that’s true, but wow can’t go on forever…blizzard have to stop retail expansion’s release at some point and then will probably focus earning their money out of re-doing old expansions servers all over again. (classic>tbc>wotlk…etc)
unless blizzard magically find awesome solution like… "Sylvanas will manage to find powers beyond this world and become a goddess, then Tyrande makes a deal with Sylvanas for the sake of “seeking the truth about Elune and why she abandoned the Nightelfs” & next expansion would be about champions of azeroth(players) going to a non-existence place where goddess-Sylvanas allowed them to exist.
I don’t know. After all, those nelves are still dead. They haven’t been saved from anything. They have still been murdered by a petty self-absorbed villain who just so happens to enjoy the privilege of one of the writers wanting to sleep with her.
But yes sure, let’s pretend. Let’s pretend that just because we changed their afterlife, that means all is forgiven, and they never died.
No. See, that’s the thing. Tyrande didn’t even know about “hell” or whatever.
Let’s say I murdered your grandmother just to spite some random dude. Just because someone moved her from hell to heaven, would you really say “Oh, okay then”? If I were to strangle you to death (hypothetically, of course), and someone just made your “afterlife” more comfortable - would you really forget what I have done to you?
And now imagine Tyrande. If she settles for anything other than a severed head of Sylvanas on her plate (metaphorical or otherwise), I’ll be really disappointed.
In fact, let’s just pull the Legion ending. Tyrande becomes the new Jailer, and Sylvanas is the prime prisoner. That’d be nice. And about as creative as this writing team could ever get.
you’re assumption are based on feelings, that’s not how things work in reality xD if you wants to criticize something or someone’s action? you need to shut the way of thinking based on emotions.
-being creative is not only about coming up with unexpected ending…it’s about how to satisfy others without burning too much hand cards to secure future and success in earning more credits.
-while many might think that either Tyrande or Sylvanas will somehow fail/die/vanish or whatever? i’d say hell no…none of them will be out of the picture, Blizzard will simply use them to prepare for the next expansion.
unless they think that tyrande can’t bring money then she’d be the one to be gone xD
What I meant is that if they will go with the theme of forgiveness over war, it might be that Tyrande won’t get to pass that, since she is all consumed in hatred and vengeance and while the focus will be more on Sylvanas story I cant help but see her as Maiev was in WC3 chasing Illidan to the ends of the world even after his deeds has earned Malfs and Tyrandes respect.
Unless the Night Warrior ritual will turn her around.
I don’t think that’s what he literally meant.
And besides ending game in that fashion would be such a stale ending that even GoT will pale in comparison to it.
Thats not Night Elven main concern and even if it was I doubt Tyrande will break the bed with butcher of her people, over the info that will help out in nothing.
Also we don’t know what Elune is or is she actually “gone” or not.
Oof, this sums up so much about the non emotional logic storming eh…
@ [Coupedegrace]
for me when wow started…and Azeroth was simple world 16years ago…i somehow knew that people will fight Sargeras, i never imagined when or how would blizz do it But it was normal to expect that wow should end what wc3 started.
years later…when that thought came true? i realized that there is only 1thing left, there is no way blizzard will not do it “to make someone find a way to fight vs the beginning of everything” in simple words? that would be “Void” it never matters who would reach this far to achieve that goal, as blizz created a path for illidan to be the one to fight Sargeras, then blizz will create a path for another to fight the void, it happened to be Sylvanas since she was the center of attention in past few years, not to mention that they been preparing for this in past few years…examples would be! when her sister alleria had a contact with the void, when tyrande eclipsed the moon that looked like void powers, so Elune will be connected to the void.
-putting all that together? therefore the main hero(Currently Sylvanas) have to find a way to create a path for the next expansion.
this is why i’ve said that “sylvanas will ascendant into something that would be able to stop death itself” “next expansion would be about champions of azeroth(players) going to a non-existence place where goddess-Sylvanas allowed them to exist.”
i said i’m not into lore, i’m just trying to guess how would blizzard escape the maw and goes into another expansion without losing subs xD
I’m sorry, I’m still not quite sure what you’re trying to say here. I mean…I know you’re trying to somehow “dispute” what I said by implying that I’m not being “logical”, but you’re doing a pretty shoddy job at it.
this has nothing to do with logic, i’m not saying you’re not logical, all I’ve mentioned is that your comment up had a use of feelings which altered you from getting the solution for blizzard ending. no big deal though! & nvm.
I do not know how much you are following the lore stories, but I think the info is not quite right.
First and foremost Void has not been the ultimate evil in the universe. Its just a magic force that tries to take the lead vs its enemies, so does the light and so forth.
2ndly Sylvanas has no feat in fighting against Void, even more she struck a bargain with Azshara to free Nzoth and set free the powerful Void creature Xalatath and left the fate of the planet in its own devices.
She is not fight this fight for Void but she went to claim the realm of Death to alter the afterlife and make it suitable for her standards, since she saw her unavoidable fate in Shadowlands. Now she tries to reshape it in her image.
Claiming Elunes connection to Void because of the color of the magic is almost the same to say that the purple chains Sylvanas shoots is also a Void magic. And somewhat disregard to all the instances that Elune’s magic was eliminated in light Blue hue.
i’m not sure about how blizzard adress void but those Ethereal mobs goal was always be “to turn into void creatures”
during Sylvanas bargain with Azshara, she stated that she wanted Nzoth vulnerable, as if she wanted to get rid of him or maybe does an experiment regarding of him.
ofc that’s the current step…“shadowlands expansion = a hero against death”, then later in 1~2 expansions it will be a hero against the void.
no no…not about colors, if we consider wow graphics, you’d see that Alleria&tyrande scenes feels the same but sylvanas power is too dusty, ofc that has nothing to do with the truth, blizz could be lazy to differ them
Eh if Sylvanas were to end up in Revendreth, that hardly means everything she’s done is “forgiven and forgotten”, don’t you think? That’s literally the opposite of what Revendreth is about.
And Tyrande as the new Jailer? Yeah no, I doubt she’d like that.
Twice? Because Sylvanas dying and going to Revendreth was already part of the described scenario.
I’d actually expect the “you will destroy yourself if you don’t let go of your hatred”-cliche. And sure, they can let her be consumed by the Night Warrior curse because she doesn’t… or they can show her surviving because she does.
Yeah thats where I see the problem - having one character already embodying the forgiveness trope Tyrande could easily be sacrificed as an example of those who do not let go of their hatred.
But the Night Warrior cleansing quest is also strong indication that she will be purged of that power.
Sure, but I don’t really think that’s more likely than them just hammering exactly the same point with multiple characters. Or do you think it would add anything for them if Tyrande died from terminal revenge-itis?
Nothing except her being used as an example to draw the comparison, highlighting the importance of their message.
It would be shame though if another leader was used as a catalyst to their woven message they have for expansion.
Especially Night Elves would suffer another loss and unnecessary one at that for their own story. Especially when their story has potential to become interesting.
sorry to interrupt you “Nightelf druid” but Tyrande loss might be for the better, and then Maiev can lead in so many better ways. at least Night Elves will be to their true potential under Shadowsong’s command.
I have to say, I am quite curious about how the devs actually see Night Elf complaints… One the one hand they are obviously upset and they have a point. What Blizzard is doing to them is unprecedented and even before Teldrassil they weren’t exactly represented as they were sold before. On the other hand… no one is and the complaints are sometimes so comically exaggerated that I coul actually imagine the devs now happily trolling them, if they are inclined towards trolling behaviours…
Sorry, they made relatively clear that Shandris was next in line if they needed another Nelf leader.
Tyrande has shown to be complicit many times in WoW history and personally being Maiev’s big enthusiast I see problems her having to lead in a faction based system where races are still bound to represent Alliance or Horde. Maiev’s drastic ways won’t go hand in hand even with Varians alliance not to mention Anduin diplomatic approach.
I would take Maiev as leader anyday over Shandris who is her mothers sprout in every way or Tyrande.
I get that Night Elven fans are loud and bit over the edge sometimes makes it hard to have proper argumentation about the story and their points going from logical to extreme but at the very least it is none the less indication that Blizz has to change their approach. And Regarding everyone having delt bad hand I say that the ones who speak out do get “treated” first (now the quality of that treatment is questionable) I see it as double edged sword so some prefer to stay away from story writers gaze.
But overall it is obvious that Night Elves are just mere shadow of what they were in WC3 or in the novels. And the cause for that is the Alliance and the way stories are told in WoW mmo format.