I'm so bored

Absolutely agree, SWTOR was an amazing game, I mean still is, it handled the options thing really well, some things it was ‘eeeehh’ at, but that particular aspect was amazing, yes.

That wasn’t the one I was thinking…but I don’t know enough about Thor’s story arc to know if that fits…
I’ll give you a clue, It’s a Book, later a film, for children, that traumatised children who watched the film :slight_smile:

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Not if you play Consular. Voice is likely to put you to sleep. Thankfully there’s helmets and masks with voice morphing which fixes the issue somewhat.

Lady and the Tramp.

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I mean…you’re on the right lines, in that it was an animated film, but I don’t remember any genocide and fascism in Lady and the Tramp :stuck_out_tongue:

Then you’ll simply need a little more patience.
S2 starts soon!

lol. I’m sorry but so far lore is horrific and immersion doesn’t exist. Only lvl 54 but it’s clear wow has gone downhill fast in those departments.

Watership Down?

My original thought was that you were referencing the first few books of the Bible, but the plot points were a little out of order :stuck_out_tongue:

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Let us stop pretending there was a hill for it to go downhill from in the first place.

Vanilla: “So yeah, bad guy, Yeah, really bad, we should totally do something about the Frozen Throne” “What Frozen Throne?” “The one in the Third War, duuh” “Where is that on the map?” “Holy Hell, it has actually vanished, also, where the heck is Quel’thalas?” “Yeah, shall we just have a Cold War stand off, and uhhh…dragons and stuff?”

TBC: “Oh Hello, there’s Quel’thalas, and wow! Aliens have arrived!” “This is nothing new, this is the basic premise of the whole franchise! The orcs are Aliens!”
“So uhh, what now, shall we go and deal with the enemy of life who has laid low a continent and plots our demise?” “Naaah, lets jump through a portal and go beat up a cripple”

WotLK “Guys! Guys! I’ve found an old map! It turns out that Northrend, which we knew existed and have been to, actually does exist, we can go and fight the guy we should have been fighting since Vanilla!” “Yaaaay!”

Cata: “Holy crap! I didn’t know Dragons were that scary, apart from the times when I knew dragons were that scary, but this dragon is definitely scary, He’s blown stuff up! Nobody blows stuff up apart from us! Let’s kick him in the nuts! Yaay, world saved!”

MoP: Actually, I’ve got nothing, that made perfect sense, as it was an entirely new canvas to work with…Can’t really fault that.

WoD: “Time travel! Alternate Realities! Alternate People! Oh Noes, one of the Alternate people is now paying attention to our reality and timeline”

Oddly makes more sense than Vanilla, but moving on…

Legion: “Legion Invasion, everything is horrible, lets chuck a couple of PvP things in there, because that makes -complete- sense during a fight for our survival. Oh wow, turns out that the Cripple we went to beat up during TBC survived, and the Night Elves killed other Night Elves to let this guy out! (Night Elf fans can now officially stop whinging about Teldrassil, because you make no sense) …Wow, who knew, Sarcasm and a Smug grin are more powerful than being able to actually see the frickin’ future, and that blinding yourself, actually means you can see more than you did before! Whoo!”

BfA “Lets go…fight…” “Why?” “Because a teenage Goth had a tantrum moment and set fire to a tree”

Shadowlands "We’re in the Realm of the Dead? This…kind of sucks, is there anything we can do to make it suck less? Oh heck, look out, the teenage Goth is back, what is she going to burn this time? " “It’s OK man, Life is a prison, and she will set us free…”
“Helllo? Anyone at home? Prison…Jailor…Jail, Prison, How does this work?”

So lets not pretend there was a golden age of lore and immersion, because there really was not…

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We have a Winner!


I’m glad to see there are at least a few people which don’t appreciate how ridiculously childish sylvanas writing/story is. Nothing she does makes sense and everything could be A LOT easier if she just explained things like an adult.

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It’s not that I don’t sympathise with the OP, but we all knew that week 1 was just Korthia and quests. They’re even largely optional if you’re going to gear from raids and M+.

If you don’t like what’s available, just chill out, ignore it, feel free to push an M+ to have a good one for next week, but otherwise just take a few days off until reset. Most of us have been on a break for several weeks already, so it’s really not a biggie to have a bit more :smile_cat:

(That said, I do kind of object to a subscription game that bribes you to commit in 6 month increments, but doesn’t bother to deliver stuff to do solidly. Blizzard are not echoing their demand for our commitment with any of their own, and that rankles.)

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Nah, Ceranity nailed it, it was ‘Watership Down’…


'Twas a joke…riffing on ‘traumatising for kids’…have you seen Coraline?

Watership Down is a great book and film.

No, but I got a feeling I don’t want to.

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It’s great…but the Parental Guidance rating should be spelt out in full, with caps lock ON.

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