I'm so bored

These quests are a bore,all i enjoy is raiding…


Sir, this is a Arby’s.


Hi so bored, I’m Drae.


I almost fell asleep doing these amazing quests.


Just because your attention span is too low to appreciate lore and immersion doesn’t mean everyone is like that.


immersion if you have never played an immersive game in your life, sure


And you felt like sharing this… why?


Ugh these stories that Blizzard tells are so stupid and repetitive. It’s always the same:

  • Heroes talk bollocks,
  • They beat on each other with huge weapons,
  • They take zero damage, or regenerate after a few seconds as if nothing happened,
  • One of them decides to troll us and just teleports or flies away.

Warcraft used to be about Orcs and Humans fighting with swords and axes. Even simple footmen were able to secure kills within a few seconds. But these World of Warcraft “heroes” are just invincible anime trolls.

I’m gonna turn on some loud electronic music and just skip all these cutscenes and quest dialogs in Korthia because they are so bad.


Stop living in the past… oh WoW used to be this and used to be that… We need to progress onto something my dude, like you said you can just skip cinematics NOBODY is forcing you to watch them


Yeah, but that’s a literary/cinematic device. There is a theory that there are only so many story archetypes. I mean lets look at a few…

Young peasant’s family are killed by Orcs, all he has left is his father’s sword, he declares vengeance, and a kindly old wizard takes him under his wing, he teams up with a couple of comedy sidekicks, and a rogue with a heart of gold and his brutish sidekick, and they set off to rescue a Princess being held captive in the Demon Lord’s tower. The Demon Lord is the one who sent the Orcs that killed his family. Along the way, the Demon Lord and the Wizard fight, and the Wizard is slain, Having rescued the Princess, they all want to kill the Demon Lord, so storm his tower, he is banished, and the young Peasant boy is a hero.

Could be any generic fantasy novel ever. Is also essentially the plot of ‘Star Wars’.

Even better; “Monster is attacking village, killing lots of people, everyone who tries to kill the monster is themselves killed, till a few valiant heroes finally manage to ‘slay’ the Beast.” Could be Friday 13th, or Nightmare on Elm Street, or ‘Jaws’ or even the oldest remaining story in the English language, ‘Beowulf’."

Point is, there are only so many archetypes to go around.

One last one, but I’ll leave people to guess this one, as I am in a puckish mood.
“Prophecies, Genocide, Exodus, long journey, subjugation, Fascism, All out war for survival, victory, and a new Homeland”

Have a stab at that one! :stuck_out_tongue:
(+10 internet points if anyone gets it!)

That ain’t how I remember the original RTS games…It was more like The Somme with magic “Keep chucking more troops at it because they all die so quickly! Damn! Send more troops! Damn, they have a Hero unit!”

Yeah but, look at some of the most popular films/books in history, heck, what is Superman? John McLane from ‘Die Hard’? Batman?, James Bond? Achilles?
There is nothing in WoW Story telling that hasn’t been done somewhere else, and -that- somewhere else will have taken it from somewhere else, etc etc.

I mean lets be honest here, people rave about Arthas.
“What, you mean the young golden haired one, that prophecies were about, the beacon of hope, who became bitter and jaded after the woman he loved spurned him, and he killed a lot of people, becoming this hideous armoured engine of Wrath…”

I mean that -is- Arthas.
It is also Darth Vader.

See what I mean?

(Sorry for the ramble, but narrative and stories are very much my jam… :slight_smile: )


Shouldn’t you be really happy then? Because as it stands seasonal raidloggers are the primary audience the game is being catered to.



Darth Vader wore a samurai mask.

You’re thinking of ‘Shredder’ from TMNT…nods


Well him too. But the shape of the helmet part of Vader’s mask is very samuraiy.



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Simply terrible quests based on my day 1 experience. I hate it being negative lately so ill try to elaborate a bit - leaving aside the occasional bug, there is a repeat the same mistakes as in 9.0 by adding daily/weekly quests that clog our list for the sake of it. This might have been ok back in TBC but its way outdated now. For the most part I simply abandoned them because they often follow the same logic that you cant just go and loot something immediately, u gotta 1) dismount 2) loot as a cast 3) click on the item (unless using autoloot).Obvious time wasting experience when you got mobs stuck to you that wont let you do that unless the vicinity is first exterminated. Additionally, regarding the rewards for some of these maw ones…175 with the undying army? 250 gold? What?!?

At this point Im even afraid to say that world quests were a better option (as they were an innovation in Legion) knowing they would make them into something like % bars with 1 mob = 2% or something and/or with hidden objectives that only pop up later.

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nah the domination thing is too much and we have to re grind sockets even though we spend months grinding the maw rep. its just sad, but the raid does look good at least


I’m having fun so far and the cinematics are pretty good!

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Korthia is not that bad of a zone neither are the quests. In fact if the rest of the Maw had been like Korthia in the beginning, people may have been happy.

The issue is that Korthia has come too late and people are just fed up with the same old lame storytelling, the same types of quests, and the massive grind to get anywhere.

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Sure, at a high level one can always find patterns. But in WoW, ever little cutscene is repetitive. These WoW “heroes” constantly teleport and fly away after getting slapped around a bit. That’s what annoys me. In reality, when people fight, they get injured or die; but in WoW, the “heroes” just run away unscathed every time and repeat the same thing a few months later in the next cutscene.

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