No one is allowed to tell anyone to get away from any resources accessible for everyone.
That said, if your ban did not get reverted by Blizzard there must’ve been something else we do not know of, I don’t care about it, don’t discuss it here, done.
The impression I get from this topic is that you like to explore the boundaries of the rules, and see how far you can get. The feeling it’s ok because it involves others who may push these same boundaries is a tricky one. Personally I’d advise to simply stick with one set of rules, for everyone. If you wouldn’t do something to someone you deem innocent, don’t do it to others either regardless of their behaviour.
Trying to point out weak spots in the rules by your own actions as proof of vulnerability of these rules runs along the same line. Whatever your intentions, it’ll (rightfully) be perceived as boundary pushing or rule breaking.
Both can be dealt with more maturely, which will most likely lead to less risk for your account.
Farming is NOT botting.
Everyone has the same right to the leather, nodes and herbs. You can tag the mobs too and skinn since there’s multiple skinning.
If I am gathering and there’s too much competition, I just go elswhere or do something else.
Harassing does not help and makes both sides unhappy.
thank you for your opinion.
yes thanks to this topic and some of the players here i found out what was going on.
and now i know what i did wrong and how to avoid that .
but i see so much flaw in the way that They enforce their rules and treat the players.
this ban was not something big but it changed my perspective about customer support forever.
right now i just go in the game and i don’t talk at all.
i dont do any pve content again. maybe i do pvp later/
now i even know how to go there and steal leather and not getting banned like this for a wrong reason again , But I lost my passion for the game, you know?.
maybe i go offline for a while . i dont know
Also, if the players see someone is “stealing” their loot, why not send a message to that person first?
The way the automatic system works now (and what people were afraid of) is showing here: a bunch of special snowflakes reporting any player that is in their way.
In the old days you packed your gear and went to a different spot to farm. Not reporting someone so they get banned.
My sweet summer child, we, the pvp community, are much, much worse. Dont type anything in chat. At maximun answer with y for tactics. Any rated content is a report fiesta.
Hello Cptnhissalot.
you know what really made me sad?
these people were calling me the N word. or the name of those bad soldiers in world war 2 or 1. they were insulting me . they were even cursing my cat. because they didnt accept the rules of free skinning in world map for whoever that is there or tag the mobs faster. and yet they are farming day and night. despite all of those mass reports and mass insults that they did on random players . especially me. and yet i got banned for something like this.
One day one of them saw the gray adds and was yelling : some of the adds are Gary some of the adds are Gary. i said who is Gary? and i got banned because customer support was thinking babadonda is here to troll and stop these people from farming . where my goal was leather stealling.
the only thing that i asked them was this.
please tell me what did i do wrong thats all i want the detail of my ban
Benico was right.
you just need a bunch of dudes and mass report them with enough of people to get rid of them even if its not fair
I get that, and it sucks. And all things considered, I do have my questions about mass reports and whether they curb or promote toxicity. I fully understand your questions regarding that
New: Multiple Players Can Skin Kills in Dragonflight
Skinning has long been plagued by a few annoying problems: only one skinner can skin a kill, other skinners can skin our kills out from under us (ninja skinning), and kills can only be skinned if it’s completely looted out.
All of these problems have been addressed in Dragonflight. Multiple players can now skin the same kill – within a certain set of rules.
A tagger is someone who has tagged a potential kill either by doing damage to it or being in the party that did damage. Since you can also tag a mob cross-faction now, this opens skinning wide open to everyone. Mob in this section is assumed to be “skinnable mob”.
All taggers who are Skinners can skin the kill. They do not need to wait for other players to loot it out; all they need to do is loot out their personal loot and skin. The mob will remain lootable and skinnable to other taggers who have not yet looted and/or skinned the kill themselves. This takes away competition between skinners for kills.
If a mob has been tagged by any skinner, it cannot be skinned by someone who has not tagged it. Once a mob tagged by any skinner, the system locks the skinning only to any and all skinners who participated in the kill. If you come across skinnable corpses that do not appear skinnable, it’s because they were tagged by at least one skinner. This prevents ninja-skinning from those who are not contributing to the kills.
If a skinnable mob has only been tagged by non-skinners, the corpse becomes immediately available for skinning to any skinner, even if they did not tag it. The system does not limit skinning to taggers if no skinners participated in the kill, which leaves the mob open to wandering skinners. The non-skinner does not need to loot it out first. This solves the problem of non-skinners not looting out skinnable corpses to make them available to skinners.
Please note that ban discussions is not permitted on the forums. If you have appealed and upheld, there’s nothing else we can do.
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