I'm loving Plunderstorm again! <3

I don’t understand why a lot of people dislike it! It’s fast, easy, fun and rewarding!


a lot of people hate it for these reasons.
1: it has nothing to do with their main chars in the wow.
2" it doesnt give you any more power or things to use in the wow,.
3: its very childish even for some people that are 14 years old .
4: botss and cheaters in it.
5: i dont know number 5 but its just not wow content anymore


Its just not a gamemode i enjoy. I dont hate it though, i just ignore it. Think most of the hate comes from the FOMO crowd that feels forced into it for the rewards.


Good for you.
I did the first one when it came out, and I didn’t enjoy it at all.
I don’t like Fortnite and never understood the madness around it.


Jk, I can see the appeal but it just isn’t my cup of tea cuz it’s way too twichty for me.


Except this time round it waaaaay easier to get the rewards for two simple reasons. One you not chasing a renown track and two you can target what you want/need/desire.

Your only limitation is you by the amount of currency you can/can not collect in a single run.

Let me just add, for me personally, there is no incentive to do it a second time round. Not for the same reskins and recolors of the rewards. Feels like I being duped/milked into paying a sub for repeat content. Really not enjoying or appreciating that.


Different people like different things. It’s great for those that enjoy it and those that don’t want to do it at all can just ignore it. People who want the rewards can grind them out and then abandon the mode.

The first time round no one knew what Blizzard were doing, it was billed as a patch for WoW and pirate themed. So many were disappointed when it turned out to be a game mode outside of WoW with rewards and a renown track they had to grind to get cosmetics in the game.

This time we know what Plunderstorm is and they’ve made some improvements, the renown grind is gone and you just grind plunder and spend it. How you get it, is up to you.

I’m never going to enjoy Plunder and I’m not going to take part beyond getting my cosmetics. Those that like Plunder can keep playing and make more suggestions for the future.


Recent games started only with 30-40 people.

Seems not as much hyped as before.

Also this game “mode” should be a standalone version.


I had a lot more fun with the mode now that the grind for currency (and the rewards) isn’t nearly as insane as the first time.


Yep, and we dont see the same amount of complaints this time around as we did last time, so overall i think they hit a sweet spot with how they done it this time.


Lots of people dislike it because it gives limited time rewards in wow.
It should have its own rewards and not be linked with wow.


Still never encountered a cheater, what would that even entail?


Lol good one XD!

Well most of the time i die it was either a “lagging” (to me it was like that) vulpera or gnome, they were basically teleporting.


Oh so Plunderstorm is like Fortnite? I’ve never played Fortnite before but now I’m interested in trying it out!

Fortnite is free so go try it. Nothing to lose :slight_smile:


It’s defo not a game mode for me…and I only plated it for the mog rewards.
I would have prefered not to play it atcall but I lik mogs soo…

If Blizzard truly wanted to see how popular it was…remove rewards. Make it seperate from wow and then see how many who would play it.


At least they included the rewards from last time in the plunder store this time.


Blizz guess the answer for this, which is why they won’t ever make it separate from WoW. Who wants to play a sub-par Fortnite clone when real Fortnite and many better clones exist f2p?

Plunderstorm is a distraction for players who like the style of the game mode enough to grab WoW rewards but not enough to leave WoW to play it properly. And, of course, like all WoW modern mini-patches it exists to give another FOMO rewards pathway for the chronically addicted to stay subbed for longer.

I’m guessing that the lack of complaints is simply because most players are ignoring it.


The familiarity is also a factor. WoW map, WoW physics, WoW engine. Everything behaves exactly as I’d expect it would. I don’t really feel a disconnect or a need to “Learn” any of that intangible stuff that would come with another game.

I’m having fun with it :stuck_out_tongue: