel!
(deisclaimer I would need to work on the raid encounter, i may do so later. For Now I am the last raid boss.)
Can we get a TLDR?
I’m fabulous and it would take all of you to stop me.
I don’t know whether to be impressed or terrified that you’ve spend so much time and effort thinking about this. I suppose both are appropriate!
As long as you’re a better raiding experience than BFA…
NB: I only have second-hand experience there tho.
Still working on that. It’s going to be spectacular. So many scenarios bouncing round my imagination just have to work through them all…
A vendor that sales mounts like the one in Dalaran but would have a huge shop and endless supply of every mount in game at reasonable prices .
For example if you havent got invince after 500 kills you could buy it with currencey earnt from each kill .
Thats actually quite good idea - badluck protection for collectors and mount farmers.
That’s something that needs to exist.
Only for boss drops though, not for rare spawns.