I'm trying to do full raid clean without paying gold

So I’m trying to do full normal+heroic clear without buying boost and after three weeks I think it is impossible for solo dps player to do this.
In time where I was waiting for get invited to gorup I farmed enought gold to get Sylvanas HC boost.

Why this game is so bad right now that only way to get in to group is be part of big raiding guild or pay gold.


You know there are tons and tons of DPS people on game right? All fighting for the same spot.
Some of my friends had a similar problem so they called me and I went with them, since I’m mainly a guardian player and it didn’t take more than 1 minute for the invite.

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I haven’t tried this patch, but I did normal + HC Nathria PUG on the first week or two that it was released. It was tough though, particularly HC Sludgefist, council & Denathrius, and it required hopping between ALOT of groups. I ended up having to form my own raid for Denathrius as i was rarely getting an invite as an enhancement shaman.

I wouldn’t even bother now unless raiding in a guild, it was more work than I’m willing to invest again!

Or and this is a wild thought. You play a Monk. You have a tank spec. If you don’t want to compete with the other 100000000 dps players, just respec.

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Dps pug life is a harsh one.

If you plan to pug, next time pick something that let you into groups more easily.

Monk have worst tank spec from all classes in game. I prefer even tank as a hunter or warlock then monk. Really My paladin is in prot, my warrior is in pro. I tank as a Druid and DK but only monk feel so squishy. Every time when boss him me I feel like ant getting hit by elephant.

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They are one of the best for normal and heroic and can even do most mythic bosses with ease what are you on about .

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Monk tank spec so bad it was used in world first kill.


So OP they can even solo tank heroic bosses when other classes can not .

I tank lfr, and sometimes normal bosses but for example Painsmith was over me. I cannot get more than three hits from him without dying. I read a lot of guides but I don’t see what I have done wrong ;/

Bs, Patch 9.0 i pugged CN HC on my warlock and got the “a head of the curve” achiv. You dont have to buy boost, you need to take ur time, go read up on mechanics, when you apply write a short note that u know mechanics, you use consumes ect. I know its hard to get picked as dps, cus the amount of ppl applaying. Well then go make ur own group if its so hard to wait acouple of hourse.

I do not understand this crybaby state of mind you guys have: OMG i qued up for HC raid and got declined omfg blizzard stupid, i go buy boost. Game broken.

So it’s not a brewmaster issues then. Don’t know why you would blame the spec then if you already know the problem.

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I did it multiple times before I was in a guild (and no, I did not pay for boosts, though they weren’t a big thing back then anyway). The best way is to probably lead your own group since you get to dictate the success of that group to a pretty high degree, but obviously to most complainers that is already way too much effort.

And I’ll tell you something: it has never been easy to get into random hc pugs just by being a dps without prior experience, boosts or not. Also, I don’t think you’re good enough yet to even kill Sylvanas on heroic yet based on your logs.

Idk how you can make something wrong as a monk, you basically press buttons and there you go, mitigation happening.

The only thing you need to manage a bit is the celestial brew and the on demand heal but aside from that, you have an insane mitigation that does not even require management.

This is a very short time for pugs to be clearing heroic. Many organised guilds haven’t got there yet. Sure, the ones pushing for mythic have, but pugs by nature are made of average players who aren’t in mythic guilds.

Give it 3 months.

Isn’t there a loading screen tip that says WoW is better with friends?

Either way, it is. It’s always been the case that people who bother to be friendly with others, who join guilds, who join communities, have a better time than those who don’t. There is no better way for a solo player to spend their time than by finding a long term group to play with.

Also, not all raiding guilds are big. Some have 12-15 people and sometimes only 10 show up. They still manage, they still have fun.

Exactly. That’s why it is really worth recognising that this game is designed for social players. It is intended that you make some friends and you play primarily with them.

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Thats why i stopped puging raids - its just wasting of time. LFG is terrible. A lot of statics want you 100% on RT like a job and mostly META spec(no META then GTFO) or if you are very nice competetive guy(girl pref) they can take you on farm with gold buyers.
People don’t want to play, they want to make money/gold and other casual players suffer in LFG and some of them buy boost, cuz its faster.

I was raiding with friends, but all of them left and new ones just start learning about game. So we have done Tazavesh only as a group of 3 players. but doing raids in 3 players I don’t think it is possible.

I am inclined to agree.

My point is that WoW expects you to be part of a guild/community. The game design gives you no assistance in finding groups, the pugging community is very picky. The best thing anyone can do if they want to raid, is join a raiding guild. Or make one :smile_cat:

Just give it time, a lot of guild raids don’t have 10/10, so pugging it is currently a bit unrealistic.
If you don’t raid with a fixed group there is little to progress, just do other content. Buying a HC clear does not make you a better player.

Find a guild m8, lots of guild there suffering from player shortage and a big chunk of them are normal or hc and not hardcore or community.

Its an mmo, while lfg makes raiding more accessible de iure, de facto its harder to form a raiding group let alone finish one.

Even if youre some emo introvet with twice forked tongue and horn growing from your behind and your voice sounds like a mix of Illidan and Millificent Manastorm, trust me you dont ever never have to talk or show them in any way youre there except for

a) first few interview lines about what you play
b) come to raid prepared
c) know at least some tact or know how zo listen cause usually theres a schmuck RL who explains everything and youre grateful at least he knows what to do

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