I'm concerned by the amount of High Elves

I think High Elves need a new niche, because their character RP is basically just be boring or be war criminals, and humans already have those areas covered just fine.

None of the Alliance races really deal with traffic a lot with fel magic, so I think, since the Blood Elves largely abandoned their stuff after the Sunwell reignited, the High Elves should pick it up instead.

Since we know that the green eyes of the fel crystals are starting to fade, we need another source of them in game. Vereesa will learn the ways of a demon hunter, becoming the first Onslaught (bow) spec Demon Hunter while the rest of the Silver Covenant either become DH or warlocks.

Thoughts? Feelings?

Ah the Hunter/Demon Hunter mix in Hearthstone, but for the record I actually think it’d be a cool idea, ranged Demon Hunter.

Pal, the non-Dark Ranger and non-NE undead elves have never received a proper introduction in the game. Which means that it is sorta implied that they died and were resurrected at some point, but also regained their sentience and free will and joined their respectful factions. This is the material we have to work with. If we think that it is impossible to break free from your necromancer’s grasp, then there will be no playable sentient undead. At all.

The San’layn is a sect of vampiric Darkfallen originating in the Scourge after Illidan’s failed assault. One of the many types of the undead

They wont… Silvermoon will never remove the fell crystals from Silvermoon.

And that will be Blizzards excuse too. Why they will never update the city either…

Can Vareesa pull a Jaina, absorb the powers of the Primalists and give us some kind of elemental rogue archer and lightning mage?

Valeera can do your thing for demon hunters, teaching the belves and bring some fel back. Because random pragmatic reason.

They actually have them removed as of current canon, ever since TBC’s end.

Quel’thalas is just stuck in a time capsule of TBC.

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Sorry, we’re currently dedicating that energy to giving warlocks shadowflame customisation and unlocking the tank drathyr spec :blush:

Valeera isn’t welcome in Silvermoon. She’s the personal assassin of the King of Stormwind, no matter how much she chirps about “neutrality” or “not being in the Alliance”.

nooo hahaha Nathanos wasn’t fighting for the Horde, he’s just the personal champion of the Warchief, so it’s totally cool if he visits Stormwind for a chat right?
:nauseated_face: disgusting
yes this is my major pet peeve

FR though that would be a sick choice.

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Really? Was that apart of some book or short story somewhere?

I Mean im not saying your wrong but… If your right also.

It will give every green glowing eyed Blood elf an hard time unless they are Warlocks of course…

Storm elves would be pretty sick ngl.

They could move into Skywall.

There’s datamined spell icons for it for destro locks in the current patch, but as yet unclear if they will be available or how to get them…

Give me my ranged rogue.
I’ve decided it should be a bit of a spellbow. Hunters don’t need arcane shot!

I can only agree on the weirdness of Val’s lore.

The remnants of the Army of the Black Moon launch a surprise attack on Quel’Danas, ruining the Sunwell (again) and bringing the Blood Elves right back to the desperate, morally flexible people they were always meant to be.

Also hello Fifth War.

You’re welcome, writers!

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I can’t remember which book in specific, but I do remember a text piece that mentioned how the Blood Elves all learned just how demonic burning crystals really were, and with the Sunwell’s restoration, they had absolutely no need for them unless you’re a warlock.

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Ugh, God no. Not again.

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In just one day we surpassed the amount of messages in “I’m Undead I need help”. Congratulations

Kinda weird that you’re keeping a tally.

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Damn it is just like the Night Elves to go after fellow Elves instead of the actual target of their ire (Forsaken, Orcs)

Tyrande, blessed by Elune with the smoothest of brains.


War. War never changes.

Get on the flying boat soldier!


Please, I beg you, don’t make us do this again. No more :frowning:

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