I'm concerned by the amount of High Elves

Disclaimer: Play whatever you want, I can’t stop you. I’m just a forum poster with an opinion.

So… I was creeping around SW because I was curious and WOW there’s a lot of High Elves now. To a concerning point, considering how rare the race is supposed to be. At this point, they’re probably not far behind Humans with how much they’re being roleplayed.

I have a genuine question for High Elf RPers hi! o/
What about Blood Elves turns you off when it is physically the same race? Why play a GoFundMe High Elf when it just seems more convenient to play a Blood Elf?

Blood Elves have (compared to Void Elves):

  • A city and zone that is a glorious hub for Thalassian RP
  • More accurate aesthetic and customisation
  • More accurate racials
  • No Bri’ish accent or slowed-reverb voice filter
  • No entering purple mode in combat
  • It’s not borderline lore-breaking to play one
    (I understand they’re not totally extinct, but the amount of people currently playing them ruins the whole point of them being “rare”. If everyone is unique, no one is…)

Let’s be civil! \o/


What a peculiar thread.


Simple question with a simple answer: they prefer playing on the Alliance. Bigger population, easier access to their preferred themes and style of roleplay.

Also, people roleplaying something that’s rare in the setting doesn’t ruin anything nor do I think it’s even fair for us to suggest that it does.


I love how 9 out of 10 classic posters always have to bring in some kind of supercharged, sharp angle like:

and in the same post mention stuff like:

let roleplayers roleplay man


The entire realm population doesn’t come close to rivalling the actual number of high elves in the world as the world is vastly larger and more populous than we see in-game. This goes for other races too.

Keep that in mind when you see the quote on quote concerning amount of high elves and it might not come across as lore-breaking as you think it is.


The OP does seem a touch passive aggressive, but it’s better not to assume that’s their intention when it could just be a miscommunication.


Thalassian RP, but not high elf RP.

A blood elven aesthetic, but not high elven aesthetic. And most of the customisations are the same.

Racials have no bearing on RP.

I play with sound off and don’t use the standard emotes barring the occasional /nod or /no

Not a problem in RP 90% of the time.

The fewer of something there is, the more likely it is for those rarities to bound together. Look at the Silver Covenant for a quick and easy example. And even if there were hundreds of high elven RPers at once in Stormwind, that would be perfectly in line with how few high elves there are because of how large Stormwind is in the lore.


borderline 0 RP in silvermoon or horde hubs in general lol

How? How many did you see, seven thousand? A million? Or did you see some 40 individuals in one of the biggest cities on Azeroth.

Look don’t get me wrong I think high elves are the most boring thing ever invented and every day I wonder why people that play high elves don’t just play humans like they clearly intended to but this ain’t it


Aside from the overused and beaten to death meme, I do not think Velves have a British accent.

You can frankly make this point about Blood Elves too since it’s a political split between the two and there’s been a LOT of Blood Elf deaths since said split as well.

Maybe they just want to RP a High Elf? That’s it.




I don’t want to roleplay in Silvermoon. I never have, I don’t like it. Yes, I could accurately recreate my high elf on the Horde side, but it would significantly impact my RP, forcing me to avoid Alliance hubs at all times. Why is ‘convenience’ an argument?

I want to play a high elf, on the Alliance side, because I enjoy it more. And I don’t feel any form of responsibility to contribute to an accurate representation of the various races’ relative numbers. That will never exist, nor should we expect it to. Just remind yourself that the roleplaying population will always be a small part of the game world.


To be honest bros basically every race in WoW has been genocided to the 99% but still manages to maintain at least one full city if not several (looking at you Humans and Dwarves), the only ones who haven’t yet are Gnomes and that just seems to be because they don’t really care much about Gnomeregan anymore.


What High Elf RPers? They are all Void Elves who are just mindbroken by the Void into thinking they are High Elves.

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Physically, yes, but I hope you are aware that they’re not really the same people.

Stinky traitors smh. (void elves are even worse, double traitors)

To be quite honest I wish void elves never happened, because they were a huge mistake and an even bigger clusterpuck that Blizzard doesn’t really seem keen on re-visiting anytime soon, and we just got proper high elves as a playable race instead.

A mild inconvenience at best.

it’s also pretty dead lol

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I prefer Blood Elves. Hell. I LOVE Blood Elves!

But Horde RP?? I dunno. Seems sketchy to me.

Pardon me. Let us have a quick run down and reply accordingly to your post.

I have a genuine question for High Elf RPers hi! o/
What about Blood Elves turns you off when it is physically the same race? Why play a GoFundMe High Elf when it just seems more convenient to play a Blood Elf?

  • Well, a very good, and very powerful start to this answer would be, Alliance is more appealing to the players than Horde. Why play a Blood Elf if you want to be a High Elf?

Counter question: Why play a Gnome when you could be a Mechagnome? They are apparently meant to be superior according to their lore?

Silvermoon City is a glorious one but no, it does not serve as a hub for all Thalassian elves. High Elves may only visit by permission, and Void Elves are not permitted at all.

Yes, their options are wider but that is more due to restrictions that can still be expanded upon. They aren’t high elves, though?

More accurate racials? No, not even close, even Arcane Torrent isn’t accurate to that of the Thalassian elf. Though, they are better than the Void Elf ones.

That is sadly the restrictions for the Allied Race, which is the only tool able to make a High Elf.

That is sadly the condition for the Allied Race, which is the only tool able to make a High Elf.

It is lore breaking to be a Horde High Elf, though? You can be a neutral High Elf using a Blood Elf model, but you cannot be Alliance as a Horde.


A Horde High Elf exists: It’s called a blood elf.

A Thalassian Elf that sides the Regent Lord and his council, as well as the Horde, is a blood elf.

A Thalassian Elf that sides with the Alliance is a high elf.

Both have some cultural differences, especially depending on which sub-section of their cultures you get into (see: sin’dorei blood mage that dabbles in arcane and fel magic to a highvale ranger that has given up all arcane magic); but the real, important difference that makes a sin’dorei or a quel’dorei is what faction they are a part of.


This is not based by faction only in lore, but by views of their people and politics, though according to their lore, else they would all just be ‘Thalassian’ elves, but they aren’t.

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Faction and political allegiance and belief is a view on people and politics, though. Since the Burning Crusade, the major factor of whether you were a blood elf or a high elf, is if you were exiled from Quel’thalas or decided to side with the Alliance and left on your own or were not in Quel’thalas already to begin with.

They have no physical difference whatsoever, it’s literally just that.

They have different views, and different facets of their culture, especially after TBC, Wrath and MOP’s release, but the core identity of what makes one of them one thing or the other is who they side or sided with.

It’s like how if you’re an undead that doesn’t side with the Forsaken, you don’t call yourself a Forsaken, you’re just an undead; but if you’re an undead in the Horde, you’re a Forsaken (or a death knight).

You can be a neutral blood elf and a neutral high elf, but there’s a difference between that and being able to be an Alliance blood elf or a Horde high elf.


It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.

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