I'm loving Plunderstorm again! <3

it’s not fun. 2-shotting elites and running over “loot” isn’t fun. Then a botter or some nerd who aleady has 5 levels above you in 4 minutes proceeds to one shot you. FUN? Nope


This pretty much. I haven’t tried it, from reading what it is about it seems like Fortnite to me and I have that on PS if I wanted to play it.

If people don’t like it, they don’t have to play it. You will be fine without the mogs and mounts everyone has loads of anyway. :man_shrugging:


People complain and cry, it’s well known


For anyone that does want the mogs it’s a pretty quick grind. Also with the plunder store it’s easier to target just what you want.

I did mine in one go because I wanted to get it out of the way. But if you play a few matches here and there over the whole period that should work too.

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Im having fun.
Depending on the start and luck of opponents I can either die lvl 3 or even 1.
But usually I can just grab some mobs loot and plunder.
Hell I even won two of them so far.


Well, as Im not planning on quitting playing wow and already playing two soloq modes with shuffle and blitz I dont wish to have third soloq mode on top of that, mode which is “last man standing” battle royale type format, the most anti-team effort type design mode could have.

Wow as mmo has become enough antisocial for me already, dont need more solo type content, the last two expansions already brought enough of it. But I guess if ppl prefer games like fortnite but I dont understand why are they not in fortnite then. I play some ww1/ww2 themed shooters too for the themes of them but I dont play deathmatch in those either, I play modes with objectives and goal as squad and team.

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I don’t like it so I don’t play it.

I’m waiting for the next remix to come around so I can level a Void Elf Mage, Draenei Shaman and Blood Elf Monk


I think you’re giving the average WoW community too much credit. Most don’t even play the basic, 20 year old, battlegrounds correctly.

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your right.

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Yop, that’s pretty much it. I absolute dislike it for those reasons. Mainly, it has nothing to do with wow or my druid.

If you could play your class and then have stuff modify or change your abilities as you find power ups in the world, I’d play it. But this, it just ain’t it.


This argument will always make me laugh. When you play pet battle you are not also playing your character.


And they are also fairly unpopular compared to the rest of the game.

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different people have different tastes , some like pve some like pvp ,some just like crafting or gathering


Yes, there is enough for everyone.


Under normal circumstances I play pve most of the time.
But I enjoyed this as a random tacked on gamemode through an event.
Got the whole Store plundered so now if I do more it will be purely for laughs.


Hello everyone!

Thank you for bringing back this phenomenal game! I was eagerly and excitedly waiting for it! What will Blizzard do with this game?

Blizzard has chosen to keep this game as an addon to WoW Retail, which is a real disappointment for me. They should have made the game free-to-play and added a cosmetics shop to support it. They did listen to the community and addressed the grinding, but now players are lacking. :frowning:
This disappointment is not offset by the in-game additions, which have unfortunately been too sparse for a year of waiting :

  • (+) Improvement in picking up spells (stacked items)
  • (+) The new spells are interesting but balanced is bad :
    • The backward leap of the spell Celestial Barrage creates too much counterplay against melee spells.
    • The Celestial Barrage has a range that is far too high
  • (-) Removal of the trio mode, which is really a big loss!
  • (–) No new map (a real disappointment)
  • (+) The addition of mobility via ponies is a good idea, although it lacks a fun aspect and don’t feel right in duo ;
  • (-) Unit respawn in end game should be stop as it makes the map too crowded and make battles more chaotic !
  • (+) Selection of the starting spawn is a good point.
  • (-) No fix for the game engine, in particular, interaction with object :
    • Slicing wind when people are on a hill bump
    • Quaking leap & holy shield interaction with higher ground and small object !
    • New bug :
      • interaction isn’t working properly with bulwark : Celestial Barrage (was fixed !) and void tear (waiting for it).
      • Aura of Zealotry can stop your healing when you re-enter the area because of speed bonus it offers

Best regards,


Hence why I don’t play pet battles? What is your point?


that there are several playstyles on wow, and no one forces you to do them.

but the argument, “plunderstorm should not exist on wow, because you do not play your character” makes no sense, I demonstrate them to you here with the pet fights
the darkmoon races and the dance game are the same, you do not play your character, you make another mini game


I hate pvp, so i despise this mode.
It’s anything but fun for pvp noobs.


i don’t get how people enjoy this mode of game. the camera is far too zoomed in, you can’t target anything smoothly and the damage appears far too unbalanced and all over the place.

even when just landing and we’re both lvl 1 AND i hit them with landing, i don’t seem to be able to 1v1 anything. i’ve made about 10k plunder so far, and i’ve not been able to kill a single player.

im not a fantastic pvper, but i’ve got more than enough kills over the years that surely i should have been able to kill someone by now.

even just now, on landing, me and another player both insta hit lvl 2, then i was able to keep staying behind them (somehow) but they were still able to kill me while taking less than 50% damage. :\

and with the amount of plunder you need for cosmetics, and it being a limited time event, its a shame people don’t just let everyone collect plunder until the end then battle in the middle instead of taking people out whenever you meet.

it does seem nice that the plunder currency seems to have been increased tonight compared to release day. but even still,

this is so painful :\