If your character was an NPC

That would be amazing! You’d be everyone’s favourite NPC! :kissing_heart:


I’d just want my character walking around Acherus tbh.

Well i did ask if she was trying tio bait me…

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I think Laryssa would be the kind of boss that summons up demons one at the time to test her attackers, and at the end just summons them all up at once aswell as jumping into the fray herself =P

Would have lots of AoE!
Heavy Felfire Rain.
Immolate of Fear! (gettin feared as you are burning and ignite others that you run into) Screaming out "If you cant take the heat, stay out of the fire! :rofl:
And ofc summon loads of small imps to annoy the crap outta everyone! :sweat_smile:

Would have a small chance to drop warlock themed mounts to non-warlocks!

“I once tried to heal a comrade with Flash of Light, but the batteries was dead”
“I failed the entry test to The Silver Hand because I forgot to Concentrate”
“Apperently the ‘Bubble’ dont save me from drowning…”


Would LOVE to see that on LFR! Oh the nerdrage! hahahah :rofl: :rofl:

I be a Vendors, sells quality items cheap cheap.

In the hearts of Dazar’Alors.

Much traffic it gets yes yes.

Ive gots icecreams too

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If I were an NPC, I’d take over from Zidormi. I’d return players to a time where things were a lot better, to the Good Old Times. It would be glorious!

(Not Horde players though.)


If my mage was to be an NPC, I would like her to sit in the portal room. Her dialogue would be a complaint as to how mage portals are rarely needed now, she would then offer you a portal for a nominal fee.

The portal she offered would be similar to the old portal roulette, only clicking the correct one would take you to a room with a chest, the prize would be maybe a nice pet/mount/title :slight_smile:


Heavenseeker would be an Exarch, standing around in the Exodar. If you would talk to her, she would say some preachy stuff about how you absolutely need to follow the Light if you exist.

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A helpful, friendly NPC who provides directions and helpful tips when asked! (And unequips your Pants automatically if you use /rude on them :innocent:)

Loving these creative replies!


Zerrael, my NE demonhunter https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/eu/nordrassil/zerrael
would probably be a bodyguard type NPC for the Assaulted version of the Vale and Uldum.

He would be a damage dealer bodyguard who aside from fighting would keep peppering the situation with comments about questioning why he and the player seem to have to go through all these chores every day/week and how little recognition putting our lives on the line brings us in the eyes of the factions we gain rep for.

If some player with an MoP armor set shows up Zerrael will instantly turn hostile and attack that player regardless of faction.

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