Im happy that we have retail

You do realise my response is to show how moronic is the premises as if classic community is any better from modern wow ? They are exactly the same - with friendliness, coldness, its good and its bad.

And while you tryhard to be cool to use “go back to retail” line, then you have no idea what is for me or isn’t, but that BS as if classic community by default is better, is ridiculous presumption. It is same human beings playing it.


There is atleast a sense of community exists in classic , while the community in retail is soulless.It’s not even which is better, there is a void in retail community.I want to be invested in retail like I used to be (since my mains are in it) , but yeah just can’t atm…I’d come back if they can fix what’s wrong in later expacs.)

But main point here is, of course classic got bad apples too, but atleast the sense of community is there, same cannot be said for Retail due to mechanic changes.It’s what matters.You can’t even compare retails community with anything since there isn’t much interactions going on between the players to even create a ‘‘community’’.

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I guess how we see or judge community has different criteria. It maybe your realm type plays a role too, but i swear Gehennas has as much of a community as rats in a box, and even rats have more community than Gehennas. There are fun people, and cool vibes, but it has so much noise that the community itself becomes lost.

Yeah I think the realm plays the biggest part.That might be the reason with your experience.Unbalanced or overpopulated realms tend to be troublesome.

I never played in RPpvp realm before but figured it would be more mature, and turns out it is since it attracts a different crowd.I picked Zandalari Tribe EU.So far, zero regrets.People were mature and helping to each other.Maybe that full overpopulated realms got the most of the bad apples.That’s why I said let’s avoid the most popular realms initially when a friend of mine asked, and now we think it was the best choice we made.

I used to play in PvE-RP realm in vanilla, prior moving to full PvP realm in pursuit of better raiding career and I believe - based on that I believe RP realms have their own different mentality.

PvP realm players while often lovers of RPG, and value the lore and story often as much any people in RP realms, then the way interactions happen in public are much different. Lore and RPG discussions are kept more into guild chat or private channels. And external communication tends to be more about “lol allys here, lets gank” or “layer plz” and this light I feel gehennas community itself at current stage feels less united than i.e. my modern realms.

But i do not deny that my bitter view on classic community is due to the very fact of what Gehennas Horde represents. Turn on the chat - and you have the classic cleave spam; and when you group up for quests outside- sure people interact, but you get the big city effect. We kill, we are polite and we depart and become strangers in different layers.

Give it few months and I might have whole different view - when layers fade, and tourists leave - so to speak, and Gehennas becomes more of a normal server instead server with 10k queues prime time.

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Im enjoying classic, im level 49 but im playing extremely casually since im getting like 1-2 levels per day. But i do login to retail ofc to do some daily stuff and boi… do i enjoy the newer graphics and smoother gameplay :stuck_out_tongue:

Guess you never know what you have until you see it gone. Don’t get me wrong, i still do enjoy classic but it’s definitely not something that will keep me occupied forever.

Of course retail would need to take some lessons from classic too, such as class quests, rpg elements, talent trees, skill ranks, learnable skills not just auto learn. You know, small things.


It seems Realm plays a huge part, and you might be burn-out due to it.

I kinda knew what I would be getting into if I choose a massive realm, that’s why I avoided Firemaw EU at launch and forced my already level 20 friend to come to the Rp-pvp realm with me.He is pretty gratefull now for that choice.No insane Q’s , still very plenty of people everywhere, oddly people age seems to be more higher then regular pvp realm, for whatever reason.(I’ve always played on regular pvp realms so far since TBC, except this time.)

Amen to that.I want retail to bloom again.They need to restore many many things that got lost over the years.Especially sense of character progress without going absurd, I am especially sick of being hailed as super-Savior of the Azeroth , just want to be an Adventurer again.

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Oh look, as soon as I look at the general forums there’s a “retail good, classic bad” topic. :sleeping:

ok we get it you like korean action combat online games.


Retail is bad. Ever since classic came, i got zero desire to login to retail. Infact classic is so much better than retail, i probably will ditch bfa until the new expansion. Cant see how retail is fun, considering all items youve got are the same as everyones else.


And just to be clear, i was not on the classic hypetrain at all.

I disagree. This is a retail bad, classic good post

I actually tried to level a warrior in retail last night and I just couldn’t do it. I say this from an entirely honest and completely neutral standpoint as I was playing retail up until Christmas last year.

Retail pros

  • Very well established endgame, there is so much to do and I really applaud blizzard for that. They’ve continuously dreamt up ways to keep us engaged.
  • Well structured boss fights with lots of challenging mechanics and this is no small feat.
  • Looks lovely and i mean the difference between classic and BFA now is really quite stark. It’s full of colour and depth
  • Action packed
  • Mythic plus dungeons was such a smart approach to a difficult issue of running out of content

Retail cons (for me at least!)

  • I freaking hate new spells appearing on my toolbar! Leveling up used to feel so amazing and the spell would genuinely make a real difference to the struggle of leveling. Now it’s so trivial, it’s considered an inconvenience to have to return to town to buy spells, so they are handed to you.
  • The animations…I think this is love or hate, I guess I got too used to vanillas style
  • Feels very hack and slash
  • New items make little immediate impact because you’re already hacking and slashing
  • Transmog…your character becomes more of a fashion icon than an adventurer, I really dislike this and I know some people love it!
  • Every spec is viable in PVE and PVP and this can be a great thing for some people! I’m clearly a simple dude, I want 1 raid spec and i’ll accept some encounters I won’t fair so well on. However retail forces you to change trees almost every boss because everyone else is as well and i’m used to finishing high on my meters haha

Good for you.

You are comparing a game first released in 2004 to mmos of today?
Oh god my sides.

Most people are either trolling or downright tasteless in retail with t-mog, let along being a fashion icon.It’s kinda ruining the game now, in a way I never imagined it would (I loved and supported the idea initially), I am so tired of some some kid with a trolling-hobo-mog with most mish-mashed gear possible for the ‘‘LOLZ’’, with the most ugly-obnoxious glowing enchants possible added to some ugly oversized meme-weapon.Let’s not forget the mandatory barefeet s*lut-mogs too…I didn’t mind any of those people at first when they were rare but somehow now they are everywhere…To the point majority of players in retail atm doesn’t actually look like an actual adventurer RPG character? Which is weird in a MMORPG game.

I can’t tell people what to transmog but would introduce many restrictions if I were in the charge of it.

I’m not a big fan of classic either. Lvlup process is just…

Let’s just say that i’d rather not play that.

But does that mean that retail can’t learn a thing or two from classic? No. It indeed has its good qualities that i wish retail had.


dont realy care about classic now, tried it found it wierd and boring, was good back in 2005 or so, not so much now, some people are realy toxic, you have to play a ceartain class to be able to do anything, specialy if you try to pug anything, or you might as well quit and do something else.

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Is it “Spoiling” though?
Is the Washing Machine spoiling us because we no longer have to go to the River to beat our Clothes dry with a rock?

Classic had terrible mechanics that are extinct by now, and rightly so.

Oh, and about the Walking. In 2004 we called the game “WoW”, “World of Walking”.


Well speak for yourself because I happen to love both versions while not equally but every version has its pros and cons.

Retail version pros:

  • better and faster leveling
  • better char models
  • more content
  • better navigation in game
  • many quality of life changes

just a short list I can think of more


  • no community everyone plays solo or to themselves zero interaction unless you pug and people are only closed to their group of 5 friends and world interaction is zero.

  • Only end game focused

  • you can solo everything which again in my opinion requires zero interaction with people.

  • feels sometimes like I am paying Diablo 3 instead of an MMO.

Vanilla wow pros and cons


  • Community is friendly at least on Nethergarde keep realm where I play
    people are everywhere talking and interacting with each other instead of insulting each other just for the hell of it

  • professions mater again and you can actually make gold with them

  • leveling actually requires just a little bit more effort instead of facerolling your keyboard and everything dies.

  • something to work towards which gives a sense of progression.

I can think more but that’s just a short list as I said


  • slow and tedious leveling yes I contradict myself here but I feel there are not enough quests and you have to grind things for 5 levels each time you get 15 25 35 45 55.