I'm concerned by the amount of High Elves

Damn man you had me at ‘bow’.

I unconditionally support this

It doesn’t, no.
Thats why its so boring.


Fandral wasn’t wrong. Tyrande has no idea how to lead her people.

If we’re having war again then I want the factions completely dissolved and just have it be every race for itself.

Jokes asides I’m well and truly fed up with faction war for the forseeable future, but I would swallow that distaste if it brought back the cool Blood Elves.


Yay more war in warcraft


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It’s an in game quote said by Rommath in MoP.

This Korune device is similar to the fel crystals we once used to enslave demonic energies. Demon or angry spirit or elemental manifestation of an emotion, the principle is relatively the same.

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You’re trying to argue that playing a high elf is bad, but playing a san’layn in Orgrimmar is okay?

I understand that you did not like how people treated you, but if you keep treating everyone as if they are your enemy around here, you’re likely going to turn into everyone’s enemy yourself.

I will just point out that your way to defend your RP is strange. For you argue that high elves in Stormwind (?!) have no justification, but all of a sudden san’layn in Orgrimmar are any better?

Tell me about it…

It’s a bit ironic to say.

Why are you here then, speaking with the forum guys?

I thought you

Actually, you know what the High Elves need? They need their own town. Not a dinky little lodge, not a doomed stronghold in Outland, they need their own place to thrive as elves instead of as the dark trolls of humanity (a curiosity to be gawked at).

Now I understand my suggestion of making high elves the new fel elves might be controversial, so I come with an alternative.

There’s been a lot of (erroneous) concern with the Night Elf tree cropping up in the Dragon Isles that the Horde is going to dominate Kalimdor. As such, I think the new High Elf town should be located in Un’goro.

Not fel elves, not storm elves, but dinosaur elves. Rejected by their homeland, the quel’dorei travel to this untamed land and reconnect with their ancient troll heritage, living alongside the massive beasts of the jungle and occasionally deploying devilsaurs for the Alliance forces.

Heritage set would be an extremely high polygon tarzan loincloth.

Atleast my commander won’t be Garrosh so I’m good hopefully.

Something Something Orders away his close air-support Something Something Consecutively gets shot down.

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Thats furbolg heritage, you thief.

Excuse me while I r/whoosh your joke but giving them their own town would actually be pretty neat.

Have them sign some treaty with the blood elves and give them Shalandis Isle.

That’d require Blizz to update the Ghostlands though which’ll never happen.

On a scale of 1-10 how good of an Orc Mage name is Orcerer?

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Only if their priests are going to be called Velocipastors.


Just butting in again to say. I love seeing you guys have some fun too for a change.

More of that please Argent dawn!

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Weird way to describe fascists.


I feel like some of y’all throw that word around way too lightly.


Wasn’t that a movie?
The Velocipastor