I'm officially DONE with Blizzards default action bars

You said that when you install addons it’s “bad.”

All addons are written in LUA.

I must agree that there is some bug going on when pressing keybinds that are using modifiers on macros. Somehow, sometimes they take 1-2s to do an action (casting it) when pressing it several times out of the GCD and nothing happens. It’s not only me having this issue, I thought it was ElvUI-related, but it seems to be on Blizzard’s part because I do not even use bars from ElvUI, I use the ones from Blizzard.

And for the record, no, I don’t have lag, I play at 20ms constantly and it’s really bothering me at points while doing dungeons. This bug has been going on ever since pre-patch hit.

It could be addon related: even though you use no action bar add-ons the key press could trigger something in an addon. The addon may handle the error but would still cause a slight delay if the error happens often.

If you disable ALL addons do you still get the issue?

In a couple of minutes, I shall play with ClassicUI for the first time. More exited than I was for the entire DF expansion…

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