I'm trying to do full raid clean without paying gold

I agree with what you said but he is in 226 gear atm and has more than enough for normal and heroic SoD raid :slight_smile:

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you started out with

and reached the conclusion

it was possible to work your way up from 0/10N in CN to 8/10 HC just by pugging. source: I’ve done it.
you may have to find a role people ask for though but that’s not blizzard’s fault.

in case you’re actually looking for tips and didn’t just come here to complain to blizz, you need to join fail groups. if you have low gear/no achievements the only groups who’ll have you are the desperate ones stuck at the nth boss. this will get you enough kills to be invited to better groups.
on HC, realistically you’ll be queueing for individual bosses and then the group disbands (usually). again, once you have achievements you can get into better groups.
this lets you progress the raid very slowly over weeks, but if your goal is to farm it every week, Do. Not. Pug.

normal raid requirement: ilvl >220
heroic raid requirement: ilvl >233

these ilvls works best in pugs i’d say. i did 5 normal raid pugs this week 10/10. all 5 characters are over 220. 2/4/14 is the best raid size. 2 tanks, 4 healers, 6 melees, 8 ranges. a short explanation before every boss and here you go. dont forget to have a warlock in the raid, because people will leave and you need to summon new people. ^^

I agree what you said but monk is not even close to bad tank
yes we can say people struggle with it cause it’s not a typical tank where you use defensive and you are using your one selfheal ability and you do some dmg
MONK stagger is a mechanic you need to play around
you need to know exactly how it works because bad monk tank is going to be killed pretty fast
and the good one is basically immortal :smiley:

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Great MMO vibes isn’t it. Being denied constantly a raid.

World of 5% of the time accepted Craft.

Shouldn’t need a guild to do a raid. A lone opportunist adventurer should be part of the RPG elements.

Elitist turds will defend the current PUG situation. Ignore them.

No one’s obligated to take you in higher difficulties in a PUG, there’s a ton of other DPS also applying…

If you want to raid with minimal fuss join a guild.

yeah current raids are indeed hard/impossible to solo. always been the case to be honest :joy:

tbh from my experience the easiest way when pugging in raids is playing a healer . as long as you pump numbers people will most likely never notice your small mistakes and wont kick you :stuck_out_tongue:

so i would strongly recomend pugging as mistweaver instead brewmaster tbh :stuck_out_tongue:

Our raid team hasn’t progressed to Sylv Hc yet but individuals have pugged it and not paid.

It’s not something I fancy pugging myself.

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It has nothing to do with that. If you play the most played role, you’re gonna have to deal with waiting because guess what. There’s always someone with more gear, more progress or better logs out there applying for the same spot too.

OP is complaining he can’t get into raids as a DPS, did you stop to consider it’s because there are a crazy amount of you out there?

Going tank for 1 raid tier will let him get invited and clear it eventually.

I honestly don’t understand the logic of ‘oh just go tank’ replies. Same goes for healing.

Just play a role you absolutely detest and makes you want to stop playing the game. It’s never the answer IMO.

If tanking is something you enjoy then by all means give it a whirl. I’ve suffered lots of bad tanks in both raids and mythic plus who have no idea really what they are doing but feel it’s the magic answer to getting into content.

However if you are a dps, you are always going to be the most common factor when it comes to raids and have to accept that you’re not always going to be first choice for groups.

I kinda agree but at the same time not, like you say later on, if you’re a DPS you need to know there are massive queues.

But if you complain about the queues as a DPS (without offering any kind of solution no matter if it’s bad), then I have no problems telling them to go tank (or start their own group).

I would rather not play than be forced to do something I hate. This game is my hobby. I’m not here to suffer :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Well yes ^^ Nobody wants to do stuff they hate, especially in a hobby. But you also realize that there are waiting times for DPS so I have no problems with that at all :grin:

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I was asked last raid, how is my holy spec, I told them it kills people :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Take your time find a guild down her in a couple of weeks. Don’t see a problem

“The lone wolf dies but the pack lives on”.

Want to play solo. You can sure but THERE should be drawbacks.
Playing solo should be possible in a MMO but it should not become the “main and most efficient way to do it.” RPG or not…its still a MMO not a single player game.

You are askin for the “convenience” of puging but also to remove all the drawbacks from it.
Can’t have cake and eat it too.

my answer is honest though .

its ultra easy to pug raids in lfg as healer - you have insta invites and everyone wants you - plus if you underperform a bit nobody will notice - tank underperformign is super easy to spot - healer just pumps aoe and pretends that he knows what he is doing :wink:

if i personaly wanted to pug and played a monk i would play mistweaver offspec.

thats what i did in mop at certain point before finding amazing guild back then - was soooo easy to progress and join pugs :slight_smile:

i even once accidently puged and healed with 1 person with whom i then played for like 2 years in that guild :stuck_out_tongue:

I didn’t imply anyone was answering dishonestly.

I said I honestly don’t understand why people expect others to play things they don’t enjoy.

hc sylvanas is like 350k on my realm