I think there’s value in pointing out just how badly Blizzard has screwed up, at least from a roleplaying perspective.
High elves aren’t an official playable race. They’re a relatively small selection of customisation options for void elves, an allied race, that allows them to look almost identical to one of the core playable races, blood elves. This isn’t a problem and I’m not using this to say that people shouldn’t roleplay high elves, but I want to point out the hoops that need to be jumped through to play a high elf instead of a blood elf.
However, it sounds like high elves are currently more popular than blood elves in the roleplaying scene.
This is despite the fact that blood elves were playable for over a decade before the high elf options for void elves were introduced. You would’ve thought this would have led to people becoming attached to their blood elf characters, or to the Horde community, but apparently not.
This is despite the fact that when compared to blood elves, high elves are generic, at least in my opinion.
While the blood elves went through a period where they sought to survive by any means necessary and went through the whole Kael’thas and the Burning Crusade arc, the high elves simply… remained high elves.
I could go into detail, but I’m trying not to focus on my own opinion on high elves. My point is: I would have thought that the relatively complicated and unique blood elves would have drawn more interest than the relatively plain high elves.
Despite all of this, it seems like the roleplaying community prefers high elves over blood elves to the point that Silvermoon City, once one of the most prosperous hubs of the Horde, is now apparently dead.
So that’s why I’m asking why this happened and why I want to know how Blizzard screwed up, to the point where what was previously the most popular race Horde-side is no longer attractive to the roleplaying community in any shape or form, and people would rather jump through all of the hoops required to roleplay a high elf instead.
Is it due to their handling of the Horde? Is it due to the writing of the blood elves? Is it due to people just wanting to play elves in their most vanilla and traditional form, and not wanting anything more complicated than that?