Hello! A while ago our raid leader quit, and i’ve been wanting to get back into raiding ever since. I heal and DPS depending on what’s needed. I have 9/10 normal, and i do not really care if it’s gonna be normal or heroic raids. We were on the last 5% on Denathrius. I play on Doomhammer and would prefer raiding saturday/sunday, but any weekdays really are appriciated. I am semi casual, but i can be a bit more hardcore if needed as well. I have discord, and can be in voicecall as well
Thanks for reading
We raid on a Saturday and have a casual approach to the game too. We are not on the same server but cross realm is an option. Feel free to give me a shout Sil182#2743
Take care and have fun! 
Hi Sofusdum,
What a pain, to be so close before it ended!
You didn’t mention if you wanted to stay on your server or faction, so I thought I’d let you know about Rekindled, if Horde and a server transfer (or new character!) are options for you.
We are a community founded by returning players to WoW, that play multiple games together, but our flagship is and always will be WoW. We raid on Thursdays and Sundays: progress is very important to us but we are not hardcore.
If this sounds like your cup of tea, please get in touch on bnet (Mistree #2555) or discord (Mistree#2749), or take a look at our recruitment thread for other ways to get in touch (and find out more details!)
[ Origin of Insanity] a friendly guild looking to expand our numbers any players new/old/ lvlers or people who just wanna chat, we are a social guild raid saturdays 10/10 normal CN looking to progress to HC we also M+ daily we have a very active discord come join the fun
is recruiting motivated players for our raiding team for heroic and mythic progression in CN and later in 9.1. We offer a great community & an active Discord. We are looking for: D/Holy Priest, Ele Shaman. We are raiding Wednesdays and Sunday
Hi, would love to speak with you more.
Are you only looking at alliance or willing to change?
Please have a read of our recruitment post and if it interests you please do add me on battlenet.
Hey Sofusdum.
I’m the GM of The Nomads in Outland (A). We’re a 1/10 M Guild with ambition of reaching 10/10 before next patch. While pushing we’re looking for the people we need for our Strong team. We raid Thursday, Sunday & Monday 20.00 - 23.00 Server Time.
add me if interested.
@Btag Mrhappybunny#2423
@Disc Mrhappybunny#0287