Imagine thinking camps humans built for orcs after 2nd war were morally wrong

So genocide is fine for as long as person X does it, and not person Y.


Great display of moral standards and a great sample of how much you actually care for them :ok_hand:

Amusement through trolling.
Even if it comes at the expense of making himself look like an fool in front of everyone that visits this place of the internet.

Key here is not to take this seriously, and simply point out at the sheer idiocy behind 99% of the “logic” behind this entire premise.

Ok. So you think we are just supposed to forgive your genocides. Talk about biases.

If it was us attacking orgrimmar right away I can see you advocating for justice right away.

An eye for an eye, or at least, an eye for an ear or something. Horde is like the child with poor behaviors that never has to face any consequences for their actions: “whoopsie, almost wiped an entire race” Well don’t worry, mommy won’t punish you for that, after all, it’s no big deal! you did nothing that terrible.


I’m simply pointing out the fact that not long ago you compared those that enjoyed fictional genocides with the ones that enjoy scenes about disgusting sexual violations…and then started arguing how you would enjoy them yourself.

For me it reads like a lot of rubbish from a person which don’t understand the difference. Why don’t you link the source for your “simple psychology” or should I say “simple answers”.

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I didn’t think the Story Forum is the place with the highest rate of degenerate behaviour I have seen as of late. Sorry to say, especially since i’ve had wonderful times discussing actual topics.

No, YOU think that. YOU think we’re all accepting of these strange, deviant concepts that you love pointing us of.

Do you think any Horde player that tries to be against what the story has done to them does not exist? Do you think the numerous complaints of Horde players wanting proper storytelling and not to be thrust into the seat of villainy are just pretending because they have an apparent secret fetish for Genocide like you think they do?

How would I enjoy this? I wouldn’t want to wipe horde if you didn’t keep attacking us for nothing. But I see it as necessary in order for our faction’s greater good.

I talk about those who think genocides like teldrassil are something cool to have on your wallpaper or as a tatoo, extreme cringe. Those people are low trash for me. I’m not enjoying any unnecessary violence, only when it’s done as an answer for an atrocity made against us. - And that is the difference. I don’t want to hurt you for nothing out of the blue, but at this point you’ve done so much terrible things that it’s simply too much. Teldrassil was only about 1 year ago in wc universe and you haven’t faced anything for it.

Meh, there were always outliers.
Some people’s investment with the story reaches sickening levels, and there has been some nasty comparisons and name-calling around here ever since Teldrassil happened.

Its like some sort of unhealthy tribalism dialled up to eleven with BfA.

You see genocide as necessary? Because…ahem…


What exactly says that I would >ENJOY< it?
Do you think soldiers who fight in wars to kill to fight of the evil enjoy taking lives? No. It is something that is necessary for their race to survive, which is exactly what would be the case here

This is not[quote=“Northuldra-ravencrest, post:68, topic:252208, full:true”]
What exactly says that I would >ENJOY< it?
Do you think soldiers who fight in wars to kill to fight of the evil enjoy taking lives? No. It is something that is necessary for their race to survive, which is exactly what would be the case here

But you argue to kill everyone, man, woman, child, guilty, innocent, Sylvanas loyalist or Rebel…
Not just the people who threaten the survival of your race.

Or imagine if you’d be a dangerous animal and your parents, grandparents and everybody else of your kind wouldn’t differ.

And how do you guarantee that your alternative would work? Horde also promised much after the SoO. What did the alliance got 2 xpacs later, huh? Let’s not forget that we speak about fel infused orcs and not normal humanoids. The fact that they weren’t killed off was just pity after all they’ve done.


I haven’t said it but thought of it as obvious. obviously if we were to siege horde now I wouldn’t want everyone even innocents to die. But the vast majority of the horde. those who still seek conflict and want the horde to be as when it was first founded. I wouldn’t want to kill children or anyone who advocates or peace, especially not tauren or vulpera who have just joined the horde. But ESPECIALLY sylvanas loyalists who YOU let live under the same roof even after fourth war.

but since majority of horde are still seeking conflict I do refer to this group as whole horde

There is no way to guarantee it. Nobody knows how to read the future.

But we do know (thanks to inner thoughts shown in the novel) that for example Orgrim was willing and predisposed to honour the deal and let Alterac humans be after he had secured enough land for the rest of the clans.

I hate to bring a Godwin here, but it would be like having the allies and the soviets deciding that the best course of action to avoid a third war, would be to either exterminate or put in concentration camps the entirety of Germany.

So yeah, there were alternatives.

Humans may have taken what they thought was best at that time, but that doesn’t mean that (a) it wasn’t a morally questionable course of action, or that (b) they hadn’t other alternatives.

Gambling on a praxis that treads on a war crime line, the only thing that it guarantees is that those involved will violently revolt against it if given the chance.
Honestly, humans were lucky that the one in charge ended up being Thrall instead of Grommash.

EDIT: And for full disclosure, i’m not really blaming humans here. They did, as they saw fit given the cards they had.
But that doesn’t mean I can’t call out on said actions as they were.

Yeah, you can do wonders once you dehumanise the target of your grudges.
That reminds me of how certain people ended up treating certain other people.

Thing is, Orcs weren’t animals. And neither were their families or children.

Brushing under the carpet the underlying problem left behind isn’t exactly helpful in order to guarantee that all sides concerned are content with their side of the deal.
Specially if you are to then keep on poking at them, while also granting additional reasons as to why said peace can’t last (i.e. Genn deciding to attack Sylvanas in Stormheim).

Certain agents may have ended up escalating it, but when you get even Saurfang on board, you may want to reconsider if there is some additional stuff you should’ve checked on in order to avoid this to happen.

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Guys, I think you’ve gone way too off topic and into personal territory.

Mindless alliance fanatic passing by. Nothing to see here but a brabbling idiot who got offeneded. Keep spouting your stupid nonsense.

either join the rant or don’t write anything, you’re not even annoying, but pretty sad.

No, this is not how it works. The 3rd reich had way too many factors to be considered and after all they were all humans. Orcs are not humans and their history proves it.

You don’t set on questionable alternatives when you can have a guaranteed success. It is morally questionable but reasonable for the affected people. Orcs have all rights to be angry.

Nobody would allow them to develop with Grom in charge.

I agree that it isn’t healthy to keep Genn around.

lmao Genn attacking sylvanas is like the single instance of alliance attacking first & he had very very good reasons for it. If genn attacked anyone else it would be unjustified, but attacking scum that mass killed his people, killed his son and almost took is land his beyond reasonable and justified

Hush. The grown ups are talking now. Nobody cares about your opinions.

Then let the grown ups talk and you go change your diaper, then go to bed

As i said:


For Warcraft standards, orcs are about as human as any other ingame race.
And advocating for the “Only humans get humane treatment” is stupid in a setting that has several humanoid races.

Dwarves and elves aren’t deserving of humane treatment neither?

Thing is…it wasn’t guaranteed success. As Thrall proved later on.

It was a questionable decision, of little morality, that only guaranteed a permanent resentment against humans.

And if said sort of morally questionable and radical measures are to be considered reasonable, then why all the fuss with stuff like Teldrassil?
If we are to dismiss moral enemy treatment based on whether we consider our enemies “human”, then its all fair game. For everybody.

So yeah, if you want to argue how the internment camps weren’t morally wrong, you may have a whole series of ramifications to consider.


No? Why not?
All Orcs needed was a figure to rally behind and they were more than capable of storming and overwhelming the spread-out and lightly warded camps.

With Grom in charge instead of Thrall, the only difference would probably be that instead of having said population navigate elsewhere to live peacefully, they would’ve continued razing and killing every human settlement they encountered.

And who “allowed” Thrall’s Horde to develop? Humans tried their best to stop them, but they couldn’t.

This parallel with the concentration camps was far from being the only alternative left for humans. And was a decision of questionable morality.

I mean, even Azshara granted trolls certain lands after almost wiping them all out during the Night elf expanse.

EDIT 2: Again, i’m not really fan of the moralist angle regarding fictional races, but if people are to weight them as they apparently want to, then all this rhetoric from both OP and several takes on the matter, reeks of double standards.

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