Imagine a (PvP-)World, were we

…just play. No Rating-Requirements, Honor- and Conquest Points via all PvP activities.

Weekly Cap for the actual Week. Catch-Up mechanic (First week 1.500; Second Week 3.000; Third Week 4.500; etc.). Higher Rating = Higher Cap = Rated PvP = Higher Cap = get better Gear faster. But over Time, this Advantage in Gear can be negeted. It should be easy to farm Conquest Points for you weekly cap, through Battelgrounds and Skirmish.

Gear shouldnt not make the Difference in the End-Game. It only takes Time, nothing else.

Higher Ratings will provide Cosmetic, Gimmicks, ec, but not Gear.

Seasons should last about 12-16 Weeks, so no Meta could really establish. Rating-Sitting shouldnt be a thing anymore, and it’s also nicer to have more Seasons during an Addon. There should also be more frequent adjustments for PvP. The Player-Activity should be higher because of that.

According to that, PvP- and PvE-Seasons must be seperated, which also means, that Gear has to change:

There wont be „new“ Sets every new Season, instead you can upgrade your existing Set at the same costs. The costs for upgrading your Items would be divided by 2, every upgrade increases your PvE-ilvl by about 3, the PvP-ilvl by about 5. Green and Blue Gear can be upgraded with Honor Points, Epic Gear with Conquest Points. PvE-Gear maybe upgradable too. As soon as a PvE Season begins, a new PvP Season begins too. This time there will be a new PvP-Set to buy (also because of optics). The PvP-Sets arent just PvE-Sets with a different colour, they’re completly unique! The costs stay the same, but you cannot upgrade your „older“ gear. New PvP-Sets have a higher ilvl as the previous ones (green, blue, epic). For every PvE-Season, there will be 2 PvP-Seasons.

The Costs have to be upgraded, because of the shorter Seasons. In WoD, it took about ~27 Weeks to fully gear yourself just via the weekly Cap. With Bonusloot you could reduce this to about ~20 Weeks.

This will not fit anymore then. You either reduce the costs for items, or you increase the Cap, so that you can buy more pieces of Gear per Week – even with the Standard-Cap.

3 different PvP-Sets. Craft Gear or buy/sell iton the Auction House, PvP-Gear with Honor Points, PvP-Gear with Conquest Points.

Example – Numbers are just for your understanding!!!

Green PvP Gear (Crafted) = 700 (725) +3+3 = 706 (735) ­| S2 - 715 (750) +3+3 = 721 (760)

Blue PvP Gear (Honor) = 705 (735) +3+3 = 711 (745) | S2 - 720 (760) +3+3 = 726 (770)

Epic PvP Gear (Conquest) = 710 (740) +3+3 = 716 (750) | S2 - 725 (770) +3+3 = 731 (780)

PvE-Gear should never be better in PvP, than PvP-Gear. Also this shouldnt be the case for PvP-Gear in PvE. PvE-Gear should always be the best choice for PvE. According to this example, the PvE-Gear would not exceed ilvl 730. The maximum Gear of PvP/PvE should be suboptimal at it’s for the other content, but not useless. Every PvE-Bonus and Trinkets are disables in PvP-Fights! If you dont want to participate with PvP in the World, then turn your WM off!

Sockets can be purchased for 10.000-15.000 Honor Points. Maybe with Conquest Points in addition.

The Game should be based around Instances/M+/Raids and BGs/RBG/Arena/World PvP, so THIS is THE Content. Everything else is optinal but you dont have to do these things! It is kinda similar, like WoW was back in the days. No Daily-Quests, no Reputation Grinding for Sockets, no Campaign you’re forced to do so you can continue playing! Everybody does, what he loves to do! Many Players dont have the Time and Effort to invest so much time in things they dont like. WoW should not feel like you’re Working!

For all the players, that think everything is free, and „Work“ must be worth it:

You still need to Grind, but it’s faster, the Seasons are shorter (so is has to be faster), nobody is getting things for free, and for those who are better, you dont need an additional advantage in Gear.

Good Players mostly also play Rated PvP, so they have the Gear faster as most of the players. So you still have your Advantage in Gear, but everybody can catch up. PvP isnt PvE – they’re totally different Content in the Game, which cannot be compared in that way. PvP means Player versus Player, and not Player versus Gear – sounds more like PvE.

WoW is an MMP(-RPG) and that doesnt fit:

So i dont know where in WoW is really „RPG“. I think there are way better RPGs than WoW. Also, in an MMO (PvP) you’re not able to have fair conditions, when it comes to PvP?

WoW is about Gear – this is good and it should stay like that. But still, PvP and PvE are totally different – i dont know why some are still arguing about that.

A seperation of both Content was the best Solution (WoD) because a) both Content are to different, and b) many Players are mostply playing just „one“ Content. Back in the Days, many Players participated both Content – i did it too. It was also normal to have 2-3 Raid-Sets – in addition to your PvP-Sets (or Sets!). Everything with less space in your Bags.


This Topic was discussed a lot, during the last 6 months – it would be smart to implement SoloQ for Arena (maybe RBG also?). But i think that other things are e.g Gearing, are way more imporant now.

That’s why i maintain a low profile here.

New Content + Communictaion:

New BGs and Arenas are missing. Yes, we got a new Arena with SL, but there’re still missing new BGs – or even new Modi for PvP; keyword – PvP Warfront…something like that.

Communication, also such a Topic. It’s missing entirly, merely after a massive amount of Hints and Feedback, they’re reacting, otherwise kinda never. The hole thing is very sad. During WoD and at the Start of Legion, the Communication about PvP was quite good – it still in need of improvement, but way better than during BfA and actually in Shadowlands.

PvP in WoW is still a Tragedy, there’s nothing coming, Things arent communicated, nobody seems to be in charge of, while Chaos rules internal, who knows…

Anyway, at this point i thank You for reading this.

I know, that nothing will happen, but these thoughs are in my mind for quite some time, and in wanted to write them down (again) :wink: .

The Origin of this Post is in German, and can be found here:

Since english isnt my native language, be kind and dont be harsh to me. I know, that some sentences, etc. arent grammatically correct :wink: .

As alwas thanks and we’ll see us on the Battlefield :crossed_swords:


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