I really enjoyed reading your replies, some of you really got into detail about it which helped me understand the reasons why people dislike it. When I created my post I wasn’t thinking about Plunderstorm in depth, I was talking about it at face value, just a quick jump in game different enough to be fun but similiar enough controls to be able to play straight away. As a collecter who got a few pets and a mount out of it it was rewarding for me personally as the last time I played Plunderstorm I couldn’t win a thing.
you probably have a problem with the way you play because it’s not normal
No but no one said that the game was perfect, it looks like an alpha, that’s why Blizzard has to improve it and add rewards, they have gold in their hands
no one is forcing you to play it
I have never said any of that. Why are you putting words in my mouth?
The zoom in thing when you first arrive is a bit annoying. But at least you can just zoom back out again.
Usually I land alone. But when I land with others you really need to grab the skills asap and pray your quicker then your opponent.
And as always it’s all rng especially at the start.
Lastly never forget about your melee. It helps early kills
Its back in there - or at lwast it showed up for me last night
lol, I just replied to your message, why are you trying to find another way out?
My answer is correct, no more, but the facts are there, sorry
I say it again, since you don’t like to see things factually
The last going to close the debate is shown
next patch, mini game again (and you not play u character)
so we remove the rewards?
You still haven’t showed me where I specifically said that plunderstorm shouldn’t exist on wow. You are making things up and then trying your hardest to make it seem like you have some kind of point?
You are literally arguing with yourself. A literal echo chamber.
well listen it’s funny, but I’m giving you the same answer
I genuinely have no idea what that’s supposed to mean.
Anyway, back to tending to my garden in minecraft!
This means that by your lack of argument, you prove to me that Plunderstorm has its place in WoW
gl !
What are you arguing about? It’s like you’re yapping about something that nobody mentioned. You’re like one of those crazy ppl you see out at 3 AM that randomly walk up to you and start talking about something as if you had a discussion with them about it prior.
Literally heh!?
So it’s not wow, but its neccessary for wow content (the collectables).
the age old reply… :\ but, it is! the collectibles i presume are only from this event. correct me cause i may be wrong and i’ve not looked into it, but i presume the mounts, pets et all ONLY come from plunderstorm?
i have no issue really with plunderstorm as a stand alone event within WoW, but the moment you start adding something from the base game into it (collectables) there will be people who feel forced into it even if its for a single item.
We’ve seen this many times from at least as far back as MoP where people were forced to do PvP for the legendary, even though they hated PvP. and before its taken as a point, i know there is a massive difference between wanting a legendary because it’s required to do content, and wanting a collectable.
Maybe, if there were not 60 people and so few “good” start points it may not be so bad cause the whole point is to get the plunder to buy stuff, and too often people are having to fight pretty much on landing. it doesn’t matter how many people you kill during the event cause its not linked to the game, but the collectables are.
yes like legion and bfa or it was the other way around, pvp players were forced to do pve.
Fortunately this is no longer the case, all that remains is for mm+ and raid to be separate for loots
you have to treat the problem, because you can’t love and have everything. Sorry to be blunt and honest, but sometimes you have to tell the truth