I'm concerned by the amount of High Elves

people like playing the lesser known underdog races with suppodly the lower populations.

at least thats the case with me. Highborne (night elf) mages, High elves, half elves, Wildhammer over bronzebeard, and wastewander humans over say… stormwind ones.

i dont know its kinda more fun than playing the generic playable races

I’m more concerned about the lack of Gnomes.

We need more shortstack enjoyers.


The height is the real problem here. Hunched Forsaken are about as tall as humans, without a hunch they might be taller than night elves. It might look a bit strange without some adjusting so they don´t tower over humans and blood elves.

Humans from Lordaeron were just built differently…
Is what I’m now claiming.


i played a gnome once. never again. While most people in the dungeon can walk through puddles, i have to swim through it.

I think that’s cool, too, but with the current HE population on AD it seems like they themselves have become the mainstream generic playable race… Which is even a shame

You have to take the good with the bad.

While my race is a pest… Yours is just a joke. AD don’t want diaper limbless gnomes with limited mogs. Simple as :face_with_thermometer:

Why shouldn’t they when kul tirans exist?

i get what you are trying to say. But arent the few remaining High elves generic too? they appear everywhere you go if you play alliance, even in Darkmoon faire. talking about NPC’s and lore here.

elves tend to be generic over time because everyone wants to play them. wether its zombie elves, high elves, barbie elves, or bubblegum elves

sad but true. I guess many people would prefer a pretty model which creates a bad reputation for all elves in general. Like Blood elves who were long considered just a beautiful race for the Horde enjoyers

kul tirans also look strange

actually let me take this back. i meant only in wow and some other MMORPG games.

elves are a rare sight in FF14. they call them giraffes because of the neck :rofl:

Crazy how the moment you actually make them anything but ‘prettier human’ they become a rare sight


Wow, rude. I’ll have you know my metal limbs are all present and accounted for.

they just stood different


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Elezen are great and I’ll hear no different


they are great. But viera are better :rabbit:

Some would say the Elves of the FFXIV universe.


The WoW nelf/FF14 viera playerbase venn diagram is a circle some would say