It will reduce the need to roll so many dice. You roll once for the loot to even drop (which can be from 20 to 33-ish percent) and one more time for the item to be in the appropriate slot (10-ish percent for 10 items in a dungeon loot table).
The major difference is not how you as a player are slowed, but the community at large.
Why? Because in both BFA and Legion it was not just the case of “more loot can drop”, but this tied to “more loot can be traded”. I am not one to cry over boosters being miserable, but even they don’t offer stacking since it is not feasible for the time being to replace to even 200 without major burn out.
Edit : I am not keen for currency, just pointing out it’s potential benefit.
I kinda have to stop you there; this because you are making an erroneous comparison here.
You are comparing the lootpiñatas that Legion and BfA were with SL and other expansions.
And that not a fair argument.
This due to the systems in Legion and BfA were designed with war-/titanforging in mind. So they expected a lot of loot being useless during those 2 expansions, where most loot now should be (more) usefull.
And be honest, how many times did loot drops in BfA and/or Legion got sold/sharded? A lot right? Now how much loot did you get that you immediately sold/sharded due to being uselss? It should be way less then back then.
The issue here therefor isn’t a lack of usefull drops, it is a lack of drops. But what good does looting a useless items does? Nothing. But hey, atleast you feel rewarded…
And I have to stop you there since BFA did not had WF and TF for the majority of the expansion. I assumed, we are talking about post 8.1/2 and the systems associated with them, as they are our closest analogues. 8.0 had another set of issues.
And before you say “But X developer/Ion said”, blizzard devs say things that are not true all the time, accidentally or not.
In both expansions my bags were filled with gear that was in rotation from set bonuses, trough different corruption set ups and the different legion-dary tying up with them. Sure some people vendored everything, but people that were +2IQ points always keep a level down as an alternative set due to Blizzard’s tendency to do some pretty extreme balancing (even more if you multispecced).
The issue is that it is another inflation of game time, among multiple other in the expansion. You as a player and how much time you want to dedicate to your activities rarely matter, unless you are ultra competitive or flat out pay for boosts.
And just to toss a bone at an argument which is not associated with you (but people will make, and have already done so) - no it is not casual friendly either. If people think that just because they have “near the same item level”, they will have more ease into getting into m+ or raid, they are dead wrong. Between raider io, logs and other tools “toxic try hards” are less and less inclined to invite people.
That is subjective and you are more than aware of it.
A 460 with filled corruptions was still > most 475+ with semi corruptions. Yes a fully maxed char would melt faces, but corruptions are more close to set bonuses and gems over being close to TF.
Which was precisely my point. Corruptions were super powerful and were 100% rng, the same way as there were +55 ilvl titanforges in Legion. I honestly can’t say which one was worse.
Yes it had.
Only 8.3 did not had it, plus the design was kept due to corruptions being the same due to their random nature.
No its not; quite the oposit even.
You get 1/4 th - 1/3rd fewer items sure, but without war-/titanforging you end up getting more usefull items. So it takes less time to get gear since you now get gear with a set ilvl instead of a tiny chance of a huge boost in ilvl from war-/titanforging.