I'm so bored

Maybe wow is not the game for you, raiding is just a tiny part of the game, if you don’t like any other part then its probably not worth the money or time to you.

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I have never really understood cinematics. They are a big effort to make with voice acting story and scripting, but most people only watch then once, and then skip them, seems a massive amount of work for a one time thing.


And I’m confused.
Dunno is it worth to do anything in Korthia. All progress will get wiped out in next patch, most likely.

Blizz do the best cinematics, love them.

These heroes that take a whole raid of us to defeat still call us “Champions”. One of them beats us but doesn’t kill us because reasons, and then an angel comes and grabs our head and carries us to safety. I feel like such a Champion.

It’s less like Superman and more The Homelander but without the character. Remind me of that scene where he tells the soldiers that they are the real heroes after having handled everything on his own.

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This is true, absolutely. There is far too much “Enough!” endings to cinematics. That I think is down to bad character writing though, not necessarily the Story itself.
For example if you take two characters and look at how they were handled, we see a story arc done well, and a story arc done badly.

Consider Saurfang. He’s an old veteran, like, very old, one of the ones through the Dark Portal. He’s a soldier, because that’s all he knows, and has done all his days. He’s had the horrors, he has committed War Crimes on Outlands, and feels remorse, he has suffered that worst tragedy for a father, having to see his own son die before he did, a complete aberration of the natural order of things. He has always, throughout the WoW franchise, been portrayed that way. He hates the senseless killing, yet can’t ignore the blast of Warhorns when they are sounded. Finally pushed too far, he just wants an old soldier’s death. At the very last, he fights for what he believes in, Honour.
Then there it is, one last challenge, one last fight, one last chance to atone for the sins of his past. He fights, gloriously, and symbolically, wielding an Alliance weapon as well as his own, but is struck down fatally, finally achieving the only peace he will ever know, that of the grave. Though he does not know it, he finally shows Sylvanas’ ugly face to the Horde, as well as the Alliance.

Perfect Character, perfect progression throughout the games, poignant death, and he doesn’t McGuffin his way out of it. He dies. Pretty beautiful story arc.

Then… Shudders

Consider Sylvanas. (In before the screeches of her fans :stuck_out_tongue: )

Hers is a different story, she starts out as the Abused (Her death and servitude under Arthas) Then has a Rebellion arc against Arthas, her methods become darker, she is the Abused turned Abuser, again, a powerful trope, she has one focus in (un)life, to get payback against the son of a female dog who did this to her, to her people. Basically ‘Kill Bill’ if you’ve seen that…
Finally, The one responsible is slain, and she finds her existence entirely bereft of purpose, she decides to end it all, by leaping onto Saronite spikes from the top of ICC.
And that is where her story arc should have ended, to be a good characterisation.
Imagine if the events in the Blizz short story ‘Edge of Night’ had been handled as a cinematic, or like the Warbringers cinematics, we see Sylvanas, her realisation that existence now really -does- have no meaning for her anymore, she takes a stance, and swan dives from the top of ICC, powerful poignant music, possibly a slower, more melancholy version of the Silvermoon City music, then the flashbacks to the happier times in her life which we see, occasionally flashing back to this doomed heroine as she hurtles to the ground, hell, I could even handle them throwing in her and Nathanos’ love story as a snippet as she falls, Then -Bam- impact. Cut the music mid flow, no atmospherics, just utter silence, as she is impaled on the Saronite and the eyes go dull

That would have been good characterisation, that would have been perfect. Moreover, it would have been good story.
Ever since then, she’s been a car crash of narrative that makes no sense.
She goes on to become essentially Arthas 2.0, Fair enough, that too is a trope, ‘You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain’
Then it all starts going stupid…
She starts getting powers she simply wouldn’t have. I mean she -is- essentially a very skilled Dark Ranger. They’re snacky enough. But now she has super spooky powers even more than they do. She ‘Whooshes’ out of every scrap she is in, turning into her own intestinal gasses and powering off.
She’s just pointless, at this stage…
We then end up with this hot mess, where she is supposedly Oh So Clever, and so determined that ‘Life is a Prison, and I will set us all free’ (Which frankly sounds like the sort of thing you would expect to find written on the walls of a psycho ward in the inmates own bodily fluids). So let me get this straight, Life is a Prison, and the first thing you do when you enter the Shadowlands is become the Servant of a guy who runs the biggest, nastiest Prison in the Afterlife…a guy who is literally called ‘The Jailor’… Do we need to buy that girl a dictionary so she can look up the links between the function of a Jailor, and what a Prison is?

She’s farcical, and her constant ‘Enough’ fights are wearisome in the extreme, Hells,I was rooting for Tyrande to just pull her head clean off after choke slamming her. But oh no, kept alive by Steve Danuser and her thirsty fanbase ‘Whoosh!’ off she goes.

She’s basically about as credible a character as Skeletor from the ‘He Man’ cartoons at this rate.

So it isn’t the -Story- that is at fault. Blizz can write good story, they really can. It is when they fixate too much on -characters- and their survival no matter what, that it becomes a problem. Sylvanas’ story was perfect, till the end of Wrath, since then she’s been a mess, and the Story has been dragged along with her nonsense…

Trust me, I can speak from experience regarding the Voice Acting, they will have put in about four times as much time in actual labour, to get what is released in the cinematic, but equally, They’re not involved in Raid Tiers, or Game design, or anything that is a detriment to the game in terms of time cost.
As for a massive amount of work for a one time thing, all I’m saying is…

People still buy Fireworks…

Oddly, I was just re-reading ‘The Boys’ the other day. Jaysis they would not get away with a lot of that in the TV serialisation. Homelander is a (Redacted)…


Only seen parts of a few episodes, but didn’t you just describe virtually every “hero” there? :thinking:

What’s the difference between a duck?

Eeeeeehhh, the Graphic Novel is far worse than the TV Show, trust me…He’s about as bad as you can be, without twiddling a moustache…

Ducks get their own thread.
Also, the joke completely wooshed me.

That sounds like a challenge.

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What lore? It has so many plotholes you cannot even count it.
Where’s the immersion mate? In the in-game cinematics without the characters being lip synced to the awful and cringe voice acting, and where’s the animations feels more jerky then games from 2006?
The first mass effect game is lightyears ahead of WoW in every possible aspect when it comes to storytelling.
The WoW lore at this point is just a very weak and thin layer around the game which is trying to hold it all together, but fails miserably at every step.

Just let us raid in peace, it’s literally the only content that is still enjoyable somehow.

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Immersion in WoW

made my day :relaxed:


While I understand and in part agree with this, remember this point also goes the other way, so when all the Lore stuff is done in a few weeks, and the Lore people are bored while raiders, M+, and pvpers are doing their thing. Then it is also valid to make the same argument.

Who are the lore people? Who pays 13 euro / month for this? You can pay 60 euro as a one time payment for quality RPG games with more than 100 hours of single player gameplay, and a story which is million times more exciting, complex and entertaining than the WoW story.


Simple answer being people who regard it as an MMORPG?

RP’ers basically, who do Raid and do PvP before anyone starts sneering.
Lore matters, story matters, and frankly, some of the stuff that goes on is a hecktonne more immersive than any RPG game which doesn’t actually have any immersion. How can it? You’re not interacting with other people. I mean how can you possibly say that a single player RPG is more immersive than an MMORPG if played that way. It simply is not, and can not be. Which isn’t a fault of the game design, RPG’s are fantastic, but an MMORPG is something different. That’s the beauty of RP’ing. No matter how stupidly outrageous the ‘Champion God-King Generalissimo’ of Azeroth is, You’re not them. You might -be- a hero, but you’re not the guy/gal who killed Arthas.
So that’s who your lore people are, ones who play the game as an MMORPG, and not just playing small parts of it then getting bored.


So they are making up their own story. Which is not canon. With that mentality anything can be a super immersive world changing game. This is so ridicolous man. It doesn’t matter if the game is trash, because RP’ers will make up their own story anyway.

I mean, Im happy for them, but this is no excuse for the game being bad.

I’m sorry but it breaks every last bit of illusion and immersion for me when the NPC calls me champion or maw walker for the 1000th time. And at the same time there are 35 other players mear me and all of them are just as special as me.

For me, a good single player RPG is infinitely more immersive than this. Dragon age, witcher, mass effect, plague tale, kotor, etc.

Thing is…no it can’t. That isn’t how RP works, with RP you work within the story, not necessarily pushing the “I AM THE MAW WALKER” narrative, as everyone would just laugh at you like you were the village idiot. As far as your average Azeroth Hero knows, Turalyon is sat on the throne in Stormwind as the Regent, and Lor’themar Theron is leading the Horde in Grommash Hold.

The Story happens. Doesn’t mean you ignore it, it happens, but it ain’t -you- doing it.

That is every Single player RPG ever. Everyone is the Witcher. Everyone is Commander Shephard, The difference is… That you just don’t see those other people who have equal claim to be ‘that’ person.
That is the sole difference…
And if you can’t get beyond that, then, is immersion in an MMORPG really what you are looking for? I mean, as a player, Brigante can do some mad stuff, and killed Arthas about 50 times or more trying to farm that damned mount. Does that mean Ranger-Captain Brigante Summerisle of the Farstriders personally killed Arthas?

You have to immerse yourself into the -game world-, rather than this bizarre idea that it all revolves around your character, is all. Which ultimately, makes for far better stories than the games you list, as they all have one major flaw.

You will never get dialogue from another human being behind the screen…just a line of text you have to tick.

That isn’t immersion, not at all…

For all its other faults this is one thing that SWTOR does a hundred times better than WoW ever did. Your character has dialogue options and they are voice acted. It makes the story surprisingly immersive and certainly far more so than WoW where we are basically watching the NPCs play out the story while they patronizingly call us Champion.

Reading this just confirms to me that there is really no point in doing the weekly or daily quests as you can just use the catch up mechanics in a few weeks to catch up with whatever BS blizzard have decided to add to the game. So my approach to this game is now why waste all that time doing all the quests to get 2 renown levels for example when in a few weeks I can do spend a few hours and get 6 and save so much time and get them doing something I actually enjoy rather than a crappy predictable campaign.

I used to be one of these players who would spend many hours each week trying to do everything but in the end it doesn’t matter as you can just catch up later.

I only come back for season 2 mythic+ but it seems blizzard decided to time gate this for no other reason than using up subscription time, gg blizzard.

I liked doing this quests once when you were just treated like a POS by the NPC’s and just another adventurer but since you’re now a Hero, Maw Walker, Campion of god knows what and the main characters of the game just blinding follow you around attacking stuff and doing no damage it just didn’t make any sense to me so since then I could care less about the story and if it wasn’t for mythic+ I wouldn’t be playing.

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Thor’s story arc in Marvel Phase 1 thru 3?